Charity Shoot
The Benefit for Chance Lucas - son of fellow shooter Kent Lucas
Sponsored By: Bat Machine, Bartlien Barrels, Manners Stocks, Surgeon Actions, D&B Supplies, U.S.Optics, S&S Precision, Richard King, Dave Bruno Precision Rifles
Date: Sunday, March 21, 2010
Graham, Texas*
Signup 7:00- 8:00 AM. $100.00 Entry Fee. Shooters meeting and match to follow.
*Graham Range-From Graham follow hwy 380 8 miles towards Newcastle. Turn left W. White road 1.5 miles. Turn right on Gun Range road to range on right.
Prizes will be awarded to the top shooters in both classes.
Please reserve your spot so we can have enough targets on hand. Let us know if you are sharing a gun or a bench with someone.
Contact Leslie Jones (940) 366-1669 to reserve a spot.
Send checks to: Leslie Jones, 301 East Locus, Nocona, TX 76255.
Make checks payable to: Kent Lucas
General Rules
1. Four relays 10 rds. per relay with exception of relay #2 will be 5 rds.
2. Targets will be at 220 yards relays 1 & 2 . Targets will be at 330 yards relay 3 & 550 yards relay 4.
3. Relay 1 shooter will fire 10 rounds into target for score in 5 minutes.
Relay 2 shooter will fire 5 rounds at multiple reactive targets in 2 minutes.
Relay 3 shooter will have 10 rounds to fire at multiple steel targets. Targets will be at 330 yards. With 5 minute time limit.
Relay 4 shooter will have 10 rounds to fire at multiple steel targets at 550 yards. With 5 minute time limit.
Relay 1 points will be as per target score.
Relays 2,3 & 4 all hits are worth – 10 points.
4. Shooters will be allowed, per relay 10 rounds(5 rounds relay #2)at your position and a time limit to shoot them. Any sighters will be out of those rounds. You will be allowed 5 min. prior to the first relay to sight your gun with unlimited rounds.
5. You will need 35 rounds for the match plus sighters and 1 extra for a tie breaker if needed.
6. Most points at the end of the day wins.
7. Ties will be broken by following method; each shooter will be allowed 1 shot at 330 yards. The closest to the center wins.
8. Range officer and scorekeeper will have final say in scoring.
9. There will be a five minute sight in before the 1st relay unlimited rounds.
10. Shooters will provide their own bench, rest, bags, mats etc. 3 shooters per bench max.
11. No loaded guns allowed except on the line when line is hot. Actions shall be open at all times.
12. No alcohol during the match or shooters under the influence.
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Rules for Hunter Class</span>
No factory custom guns (Remington 40x, Savage F, Savage target, Cooper, Christian Arms, Jarrett) etc.
Must have factory action-barrel with factory stamping.
Must be .30 cal. Or less
Modifications allowed – bedding, triggers adjustable or replacement and recrowning of barrel.
Max barrel diameter of .990 and length of 28 inch.
No limit on sights.
Hand loads are allowed and encouraged.
No one piece rest or vices.
Sporterized military rifle’s barrel diameter can’t exceed .670
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Open Class rules</span>
.338 cal or less
No rail guns or return to battery.
No one piece rest or vices.
No limit on sights
Hope to see a large turn-out.