
They know nobody voted for Biden, they know it was a scam, so this is the best way to explain away the missing 81 million, instead they make a huge show of force then when nothing happens they will pat themselves on the back and say, See we protected you.

This is just more of the same to hide the fact this is a total scam...

It's literal camouflage, wow what a great job we did at the capital everyone stayed home, we scared the violent mobs away, they knew better than to show up. All the shit you know MSM will say...

Meanwhile, nobody voted for the guy and nobody was gonna show up to begin with but protesters. Can't have them outnumber the supporters. Meanwhile the other states getting involved just want to be in on the PR campaign.
They know nobody voted for Biden, they know it was a scam, so this is the best way to explain away the missing 81 million, instead they make a huge show of force then when nothing happens they will pat themselves on the back and say, See we protected you.

This is just more of the same to hide the fact this is a total scam...

It's literal camouflage, wow what a great job we did at the capital everyone stayed home, we scared the violent mobs away, they knew better than to show up. All the shit you know MSM will say...

Meanwhile, nobody voted for the guy and nobody was gonna show up to begin with but protesters. Can't have them outnumber the supporters. Meanwhile the other states getting involved just want to be in on the PR campaign.
This is exactly what I was just telling my wife. They needed a reason for people to not attend the inauguration.
The groundwork is being laid. First comes getting the public to believe you are insurgents...

Yea, that article just flat out pisses me off. The jack leg that wrote it should burn a paper copy and fold it to a nice sharp pointed origami figure and stick it up his whiny ass
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Well, if anything...trust in media is probably at LEAST as low as it is for politicians, which is pretty piss-poor it seems.

The past 4 years has shed even more light on this - and it goes both ways. Just wait until next week to find out, in the meantime, watch these advertisements...

Its weird, because whole lots of people on both sides know this to be true, yet empower it at the same time? 🤔 Odd, when you think about it.

This creates a constant state of confusion and perpetuates the divide.

Which is sad.

As for the actual goings on, well...we can draw our own conclusions, I suppose.
While we were losing the 1A all the "good" folks including many on this site were busy clucking their heads and saying "too bad, but 'private' companies can do as they want"...

Now the mask is off and the "private companies" are openly showing that they are organs of the communist party of America and thank you very much for allowing us get away with it all and making excuses for us until we had everything in place to turn 1984 into real life overnight...
Starve 'em out. Go here:
Don't necessarily disagree.

Is it working? IDK, if you think it is...then it is. Perception is reality.

If it was working so well, there would be no need to keep pushing that agenda, I find this to be realtively true for just about anything.

Some will certainly be persuaded, but I think the larger ship may have already left port. But who knows, really?

In other words, if trust in the media is so low, then why do we put so much power in what they say?

What is this guys Hide name?​

Time to Fight​

A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. No more whining. Time for work.
By Ned Ryun

January 15, 2021

If you had any doubts about how much the swamp hates, loathes, fears, and despises Donald Trump, the fact that it has impeached him twice in roughly 13 months should remove all doubt. Mind you, neither of the impeachments has anything to do with facts. Both were about power and who wields it.

Neither had anything to do with the Constitution or the republic or the betterment of the American people. Oh, no. This was the deeply corrupt D.C. system we have let run rampant for far too long, flexing its muscle, giving the middle finger to the American working class and taxpayer, who, of course, funds the system that funds the swamp. It was a warning shot to the American working class and taxpayers to mind their betters: anyone who champions their cause will be dealt with in like manner.

This was entirely about setting the bar—warning any other American, any outsider who seeks even to try to restore the American republic or challenge the administrative state and ruling class—that there will be massive personal and financial costs for such activity.

The latest impeachment should also put to rest the farce that somehow Democrats and Biden desire unity. Spare me!

Part of the justification for the latest abuse of the impeachment process was the talk of Trump being like Osama bin Laden and that his supporters are “domestic terrorists.” This should have made it very clear that the Democrats’ idea of unity is submission and conformity to their radical ideas, not compromise or a return to sanity and reason. They want nothing to do with unity, and you’d better get that memo straight in your head: there will be no dissent. Once the “highest form of patriotism, dissent is now terrorism.

