Pot calling Kettle black, People in glass houses.....


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Nov 6, 2011
    This piece of crap is a lead face in Calis gun ban effort. His latest push was for banning the "bullet button" Busted for weapons trafficking!

    State Sen. Leland Yee arrested on corruption charges in FBI sting - latimes.com

    I hope Cali gun owners use this to their advantage. The corruption is beyond compare. Heard Charlotte, NC is looking for a new mayor. Whats next Darrel Issa actually gets traction on his endless invests?
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    If this piece of shit gets any time at all, he'll most likely do it in a Federal Prison, complete with gymnasium, gardens, craft classes, good medial, cable television, etc.. POS like this never seem to do hard time anymore, 50 years ago yes, but today, Club Fed is set up for these type of criminals. Many show up to prison in a limo.
    Heard Charlotte, NC is looking for a new mayor.
    Yeah our liberal mayor of three months resigned yesterday and he was arrested on federal corruption charges. Taking bribes for favors. They have been investigating him for three years now. We need to find all these crooks and get them out of office and into were they belong; jail that is.
    This kind of situation reminds me of the psychology of guys like Ted Haggard who're such crazy vocal and obsessed homophobes who turn out to be exactly what they're advocating against.
    It depends on how public this stays. If there able to quiet it down quickly he may never do time. But if it stays headline news and the public demands justice he may just do some time. The public at large is ADD about headlines so we will see
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    This kind of situation reminds me of the psychology of guys like Ted Haggard who're such crazy vocal and obsessed homophobes who turn out to be exactly what they're advocating against.

    ^^^ There is a lot of truth in that statement, and the truth of politics seems to not wear thin for the passage of time. The famous line from Hamlet:

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    Was in reference to the Player Queen. The parallels between Hamlet this story are many. Hamlet, played by FBI Special Agent Emmanuel Pascua, was trying to smoke something out. The role of Player Queen is handled by Yee, the erstwhile gun grabber, cum gun runner, and soon to be prison bitch. There, I added my own twist.

    While he may or may not spend time in the prison he so wished to exile gun owners, a little Macbeth may be in order:

    "But in these cases
    We still have judgment here, that we but teach
    Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
    To plague the inventor.This even-handed justice
    Commends the ingredients of our poison’d chalice
    To our own lips"

    And from Galatians VI:

    "Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

    And keep sheathed that religion card, that last part is intended philosophically as it was likely one of Shakepeare's many biblical references for Macbeth.
    This kind of situation reminds me of the psychology of guys like Ted Haggard who're such crazy vocal and obsessed homophobes who turn out to be exactly what they're advocating against.

    I thought the same thing but in reality, I believe that these people tend to have the mind set of "do as I say, not as I do," i.e. they're are corrupt at their core but they don't see it as corruption like we do, they see themselves as having a sort of paternal responsibility toward their serfs.

    P.S. Isn't this the same guy who years ago was wearing weird costumes to work and was accused of touching ladies who worked for him? If so...
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    My response when I read this news... Best. Day. EVER!

    Also, this is not the first time that Yee has been accused of corruption. He has a history of such. Hopefully he won't weasel out of it this time. I'd love to see him do time, but at the very least, it looks like his political career is over. But then again, this is California.
    My response when I read this news... Best. Day. EVER!

    Also, this is not the first time that Yee has been accused of corruption. He has a history of such. Hopefully he won't weasel out of it this time. I'd love to see him do time, but at the very least, it looks like his political career is over. But then again, this is California.

    The lady who forced through all the new gun laws here in CO has a prior conviction of identity theft and writing bad checks...
    ..." A California state senator has been arrested for promising shoulder-fired automatic weapons and missiles from a Muslim separatist group to an undercover FBI agent in exchange for campaign donations, according to court documents unsealed Wednesday ".
    I believe you or I would be hit with a domestic terrorism charge. Along with multiple counts stacked under that . You or I would loose/be removed of all private property, money, family, and liberty for life .
    At The MOST. He will 'maybe' receive a few years in a Wire fenced, Fed. country club .
    edit to add:
    Also, 'If' he is doing any penalty at all, confined to the wire fence fed. minimal security . He will be doing this and receiving his FULL Pensions .
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    Haven't seen much in the news on this today. Must be going under the rug.

    Kind of curious similar thing happened regards the shooting at Norfolk on Monday. What was it about the shooter that has the media not covering that one?
    ..." I believe you or I would be hit with a domestic terrorism charge. Along with multiple counts stacked under that . You or I would loose/be removed of all private property, money, family, and liberty for life ...

    In view of comments made by Yee your statement presents a highly likely scenario. Per the indictment Lee said the following to an FBI agent about the source of weapons to be smuggled into the United States:

    "Because I'm getting a little more into this, it's not just Russia; the Muslim countries have sources too..." (1)

    Leaving aside statutes regarding such statements by a public official, of which there are several, as a matter for the court, the court of public opinion is perhaps more germane to this conversation as that is the sole source of such officials. However any other influence(s) may conspire to cause public officials to lay claim to any given seat, it is the tally of votes that ultimately enthroned people such as Yee. It is because of this that I feel it is so important for every proponent of the 2nd Amendment to actively engage in the public debate on this issue. When the pot calls the kettle black we need to call it out over and over and over again, and have a set of facts on hand to support it. I find myself only moderately, rather than deeply, disgusted by this story as I have become so jaded. But I think this only serves to embolden me and hold emotion in reserve when wading into the waters of this debate.

    It is worth noting that the initial target of the investigation was Raymond Chow, "Shrimp Boy", and that investigation eventually led to Yee (2). Shrimp Boy had been praised by Dianne Feinstein as a "community asset" (3)

    (1) p15, 1:2 Courthouse News Service
    (2) 18:19, 33:34 State Senator Leland Yee withdraws from the California Secretary of State race | abc7news.com
    (3) 11: Ex-Gang Leader Was Praised as Role Model - ABC News
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    A few Yee tweets:

    Leland Yee @LelandYee
    "About to go on @kgoradio to discuss my bill to close loophole in assault weapon law. #SB249 #CAGov #CaLeg"
    10:04 AM - 22 May 2012

    Leland Yee @LelandYee
    "Once again @NRA uses lies & distortion to try stopping commonsense #GunControl bill http://www.nraila.org/legislation/s...rst-gun-confiscation-threat-in-20-years!.aspx … Time to stop mass reloading in #CA."
    4:22 PM - 3 Aug 2012

    Leland Yee @LelandYee
    "Thank you @KamalaHarris for supporting #SB249. Together we will strengthen #CA assault weapon law & help protect public http://sacb.ee/ORoLLc"
    3:40 PM - 4 Aug 2012

    Leland Yee @LelandYee
    "I commend Pres Obama for his commitment to federal #guncontrol legislation. In #CA we will also strengthen state law. Senator Yee Praises President Obama on Commitment to Reasonable Gun Control | Senator Leland Yee, Ph.D. …"
    1:58 PM - 19 Dec 2012

    Leland Yee @LelandYee
    "My office is committed to find ways to keep the public safe from the new threat presented by 3D printable firearms http://goo.gl/oHduS"
    1:29 PM - 7 May 2013
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    .....It is because of this that I feel it is so important for every proponent of the 2nd Amendment to actively engage in the public debate on this issue. When the pot calls the kettle black we need to call it out over and over and over again, and have a set of facts on hand to support it.

    Unfortunately that body tasked with exposing the infection to light, the press, is failing to do its job. This story seems to have gone off the wire. We are still talking about fat boy and bridge gate.