
Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registering to Vote Ahead of November Elections, Study Finds

"A new study has found that a shocking number of non-citizens have registered to vote in America’s elections ahead of the critical November presidential race. The study, published by Just Facts, is based on the latest available data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal. Researchers found that about 10 percent to 27 percent of non-citizen adults living in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote. The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. during 2022. Given their voter registration rates, this means that about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote.

These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency."

This is based on data from 2008 - that pecentage didn't go down since.
Seems to me that this guy could find a job with a quickness at a private school. I just attended an event at such a place where 9th graders gave speeches on cloning, abortion, alcoholism, the death penalty (took the side no one was expecting), trafficking of minors and other hot topics. Each had to present cogent arguments and not simply state shallow, one dimensional reasons. His skills are needed everywhere. We have become a nation of unthinking lemmings. IOW, malleable.
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America is much father down the rabbit hole than most people know.
Why do "constituents" keep electing the same career politicians, over and over, expecting a different result ?

AOC, 'baby girl' Marjorie Taylor Greene trade barbs in fiery Garland hearing: 'Are your feelings hurt?'​

I did like this, but they are not going to cave that easy.

Always remember two things about these people, they are evil not stupid, and they play the long game. They have learned they pushed too far too fast and it backfired. Now everyone will be fat and happy and not do what it takes to remove the people that put the policies in place, and keep them from doing something like it again in the future.

It is the sad reality.

Remember this.
Hardly anyone is openly discussing one of the root problems. . . .

No matter how much money you throw into a school district, you cannot buy your way out of animals being the bulk of your "student body".

The average child entering K or 1st grade is from a single parent or no parent household. They have no concept of discipline, respect or drive to learn. They have no support structure at whatever passes for home and the adult examples in their life lack the same attributes needed by a responsible adult. Breeding kids is not the same as actually raising them.

Only a few examples of this type child in each classroom is enough to subvert the entire class but instead of a few, there are many in each class.

The school districts with the most $/student spending are the worst performers because of this.

NYC spends $35,914/yr PER STUDENT
Washington DC spends $27,425/yr PER STUDENT
San Francisco $23,654
Atlanta $22,882
Baltimore $22,424

All are heavy Blue and are the worst performers in the nation.

Money doesn't fix it. Administrations just throw $ at the problem to create the appearance of concern.
Just like with all government run entities, when massive amounts of money do not fix it, they take a deep breath and double the budget.

In similar fashion, when standardized school testing shows a school underperforming, they simply alter the test guidelines to produce favorable data in the eyes of the administration in charge of their funding.

To have a healthy crop of responsible and productive adults, you have to start with a healthy crop of seed. It isn't happening.

I see where you are coming from, and I will try to argue your point. If you said the average student in 6th or 9th grade, I would agree. However the average parent of a child entering in K is going to be in their 20's. This is a group of "adults" that have seen first hand the results of this lefty mess. Yes there are going to be a great deal of single mother kids, but there is a growing number of married parents, my kid is one of them. I adopted my son fairly late, my late 30's and did not have children when we first got married. So my boy is in his mid 20's now, married and it looks like they are happy. They both have said they look at with disgust upon their friends that are still living at home, still screwing around, they will amount to nothing. These are the people that are on the FBI lists for going to PTA and school board meetings.

I want to think that silent majority is starting to not be so silent anymore. I think we can look to the Dutch story as they have pushed just too far, we will start to see kick back. They did cross the line with screwing with kids. Parents are not too keen on that.

There is a group of good seeds out there, they are just the real quiet ones in general, they are starting to squeak however, so now they are terrorists in the FBI's eyes.
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America is much father down the rabbit hole than most people know.
Why do "constituents" keep electing the same career politicians, over and over, expecting a different result ?

AOC, 'baby girl' Marjorie Taylor Greene trade barbs in fiery Garland hearing: 'Are your feelings hurt?'​

Yet another example of how women in politics is nothing but a cluster fuck.