They stand there, shaking their heads, telling us like little children that we have to move on and accept reality—that we have to accept the results of the election when, of course, it was they who made a farce of our election system to win it. They neglect to mention that they still have not accepted the results of the fairly decided election of 2016, which of course, is also what the multiple impeachments were about.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

In fact, spare me the hypocrisy on a whole host of fronts. They are mumbling on about supposed “sedition.” You really want to talk about sedition? Democrats, the Left, and the media (but I repeat myself) lied about the 2016 election and Russiagate in what was a truly seditious attempt to undermine a duly elected president—so spare me their theatrics and pretensions to decency.

You really want to talk about violence? We watched the Democrats for months and months endorse and support Antifa and Black Lives Matter arson and riots in American cities, not condemning it at all—in fact, even bailing the rioters out of jail. So I can assure you, Democrats and the Left don’t have any qualms about violence as long as it’s pointed at their political enemies.

As for the Constitution, it seems ridiculous that the people trampling the nation’s charter are so eager to invoke it. Democrats and their allies despise the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and 10th Amendments and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s efforts to get the military to report to her shows she’d prefer to nuke Article II. As envisioned by the founders, the original intent of the Constitution, with its separation of powers, is anathema to the Progressive Left; it’s like holy water to vampires.

In the midst of the retribution for Trump daring to challenge the status quo, Democrats, along with many Republicans, show how deeply unconcerned they are about the tens of millions of Americans who need help in the face of the draconian and idiotic lockdowns. Nope, let’s instead focus our efforts on impeaching Trump again and waste the American taxpayers’ money on yet another witch hunt when those funds could have a thousand better uses.

In case you were wondering who the ruling class thinks the system serves, here’s a hint: It isn’t you. To say the American worker and taxpayer are an afterthought seems overly generous: I’m not sure you even cross their minds most days.

In the aftermath of Impeachment Part Deux, there are those inside the GOP who think they’ve put the dirty peasants out to pasture along with their champion. It’s hard to comprehend such idiocy: only fools would alienate the base and think there won’t be consequences for the party. Every last Republican who voted for impeachment will be primaried. Not just the GOP establishment, but the D.C. establishment as a whole, needs to have the power they cling so tightly to ripped from their hands by the people they swore to serve.

But a word to the America First base: it’s one thing to air your grievances. That time has passed. You had better get to work. A party is what people say it is and the people who say what it is run and win primaries, show up at conventions, and run for precinct chair. Stop bemoaning how the GOP has abused and abandoned you. Stop talking and get to work. No more rallies. No more moaning and groaning.

Time to fight.
Damn... families turning on each other over politics is definitely part of the plan. She claims she's the lesbian daughter who was kicked out multiple times for how she thought. Obviously I have no idea the context or what actually happened with their arguments, but it shows the ramifications of families starting to hate each other over different ideologies and how thinking a certain way is now grounds for breaking families apart.

I had to witness my dad and sister get into an argument on Christmas eve over covid and how more people should have came to her house. He left abruptly. All I could think is how this plays perfectly into their plans of avoiding or turning on your family, and snitching on your neighbors. Those 2 haven't talked since then, and this does nothing to help the general public, only the people in charge, as we are easier to control when we don't stand together. Even if they feel remorse, and ratted the family member out because they were angry, in the end the damage was done, and the government got exactly what they wanted. Keep your family close regardless of what they believe.
Lessons from Soviet Russia:

Family snitched on family. Friends snitched in friends. Co-workers on co-workers. Some did it because they believed they were a threat to the state. Some did it because they were pulled in to the police station and coerced into it. Some did it because they thought they would be saved if they threw someone else under the bus.

Many who snitched for “the good of the party” got rolled up by the police down the line and were surprised. They didn’t know they were useful idiots. Even some of the police got rolled up. Many were executed in basements and hauled off in a truck bed full of fellow dead Russians in the middle of the night; the lucky ones. The rest were sent off to the gulags and tortured for information, then forced into labor, killing many due to starvation, exposure, and disease.

Many described living in horror because you never knew when the police would show up and arrest you. Maybe in your sleep. Maybe at work. Who knows? Some people turned themselves in because they knew it was coming and couldn’t handle the anxious fear and paranoia anymore. One minister described the near relief when he was finally arrested, because he didn’t have to worry about when it was coming anymore.

