Powder IN-STOCK thread

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Reactions: DIBBS and JPaul
Come on 210s.... lol
Not cheap...
Never heard of MIWALLCORP

Search is your friend...
Miwall would show up to the Cow Palace Gun Shows often. They would have one big booth for ammo and a seperate booth for reloading components. I bought a lot of components from them over the years. They had very good prices. The Cow Palace Gun Shows are history now the San Francisco & San Mateo County Libs shut them down.
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Reactions: Shoots 700's
"Rock on at the Cow Palace! Coors mudslinging action! TRUCKASAURUS!"
- I remember that place in the 70s & 80s


7 saum brass at blue collar if anyone is looking
They must have made more this time as I’ve only been able to ever get it by preorder and waiting 6-9 months. This time it’s all over. Thanks for the link.
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Reactions: Matt Moxness
Any leads on Reloder 15?

There was some recently, but I'm not seeing it now.

Unrelated, but here are two hard to find Aliant powders...
And IMO Creedmoor Sports is a first rate vendor to the shooting community. Not the largest, perhaps you can find the item for a bit less from one of the giant retailers, but I support them. They have GREAT CS and really do care about their customers and providing them quality product.

When they were still taking back orders that took almost a year to fulfill, they were hit with large cost increases (like from Berger and Hornady) and they choose to eat most of it. Its why they (and most others) will no longer accept B.O. They simply can't anticipate what their cost will be.

I love Creedmoor Sports. All good folks from Alabama.
$136/500 vs $180/500