Maybe one day these fine upstanding law officers will come across an equalFor a timeout from the virus.
Violent arrest of 73-year-old with dementia was “reasonable” and “necessary,” Loveland’s assistant police chief concluded
Three different Loveland police supervisors signed off on an officer’s use of force after he threw a 73-year-old woman with dementia to the ground in June 2020, according to an internal police repo…
Three million dollars is the cost to taxpayers for a couple of shitbirds with a badge and a gun. These fucking tough guys knew what they did. They went and had a gathering to enjoy their work of fucking up a 73 year old lady. They reviewed the body cam footage to have a laugh at her expense while she sat in a cell with a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. Then their bosses covered for them. When the video is leaked they claim ignorance to her injuries. Each of them should get time in general population including the higher ups that covered for them.