powder used in Hornady 6mm Creedmoor factory loads ?


Full Member
Sep 8, 2009
North Carolina
Anyone know what powder Hornady uses in their 6mm Creedmoor factory loads?

My scales indicate 40.3gr for the 108 ELD-M, and 41.3 for the 103 ELD-X. Velocity from my 22" barrel is ~2925 and 2975 fps respectively (which might increase as barrel breaks in).

Powder does not appear to be H4350.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

If Hornady uses one of their Superformance blends then they label the ammo as"Superformance" so it's not Superformance. I would venture to guess it's the same powder they are using in the 6.5 Creedmoor which is a non canister grade we can not get as loaders.
You cannot be 100% sure of a powder just by looking at it. Unless Hornady tells you what they use, you're chasing your tail. As Rob1 posted it is very likely a non canister powder that we cannot get.
If you refer to the Hornady H4350 load data for the 108gr ELD and perform linear interpolation in the powder weight interval bounding 40.3gr, you end up with a predicted velocity of about 2972fps. What a coincidence...
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Don’t doubt your inside info, but within the neighborhood (in the pure math sense of the term) of 40.3gr charge weight using 108gr ELDs, the Hornady powder produces similar velocities to H4350.

I just tossed out the powder from the factory Hornady rounds I pulled (for brass) because the relatively short barrel life of 6mm Creedmoor makes it unwise to try to reuse unknown powder. H4350 yields good results:


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It was picked to be that way and in the same burn rate but it's not H4350. That I can guarantee.