
TLDR: Peaceful BLM protestors think the capitol protestors are getting off easy because the government beez rayciss and sheeit.

Odd, I remember them getting a free pass, bailed out by celebrities, and not tracked down after the fact. They weren’t called rioters. Another oddity is their protests don’t spread China flu, but the capitol protest does.

Another oddity is thousands got to attend Floyd George’s funeral, but non-rioters at the time had to have funerals on Zoom, couldn’t go to church, and strip clubs were closed.

They were bailed out by our VP elect.......

They also had the benefit of GoFundMe while Kyle was shut down.
Ive been told its readily noticeable the increased caller traffic reporting simple traffic observation to the police over the last ten years.

What was once viewed as a minor lapse in operation is now "They must be drunk and I will follow them 50 miles beyond my exit giving wrong directions and locations"
Sounds a little like an HOA.

Have cell phone will abuse it. When you don't have real friends you call the cops I guess.
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The same people that would tell you how nasty the Nazis were are now turning in there family, friends and neighbors. They need a few history lessons so they could know how this turns out.

History lessons wouldn't help, they never help. People do the same evil over and over.

Armed members wearing overt BLM and ANTIFA signage tells reporters, both MSM and independent journalists, that they are "not a Trump supporter group".

Twitter and Facebook immediately tries to cut multiple live feeds of the event because it goes against their narrative that the armed demonstrators are 'right wingers'. However, they were not able to stop the signal and footage was soon available all over the web...



PS: Since the George Floyd riots, the "boogaloo boys" have been revealed to be extreme leftist conspiracy theorists. Their group is divided into many warring factions and most of these factions are BLM and ANTIFA/Redneck Revolt aligned...

Armed members wearing overt BLM and ANTIFA signage tells reporters, both MSM and independent journalists, that they are "not a Trump supporter group".

Twitter and Facebook immediately tries to cut multiple live feeds of the event because it goes against their narrative that the armed demonstrators are 'right wingers'. However, they were not able to stop the signal and footage was soon available all over the web...



PS: Since the George Floyd riots, the "boogaloo boys" have been revealed to be extreme leftist conspiracy theorists. Their group is divided into many warring factions and most of these factions are BLM and ANTIFA/Redneck Revolt aligned...

I am so confused. This is starting to make as much sense as Syria.
Not mine, but want to pass it on.........

My days on earth are numbered; But before I fade away, there is something important I need to say. It may not be important to anyone else; but it's important to me.

Win, lose or fraud...President Trump. I just want to say thank you for the last four years.
Thank you for making it cool to be an American again.
Thank you for showing us that we don’t need to be under China’s thumb anymore economically, or any other way.
Thank you for one of the strongest economies we’ve ever experienced in my lifetime. Thank you for all you have done for the minority communities, and the outstanding decrease in the unemployment rate you had.
Thank you for making it feel good to love our country and to be a proud patriot again. Thank you for supporting our Nation's flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag.
Thank you for supporting our nation's law enforcement organizations, and understanding how difficult their job really is.
Thank you for quelling the flood of illegal immigration, and bringing to justice the thousands of criminals that flood brought us.
Thank you for giving corporations a reason to come back to America to make our own products and put Americans back to work.
Thank you for bringing our troops home from endless deployments that presented us with little more than body bags; and for your commitment to strengthen our military.
Thank you for operation warp speed and keeping your promise to bringing the Covid 19 vaccine to us in less than a year.
Thank you for your never-ending attempts at bringing peace to the Middle East and your support for Israel.
Thank you for your Tax relief, and thank you for our energy independence. Most of all though...
THANK YOU for taking a damn rotten job that you never had to take!!
Thank you for caring enough for this country to want to try and make a difference.
Thank you for showing America how little Career Politicians actually work for their constituents; and for showing us how much those politicians despise you for showing America how easy it is to build a great nation, rather than rape her to line their own pockets and stock portfolios.
Thank you for allowing us to experience a President that wasn’t a lifelong politician, but a lifelong American.

Well, I realized there was GOOD news. Illegal immigration is going to end soon.

January 30,2021, Immigration from Venezuela and Cuba will have dropped to -10000/day.

Shortly thereafter, the remainder of Latin American I2 is gong to taper off.

