It appears that is the case... there was a long segment in this on Hannity last night. How officers in NY and Portland and some other big cities are being ordered to stand down and are doing so. They are getting water poured on them as a ‘test’ and as a way of determining how far they can be pushed... AND it is having the second effect of causing officers to quit, find other jobs and stopping youngsters from pursuing careers in le.
There has long been a feeling that police would not ‘turn’ on their fellow citizens. But how about if instead or ordering them to do things that are unconstitutional, you destroy their ranks and morale to the point that they stand by while your Antifa brown shirts do the dirty work... while the law stands by powerless?
Heck, it just happened in our own state capital. Students blocked the intersections to protest global warming. The police were told to “leave them alone” even though their protest method, while peaceful, was 100 percent illegal. Blocking roads and hampering traffic in our capital! How about ‘state’ marijuana legalization? Being told you can’t enforce law against a controlled substance? How about “that person is illegal, but you can’t touch them because we are a sanctuary?” What do you think this does to the morale and “compass” of people in LE?
Not to mention how it looks to the rest of our citizens. Reactions from “I’m untouchable” to “if there is two tiered justice there is no justice.
This is 1933 Weimar. And 1989 Eastern Bloc. And 1956 Cuba. And those ended well. Anyone seeing a pattern?
Again... Portland anyone?