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Press Secretary Says U.S. Will Begin "Door-to-Door" Outreach for COVID-19 Vaccinations

No offense buddy, its a fine sign..... but... a two shot group? Thats what your showing the perp... not a clover leaf.... or at least a decent 3 shot group... what did you digitally run out of ammo for the third shot? Maybe the third shot is implied?.... you should write the loadout and distance on it and then it would be scary....ish... lol still only two on paper.
Mozambique or GTFO
Okay then, convince me otherwise. It's an excellent opportunity to test the waters for door-to-door gun registration/confiscation. They know this vaccine crap has gone way to far. This is about something greater than vaccines. You mentioned the government increasing their power. The only way they can get to be as powerful as they want to be is to grab the guns. This is an excellent opportunity to test the waters for doo-to-door government intrusion.

I agree, however I think this is more the gov getting more and more into your daily life, more into medicine (no bueno) and more into texting if they can influence daily ops or even little mom and pop businesses.

As far as guns, just not making the connection yet, I mean if they included a questioner with the vaccine about “do you own any guns” or something, sure. Not saying these power hungry, fear porn salesmen won’t go there, just I haven’t seen them go THERE with THIS hysteria sales job...yet
I don't ever answer the door as it is.

And then even if I think I might want to, I have a video camera pointed right at my front doorstep that I can view from an iPad mounted in the wall of my kitchen.

I still don't answer the door.

We put a switch on our doorbell years ago. Only turn it on if we're getting a delivery that requires a signature.
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No offense buddy, its a fine sign..... but... a two shot group? Thats what your showing the perp... not a clover leaf.... or at least a decent 3 shot group... what did you digitally run out of ammo for the third shot? Maybe the third shot is implied?.... you should write the loadout and distance on it and then it would be scary....ish... lol still only two on paper.
Hah where the fuck have you been? haven't you heard? Two shots touching and who gives a shit if the third even prints is the newest hottest trend in shooting.
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I think I'm gonna answer the door nekkid
I think I will show them my PENIS!
Can you believe, that they would even consider sending a group of commies, to knock on citizens doors?? How many gun owners are there in the U.S. of A.?
Sounds like a whole lotta stupid if you ask me. Can't wait to hear the news clips of these "search and destroy" teams heading into one of those underprivileged neighborhood's, with a few banger's on patrol and say'n "wuts up homie?". Mac:ROFLMAO:
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I wonder if the big push to get everyone vaccinated is because there scared that variant xyz123 will cause a real pandemic. I mean they have been studying this strain for years so they should know where it’s going or could go.
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Cannot tell which is crazier. Their misunderstanding of just how awful an idea this is, or the crazy extrapolations of this shitty idea in the minds of the deranged.
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This is from a group of handlers that thought a photo op of potato joe getting ice cream was a great idea. They even staged a fake question from a planted server. They practiced the question and answer. To insure a success they put the answer on two different papers and put one in each of his coat pockets. The complicated transaction of paying for ice cream and answering the question was too confusing for the potato.
These ass clowns are going to send out minions to question the populace about getting the experiment?
How Fucking comical is that? Sounds like something a choid would excel at.
Exempt from no trespassing signs?

Ether way good luck with that lol
I don't know about your state, but the law isn't exempt from no trespassing signs in mine. They better have a warrant, probable cause, or permission. The local sherriff's department might show up at my house unannounced, but that's just because I personally know most of them. But, before I knew them, they would call first. They still usually call first.
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Sounds like people are going to be putting flyers in your door, no way they are going to confront people directly. It would be a massive (illegal I might add) database to figure out who has or hasn't been vaccinated.
Pfft. The whole healthcare system is already a giant database and the NSA has access to the entire thing, legal or not.
No offense buddy, its a fine sign..... but... a two shot group? Thats what your showing the perp... not a clover leaf.... or at least a decent 3 shot group... what did you digitally run out of ammo for the third shot? Maybe the third shot is implied?.... you should write the loadout and distance on it and then it would be scary....ish... lol still only two on paper.
One shot is all it should take. Double tap is just a tad more insurance
When you answer the door and they ask if you have been vaccinated you simply ask for their medical records.When they respond by saying I don't have to show you my medical records, then you say I'm right with you brother. If they don't move on after that retort simply respond I can't believe you let the government put you in harms way with nothing but a government issued ball point pen..........
This is from a group of handlers that thought a photo op of potato joe getting ice cream was a great idea. They even staged a fake question from a planted server. They practiced the question and answer. To insure a success they put the answer on two different papers and put one in each of his coat pockets. The complicated transaction of paying for ice cream and answering the question was too confusing for the potato.
These ass clowns are going to send out minions to question the populace about getting the experiment?
How Fucking comical is that? Sounds like something a choid would excel at.
Everything they do has a reason.

