Let me know if we can do anything for you. We don’t want bags sitting lonely and unloved! What specifically isn’t working for you? We get tons of good feedback but not much bad so it’s helpful to hear the bad so we can adjust if needed.Got the ELR in. Bag looks great, feels unbelievable but it's just not for me. I dig the filler in the bag though, super stable stuff for sure.
It can be a little weird at first if you’re used to using your bag to aim 100%. The fill doesn’t squeeze as easily so sometimes guys feel like they don’t have the control they’re used to. If that’s the case let me know, there’s an easy way around that which will make it work for you while also leading you in a better direction fundamentally. Also if you want it more loose we can accommodate. If you just want to send it back and move on we can do that too. Just let me know while it still looks brand new!