This is quite frightening actually. I mean, the one girl was just standing there with her needle ready for any other drug she can get. People bent over at waist literally dead still. THIS is what marxism is bringing. THIS is what open borders brings too - unlimited drugs. THIS is what your tax dollars are going towards, and THIS is what is going to bring our medical system to collapse ('Rona notwithstanding) This problem is getting exponentially worse. This "people" are actually a lost cause and what to do with them is a good question and one certainly worthy of some heated debate. There is no way, at that point, they can ever be rehabilitated. They've done well beyond destruction that would bring them to the actual IQ level of moron; they are, quite literally, imbeciles and idiots.
Once upon a time those beings probably had families, hopes, etc......
When the world is on SOMA.