Some of ya'll may remember I''ve been seeking guidance for what to do in the future. Life's ok, havent missed any meals but feeling kind of aimless at 74 and watching the savings slowly dissipate, and social security will be down the tubes in a few years. I'm to old to do either of my former professions, timber cutter or stonemason and would like to get involved in something that would 'Make a difference' so to speak. Was talking with a guy I met at the range who does a Christian thing with kids, takes them camping, shooting, etc. I offered to help with that as I love kids and seem to interact well with them...maybe because I never really completely grew up myself, LOL. So there's that.
I'm looking for something more, though, and ideally something that would pay decently. I've considered writing a book as I have many adventures to draw from but as the Quakers say "It just doesnt speak to my condition." LOL. The other day it came to my mind, perhaps by the Holy Spirit, that I love public speaking. Many years ago I spoke in front of an audience of 500 or so and got a standing ovation. Then in college I took some public speaking courses and got A+'s in them. I love it and dont get nervous because I only speak the TRUTH and as Mark Twain said " I only tell the truth then I dont have to remember what I said." There is a dangerous side to it, its a real power trip when you know you've got your audience captivated, move your hand to the right, they follow, to the left, they follow. I can understand what Hitler and even the televangelists feel. It can be a power trip but I think realizing that I can deal with it. I refuse to serve Mammon.
I have no interest in being a preacher nor pastor but public speaking is a talent, or gift I have, and I'd like to use it for good The world certainly needs good right now.
I've found that when I go 'looking' things usually get fucked up, so I ask for prayers of guidance and if I'm on the right track for the doors to just open.