Powder Dispensing Accuracy & Match Dies


Apr 29, 2021
South Carolina

I am new to reloading and am starting with the basics, but I eventually want to start loading for my 7mm PRC.

I see a lot of people using automatic dispensers that claim to be accurate to 0.1gr for general reloading, but I was curious if those are accurate enough to meet/exceed factory match ammo, and what most people use for handloading for “ELR”. I intend to use h1000, but I am open to recommendations.

I was also looking for die recommendations, I see hornady has some match dies, but wondered what else people are using.

Thanks for the help!
Auto Trickler V4 will throw +/- .02gr.
There are expensive die sets (SAC and others)
I like a Wilson in line seater, 21st Century Mandrel dies. Redding for bushing/body dies.
I have not had any issues with Hornady or RCBS or any even Lee dies. Depends on the steps you want to take. Keep reading through here and you will get plenty of opinions.
.1 grain is more than enough. I have used a standard thrower, beam scale and a trickle for years and it loads very accurate ammo.

The Hornady Match dies will work fine. I’d recommend the FL Bushing die and get a proper neck bushing to give you .002-003” of neck tension. I used them with my 7mmRM and 180 ELD-Ms and shot under a 12” three shot group at a mile so they are plenty accurate enough.

Don’t think you need the most expensive tools to get the job done. You need to learn to load.
.1 grain is more than enough. I have used a standard thrower, beam scale and a trickle for years and it loads very accurate ammo.

The Hornady Match dies will work fine. I’d recommend the FL Bushing die and get a proper neck bushing to give you .002-003” of neck tension. I used them with my 7mmRM and 180 ELD-Ms and shot under a 12” three shot group at a mile so they are plenty accurate enough.

Don’t think you need the most expensive tools to get the job done. You need to learn to load.
I’m learning on .308/223 with a standard thrower, beam scale and trickler. But wanted to make sure any equipment I look at would “future proof” for the more demanding accuracy requirements.
benchresters throw their powder charges and they can shoot in the teens.

Blanket statements like that are disingenuous at best.

*Short range* BR shooters *used* to throw all their charges. More and more use pre-weighed charges, or bring the scale to the range with them.

*Long range* BR shooters (600 & 1k) have never used thrown charges. The nodes they're after are way finer than any powder thrower can produce.
I've gotten my best performance from mix and match Reloading Dies:

Lee Collet Dies for Neck Sizing
Redding Body Die for full length sizing of the case below the shoulder, but not size the neck at all.
In Micrometer Seating Dies, I like the RCBS Matchmaster seating die or the Forster Micrometer seating die or the Whidden Micrometer Seating Die.
I also use the Lee Factory Crimp die, Lee Universal Flaring Die, & Lee Universal Decapping Die, where applicable. These are cheap and handy tools to have around your bench when needed.

As far as powder throws I favor the manual ones like the RCBS Competition Powder Measure or the Redding BR3. They need no power. I couple this with a good battery run power scale or an older balance beam scale. I have both.
I prefer to use bushing dies and control how much I’m working the brass. I have friends that use honed out Forster dies or Hornady benchrest dies and shoot better than I do. In the end most dies will do the job fine.

As for the powder dispenser, for my usages, it’s more for convenience than anything else. In fact a lot of stuff is for time savings. Scale and a thrower will still get you shooting just fine

I am new to reloading and am starting with the basics, but I eventually want to start loading for my 7mm PRC.

I see a lot of people using automatic dispensers that claim to be accurate to 0.1gr for general reloading, but I was curious if those are accurate enough to meet/exceed factory match ammo, and what most people use for handloading for “ELR”. I intend to use h1000, but I am open to recommendations.

I was also looking for die recommendations, I see hornady has some match dies, but wondered what else people are using.

Thanks for the help!

Having an accurate Scale , Decent Veneer calibers and a Lock‑N‑Load O.A.L. Gauge will help YOU more than you realize . (y)
Blanket statements like that are disingenuous at best.

*Short range* BR shooters *used* to throw all their charges. More and more use pre-weighed charges, or bring the scale to the range with them.

*Long range* BR shooters (600 & 1k) have never used thrown charges. The nodes they're after are way finer than any powder thrower can produce.
Point still stands. You don't need the .02 of a grain accuracy. I very much doubt anyone could shoot the difference if they were given loads blind. There are just too many variables to worry about that fine of a resolution in charges.
Op: I should clarify, I was informing you that +/-.02 was available, not necessary.
Without getting into semantics, you want a good quality  repeatable scale. Isolate it as best you can from drafts, dust/debris and vibrations. whether you choose digital or beam, check it's zero periodically.
Load safe/reliable ammo 1st, then get into the menutiae of precision. The first part is relatively easy, accurate ammo isn't all that hard with good components. Tweaking variables can improve accuracy incrementally.
Point still stands. You don't need the .02 of a grain accuracy. I very much doubt anyone could shoot the difference if they were given loads blind. There are just too many variables to worry about that fine of a resolution in charges.

The reason people went to the 0.02 gn accuracy is that it's *plus or minus* 0.02 gn, vs *plus or minus* 0.1 gn. If your load is right in the middle of a big fat charge node, then yes, +/- 0.1 is fine, or at least 'good enough'. Back in the before-times - I.e. 'before Hornady thought it was the end-all-be-all definition of accuracy' people shooting BR based cartridges generally wanted as tight of control of that particular value.
A scale simply needs to be repeatably accurate and preferably weighs in grains . I have a few including an older Sartorius analytical Lab ,
440g X o.ooo1g . Because of MY previous employment . Ridiculous to even consider reloading with that scale ,if one dropped a fragment from a powder kernel it would go berserk . I purchased that scale at auction and was $8K back when ,chemistry demands precision . Reloading not as much . ;)

A perfectly usable reloading scale is certified ,as would be a Precious Metal scale . I use an OHaus **1K gr. x 0.02gr. and it catches screw ups My freshly tipped mechanical Balance beam does from time to time . ** OHaus weighs in Measuring units: Grams, Ounces, Pounds, Carats, Troy Ounces, Pennyweight, Grains, Tael, Momme ,is shielded for static and wind . Paid $215.00 for it years back .

I remember when all the reloading tool brands first came out with their Chinese versions of digital electronic scales , 99.9% WERE and ARE JUNK . NO standards on $40.00- 120.00 electronic scale ,so repeatability was a Joke .

IMO : Pay once as it only hurts a minute or two writing that check or swiping the card . What you DON'T need are Lab or Pharmaceutical scales ,you're wasting your money .

You may or may not want to invest in certified weights ,so as to check accuracy of your scale ?.​

The weight sets can easily exceed the cost of the scale ,by several times : Example ; ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Certificate ASTM Class Weight set dependent upon who's you buy can run $$ - $$$$ . Again dependent on weigh required . You can also purchase an individual weight .
