Lived in Roseburg....84-87....4th -6th grade.Ah yes the "Homeless" or as we call them in Douglas County "The Walking Dead". Downtown Roseburgs parking garage was turned into a shooting/shitting gallery. Downtown there are needles in the street. People pissing on the sidewalk, shitting in the alley. Had to close the lobby to the Post Office because of vandalism and shitting in the lobby. RPD police chief says he can't do anything. Mayors solution is to hire fucking security guards!? WTF do the Police do? Lazy, useless, fuckers. Would only take 2 fucking shifts for me to clean that place up.
Of course the caring people on the left who want to help the homeless? Their solution is to give them a tent and a sleeping bag so they can live in the city parks down by the river. Real compassionate.
F'ing rain.....hated it. Winter, cold rain. Summer, warm rain. Did like the Umpqua though...great fishing