Solzhenitsyn once mentioned that, more or less, if the people realized that they outnumbered the party and their cronies, and stood up and went after them when they came to arrest someone in their community, they never would have ended up in the gulag.
All told, the Russian communist scourge was responsible for 20 million deaths. That ties in to over 100 million worldwide that have been murdered by communism. The radical leftists want to add another 80 million Americans to that number.

We have failed our country by allowing things to get this far. We have a very narrow window to right this wrong. We have to hold the line. No more playing by the rules. The left never has, and has exploited our virtues and used them against us. All is fair in love and war. Build communities of likeminded people that are vetted and you know without a doubt that you can trust. Don’t trust anyone outside your group until they have been thoroughly vetted. Stay in your circle around strangers. Choose when to speak up and when it’s a bad idea to skyline yourself. Think critically.
Biden was going to have a very large crowd at his inauguration. You can stick your head in the sand or up your ass to deny the truth. It was going to be one of the largest crowds ever.
Except they were going to be Trump supporters!! They don't want the embarrassment for sleepy pedo Jo.

Agreed. Can you imagine Biden's speech being interrupted ever 10 words with Trump supporter? The MSM would have a conundrum on their hands, either allow the coverage of the massive Trump supporters or deny Biden his minute of glory.

I would have loved to have seen that.
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Agreed. Can you imagine Biden's speech being interrupted ever 10 words with Trump supporter? The MSM would have a conundrum on their hands, either allow the coverage of the massive Trump supporters or deny Biden his minute of glory.

I would have loved to have seen that.

Couldn't be worse than when in Obamas first inaug the crowd started singing the hey hey goodbye song to the Bushes...

That was another lowering of the bar.
Don't be sassing about my boyfriend Bender now. No honeymoon yet.

I told him aint gonna no marriage until he got the 'happy baby' yoga pose down pat.

Then we change his screen name from Bender to Contortioner. LOLOL.
I ain't gay but I'm a little jealous, I bet you'd make an awesome housewife 🤣
Um. Yeah. But you'd have to be the bottom. It's ok.. you learn to breatheeee past the initial pain. Plus I got techniques. Make you forget all about the inital pain. Bahahaha --left yourself wide open for that one didn't ya?

Dang... I've gone and sufficiently derailed yet another thread. Sorry gents
I tell my girl the same BS lmao
Um. Yeah. But you'd have to be the bottom. It's ok.. you learn to breatheeee past the initial pain. Plus I got techniques. Make you forget all about the inital pain. Bahahaha --left yourself wide open for that one didn't ya?

Dang... I've gone and sufficiently derailed yet another thread. Sorry gents
🤣🤣🤣 Welcome back.

This is fucking ridiculous. Sure would have been nice if the FBI had done the same for BLM and Anqueefa.
Is this a complete 180 shift on reporting by the media or is this a complete 180 shift by the FBI to actually do their jobs? Either way I agree this is ridiculous. An absolute full on attack of the common people of this country.
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TLDR: Peaceful BLM protestors think the capitol protestors are getting off easy because the government beez rayciss and sheeit.

Odd, I remember them getting a free pass, bailed out by celebrities, and not tracked down after the fact. They weren’t called rioters. Another oddity is their protests don’t spread China flu, but the capitol protest does.

Another oddity is thousands got to attend Floyd George’s funeral, but non-rioters at the time had to have funerals on Zoom, couldn’t go to church, and strip clubs were closed.

More grooming the public to snitch on each other. Notice how they try to make just being at the protest on the same level as bomb building.

More grooming the public to snitch on each other. Notice how they try to make just being at the protest on the same level as bomb building.
The same people that would tell you how nasty the Nazis were are now turning in there family, friends and neighbors. They need a few history lessons so they could know how this turns out.
The same people that would tell you how nasty the Nazis were are now turning in there family, friends and neighbors. They need a few history lessons so they could know how this turns out.

Ive been told its readily noticeable the increased caller traffic reporting simple traffic observation to the police over the last ten years.

What was once viewed as a minor lapse in operation is now "They must be drunk and I will follow them 50 miles beyond my exit giving wrong directions and locations"