The less obvious the reason, the more you should suspect its intent.
They pulled off the big steal on the election, didn't they?
There was huge payoff emotionally for that along with years to prepare. Going door to door without an objective measure of success is boring. It's just busy work.

Unless police start hauling people into vans, I don't see leftists being as motivated to do their job well. Or they start some sort of commission type pay for door knockers. Confirmed jabs equal money in their pocket.
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Y'all are going about this all wrong.

Ask to see their ID or whatever it is showing that they're the vax police. Tell them you're almost legally blind so they need to hand it to you.
Then ask to see their driver's license so you can compare the two.

Then shut the door and leave them outside for a half hour while you "verify" their information.

If they refuse, you can call the cops and truthfully tell them that there is someone at your door claiming to be a government agent but refusing to identify themselves.

In either case, they're going to be delayed and won't make their quota that day.
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Honestly, I want to know who has been exposed to AIDS. 35 million people (recorded) died of Aids in the last 30 years. That does NOT include Africa and much of Asia where numbers were either not recorded or suppressed. I am thinking AIDS wiped out closer to 150 million.

But AIDS carriers were a protected class. They were 'special.' They had tantrums and made quilts and had Princess Di kiss an AIDS baby. They weren't spreading massive deadly viruses... killing millions. Nope, they were a protected class. Stonewall and all. Queen wrote songs about them. Freddie Mercury was a Martyr.

How do I know that these monkey-fucking stewardesses (that's the dudes) aren't dripping AIDS into my steak at a restaurant? That they aren't out spreading viruses everywhere. AIDS is safe they say. Noone can get it if their kid gets bit by an AIDS baby at elementary school. No... no worry here. Because asking about AIDS was being hateful and homophobic.

Where were the federal workers going door-to-door looking for AIDS spreaders? No... instead, they are passing laws that say it's ok to knowingly spread AIDS... because it's a protected deadly virus.

Oh and lots of Truvada commercials with dudes in ballerina tights making the gay Aids-infected-super-spreader life look hip and cool.

More proof that this is all made-up. The same people pushing COVID are the ones who told us AIDS was nothing... shut up and let Aids-infected disco-ducks spread it everywhere.

Those people should have been moved into isolation, camps, marked, kept out of society, etc. If today's standards were to apply. But no... they're a protected class.

It was all by design, more importantly designed to thin out certain areas of the worlds populations.
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This is a plot to transfer a whole lot of taxpayer money directly into the hands of Democrat affiliated campaign donors who will be running these totally pointless outreach campaigns. I'm also completly and totally sure that none of this money will fall into the hands of local level Democratic party offices acting as coordinators of this scam...
I think you guys are not really understanding what they plan to do. My guess is that they will be going into areas where vaccination rates are low, and attempt to do face to face "community outreach" door to door. It is a dumb, pernicious plan especially given the correlation between those who are not vaccinated and those who don't have any interest in a visit from the .gov, but it is highly unlikely that they have houses of non vaxxed marked for raids or anything like that. They don't care about being inefficient with your money.
No offense buddy, its a fine sign..... but... a two shot group? Thats what your showing the perp... not a clover leaf.... or at least a decent 3 shot group... what did you digitally run out of ammo for the third shot? Maybe the third shot is implied?.... you should write the loadout and distance on it and then it would be scary....ish... lol still only two on paper.
Doesn't even care if the flyer prints on the paper...
Wake up people and share this! This isn't about vaccinations. This is a dry run for door-to-door gun registration/confiscation! Don't think so? Prove me wrong!
And whenever they see a "We don't call 911" or "Protected by Colt" sign the lesbian door knocker will put a check in the appropriate box.

I'm not sure they'd recognize that my address is on a swinging plate made out of AR500.
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I think you guys are not really understanding what they plan to do. My guess is that they will be going into areas where vaccination rates are low, and attempt to do face to face "community outreach" door to door. It is a dumb, pernicious plan especially given the correlation between those who are not vaccinated and those who don't have any interest in a visit from the .gov, but it is highly unlikely that they have houses of non vaxxed marked for raids or anything like that. They don't care about being inefficient with your money.
Some of the responses here are a little tinfoil hatterish but my expectation is this will just be a big cash grab for the connected. I'm imagining 7 and 8 figure "outreach and communication" contracts all across the US going to Democrats and maybe a few well connected RINOS.
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