This time next year, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico will be considering sending us humanitarian aide packages.
Well, I realized there was GOOD news. Illegal immigration is going to end soon.

January 30,2021, Immigration from Venezuela and Cuba will have dropped to -10000/day.

Shortly thereafter, the remainder of Latin American I2 is gong to taper off.

This time next year, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico will be considering sending us humanitarian aide packages.

You remind me of deagel.com ...
So who wants to start a pool on how long it takes the new communist administration to do their first false flag shooting so they can pull those anti-2A bills out of the desk drawer?

I say they do it before March 1st.
I woulda put money on today if I had any. I’m struggling with less than a month of propane to keep my family warm and a judge is trying to tell me I need to give them 150 so I can let them continue to trample on my rights. Anyone out there feel more equipped to fight in a courtroom rather than a battlefield?
Im not sure they feel like they need a false flag.
They already claim over 50% of votes cast were for Biden and he clearly said he wanted to limit the 2A greatly.
So they feel they have the public support.

I am guessing first MSM news story about a bill introduced into congress will happen by end of Jan.
If not introduced that soon, its written already with major limitations to the 2A, essentially gutting it.
Im not sure they feel like they need a false flag.
They already claim over 50% of votes cast were for Biden and he clearly said he wanted to limit the 2A greatly.
So they feel they have the public support.

I am guessing first MSM news story about a bill introduced into congress will happen by end of Jan.
If not introduced that soon, its written already with major limitations to the 2A, essentially gutting it.
I concur.....sadly.


Was anybody paying attention on Nov. 3rd? The commies committed election fraud on an epic scale. They then repeated the same shit two months later in Georgia with literally zero opposition from anybody. "We're just gonna vote harder", they said. States are still rolling out evidence of fraud today. Are there seriously people out there that think we will just out vote the fraud next time? Am I living in the fucking twilight zone?

I have terrible news for you. No politician will ever be selected again that doesn't have a D in front of their name, and if they do then you can take it to the bank that they're controlled opposition. You know, someone like Mitch McConnell or Zioclops Dan Cringeshaw. Somebody that will sit on Fox News and explain to you how hard they're digging to expose democrat corruption, but just never seem to produce any results other than phony committees and hearings. Behind the scenes, they're circle jerking the dems from 'across the aisle', laughing their asses off at the stupid goyim who keep voting for their own demise.

I lost count of the people I've spoken with since the elections that have sworn off voting forever, myself included. I just don't follow the logic here. Is there an alternative solution to removing a communist coup disguised as 'democracy'? Maybe we'll figure it out, but I don't think repeating the same failed actions and expecting a different outcome is the most solid path. Especially now that the Rinos have outed themselves as traitors. We basically have a uniparty in Washington. The jokes on us.
So, Biden getting rid of the 1776 plan that Trump instated.

This is what pisses me off about government. They are wholly ineffective! One group does something and by the time it finally gets implemented the next group comes in and undoes what the previous group did thereby making it completely ineffective! And they are good at playing this stupid game. It happens on local levels to. I’m out. I’m not voting anymore. None of these idiots represent me. And if they come up with another party all that will do is further marginalize the republicans and therefore neither of them will ever win. This is of course assuming you think the vote even still matters.

Goodbye America! It was a good run.
^^Theyll eat their own at some point.

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see ANTIFA/BLM being given an island and allowed to build and run their own country.....

I just want to see just what megaton size shitstorm of history that will devolve into. It will make Jim Jones look like your local Boy Scouts cleaning up hiking trails on a sunny May morning...

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see ANTIFA/BLM being given an island and allowed to build and run their own country.....

I just want to see just what megaton size shitstorm of history that will devolve into. It will make Jim Jones look like your local Boy Scouts cleaning up hiking trails on a sunny May morning...

Give ANTIFA one half of the island and NFAC the other, like Haiti and Dominican Republic. I would pay good money to see that unfold
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see ANTIFA/BLM being given an island and allowed to build and run their own country.....

I just want to see just what megaton size shitstorm of history that will devolve into. It will make Jim Jones look like your local Boy Scouts cleaning up hiking trails on a sunny May morning...

Given the ludicrous signs asking for donations at chaz/chop they wouldn't last beyond a month with no outside support. "Good ice" ffs...
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