Figures released by the National Observatory on Violence against Women (Miprof) show that sexual violence in 2024 increased by 6 per cent over the previous year and 9 per cent over 2022 numbers.
Since 2016, after which France experienced a surge in mass migration, the figure is up by a whopping 86 per cent.
44 per cent of victims were located in the Paris region, with women being the victims on 91 per cent of occasions, with 75 per cent of victims being under the age of 30 and 36 per cent of those being minors.
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Figures released by the National Observatory on Violence against Women (Miprof) show that sexual violence in 2024 increased by 6 per cent over the previous year and 9 per cent over 2022 numbers.
Since 2016, after which France experienced a surge in mass migration, the figure is up by a whopping 86 per cent.
44 per cent of victims were located in the Paris region, with women being the victims on 91 per cent of occasions, with 75 per cent of victims being under the age of 30 and 36 per cent of those being minors.