IMO, all JAE's (OG and MDT) are great chassis but miss one important adjustable butt pad for height, cant, and LOP.
But JAE's aren't the only ones, I believe.
And...someone correct me...but I can't think of a chassis that has lateral adjustment (L/R, right?) on the comb. Up/Down...yeah, that's become common. L/R, however, allows the shooter to bump the comb over toward their on hand (firing hand) side so as to be able to center the eye in the scope without any head cant at all. Since our eyes are NOT on the extreme side of face (unless you are a toad), some amount of head cant is needed to center the eye in the ocular. I will say with the JAEs, the comb is rather thin in width so it doesn't space your face off the gun as much as a fatter comb on some stocks and chassis.
As for, so those on Altus are done up with really beautiful and cerakoted wonderfully, but by the time you add ARCA, bag rider, maybe a piece of PIC to mount (fill in the blank accessory) you are looking in the vicinity of $2,700 which will be, IMO, a high barrier to entry for many.
I have two OG JAEs and put on a thinner Kick-eeze pad to get a 1/2" of reduced LOP...and I would like another 1/2-1" but it is not to be with the OGs.