One day I hope that the people will understand what the purpose of the police actually is. It is not to keep you safe. You can do a much better job of this if the state didn't have a monopoly on force. You should not have to hesitate out of fear of the state to defend yourself or your family. The duty of the police is not to take criminals off the street as they have no duty to act and the revolving door of justice ensures their arrests are nothing more than illusions. Men of their own communities would do this job in a much more permanent fashion if the police that are supposedly there to serve and protect wouldn't use their monopoly of force to deter them. Child abusers wouldn't be allowed inside classrooms as they are now. The Covid hoax would have never happened without the violence brought forth by the police. Everyone bared witness to the atrocities committed by the men in badges during this farce. The border crisis would have ended long ago if police weren't in the picture as citizens would take up arms to repel and defend. Criminal politicians would be incapable of attaining or maintaining power if it weren't for the protection men with badges give. The true job of the police officer is to protect the status quo and to force political agendas down your throat while robbing you blind by pointing guns at your head while uncle sam is stealing your paycheck.
For some reason, otherwise rational men believe that the state is morally capable of determining and enforcing what is right and wrong. These same men that believe this will agree that the gov't is corrupt, inflicts intentional harm on the population and does little out of regards to the productive citizen and that what little that is done is riddled with waste and inefficiency. Explain to me the rationale behind this thought process? If a man believes his government is corrupt, illegal, and harmful, he must hold its enforcers in the same regard, as the corruption of the former isn't possible without the violence carried out by the latter.