Proof Research Barrels for AXMC?


Crusty Caballero
Full Member
Feb 14, 2017
Greenbow, AL
New to AI and AXMC so not up on all the variables, and probably dumb question, but does PR have pre-fit AXMC (long action) barrels or blanks? Thinking their AI barrels are not for AXMC.


1 - original question has long ago been answered - Proof Research is doing carbon fiber AXMC (long action - M30x2) pre-fit barrels

2 - after some initial pricing confusion they are now listed on PR's website for $1100 (dealer pricing may vary!!)

3 - they can be ordered through any PR dealer (but some seem to have been able to order directly from PR)

4 - lead times were originally quoted as 10-12 weeks
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I don’t think Rob has any prefits for AXMC, yet.
I know Proof will make you a barrel in almost any configuration but they were about 12weeks out last I checked.

not many companies have blanks for the AXMC in stock, much less prefits.

Gunsmiths don't work for free, you take a 800-900 barrel blank and have it chambered and muzzle threaded you're looking at a minimum of $1200. I've got $1200 into my 6.5 Creed Proof barrel for my AX after all is said and done. Now if Proof offers the service straight from the factory that is a great deal!
I'm new to this and still a little confused but guy at PR said AXMC (I stressed long action) pre-fit barrels were available but were new so no stock # and I should order through dealer. Are any other AI barrels besides AXMC threaded M30x2 as listed in PR link above? Greg replied he could order so will get w/ him on Mon.
Are any other AI barrels besides AXMC threaded M30x2 as listed in PR link above? Greg replied he could order so will get w/ him on Mon.

Holy crap, I’m sorry I didnt even click on the link to see what they had, that’s a long action thread 30x2. That’s a great deal if they can get them up and running. I’ve spoke to Greg for ordering barrels for the shop, biggest draw back was wait time. Even in blanks he only had 6.5 & 338 in stock.

i’ll call PR to see what i can get ordered and timeline on prefits and post here.
Give me a shout to order prefit AI barrels. The long action AXMC barrels are a bit more expensive than the barrels for the short action rifles. Short action prefits are $940 the long action AXMC are around $1,250.
Give me a shout to order prefit AI barrels. The long action AXMC barrels are a bit more expensive than the barrels for the short action rifles. Short action prefits are $940 the long action AXMC are around $1,250.

Should you prefer to answer my questions by pm let me know and I will gladly delete this post.

1) Are you the guy spinning these up?
2) How soon can an ordered barrel be shipped?
3) What Calibers are you set up to make in the short action?
4) When I install your barrel on my rifle will it close on the standard PTG go gauge and not close on the Nogo gauge? For myself I am mainly interested in .308 family.

If their site says long action AXMC barrels are $940 that is a typo. Here is part of an email I received from a representative at Proof Research when I asked why there was a $309 price increase for the long action carbon barrels.

"Large frame is 1.350” steel Sendero on steroids. The price is to a small extent influenced by the extra steel weight of the blanks. It is greatly affected by the additional amount of carbon and resin that goes into wrapping the monstrous blank. Contour is the largest that fits with clearance in the AXMC chassis."

Should you prefer to answer my questions by pm let me know and I will gladly delete this post.

1) Are you the guy spinning these up?
2) How soon can an ordered barrel be shipped?
3) What Calibers are you set up to make in the short action?
4) When I install your barrel on my rifle will it close on the standard PTG go gauge and not close on the Nogo gauge? For myself I am mainly interested in .308 family.


I have been spinning up short action Proof blanks for a while now. Proof does not offer a blank with a large enough shank for the AXMC, which is why I have not offered those previously.

I can have a short action spun up in 4-6 weeks by my smith, but my pricing on those is $1,250 as the blank alone retails for $900.

Proof is going to chamber some prefit barrels in the near future, and this is where pricing gets significantly better. I have some on order and lead times are going to be 12-16 weeks. I plan on stock a number of their different AI prefit options as well

Small shank AI barrels that will fit the AT and AX308 are going to be $940. AXMC barrels will be $1,249. Last I heard from Proof, they were also going to offer some steel barrels but they had not set pricing yet.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions.
I have been spinning up short action Proof blanks for a while now. Proof does not offer a blank with a large enough shank for the AXMC, which is why I have not offered those previously.

I can have a short action spun up in 4-6 weeks by my smith, but my pricing on those is $1,250 as the blank alone retails for $900. We can do pretty much any short action caliber using the .308 bolt face for these. i.e. 6x47, 6 Creedmoor, 6XC, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5x47, .308, .22 Creedmoor, 22x47, etc.

Proof is going to chamber some prefit barrels in the near future, and this is where pricing gets significantly better. I have some on order and lead times are going to be 12-16 weeks. I plan on stock a number of their different AI prefit options as well

Small shank AI barrels that will fit the AT and AX308 are going to be $940. AXMC barrels will be $1,249. Last I heard from Proof, they were also going to offer some steel barrels but they had not set pricing yet.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions.

Glad is sounds like they are/will be available (although the jump from $940 to $1250 changes the equation a bit). Since I've already started talking w/ Greg at Bugholes, I'll continue on that path unless he hits a roadblock.
Just for reference, PRDRIVER is gtg.
I purchased a Anschutz 64r biathlon from him last year.
Smooth and professional transaction.
i will be looking into a ax308 prefit barrel in the near future and look forward to dealing with him again.
Thanks to PRDRIVER for jumping on this but like I said above, I had already started the ball rolling with Greg Young at Bugholes so just placed an order for a 20" 308 barrel with him. He's been on the phone w/ PR and has everything straight for AXMC orders. For anyone looking at these, consider Greg another source with a very good reputation.
Thanks to PRDRIVER for jumping on this but like I said above, I had already started the ball rolling with Greg Young at Bugholes so just placed an order for a 20" 308 barrel with him. He's been on the phone w/ PR and has everything straight for AXMC orders. For anyone looking at these, consider Greg another source with a very good reputation.

Does Greg at Bugholes do AI prefit barrels without sending in your rifle? If he does, then I will have to give him a call as well.


I spoke with my rep at Proof today and was pleasantly surprised when they told me lead times were closer to 6 weeks instead of the 12-16 week lead time I was originally quoted.
Just ordered a 338LM 26” AXMC proof chambered and threaded and was given a 6 week lead time as well. Early Christmas present to me! Next will be a 6.5 and 6CM once I shoot my current ones out or sell them.
What's the barrel life like on the carbon barrels? Say I get about 2k rounds with a regular 6.5 creed barrel; would it be similar, more, less?

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Barrel life is the exact same as all steel barrels.

Have you shot one out to be able to determine how the barrel life compares? I have not, but I've seen where other posters have asserted that the Proof Technology keeps the steel from getting too hot thus providing an increase in barrel life because the throat erodes more quickly once as the temp increases.

I am not claiming that you are wrong, I would just like to know if you are basing your statement on personal experience.
Have you shot one out to be able to determine how the barrel life compares? I have not, but I've seen where other posters have asserted that the Proof Technology keeps the steel from getting too hot thus providing an increase in barrel life because the throat erodes more quickly once as the temp increases.

I am not claiming that you are wrong, I would just like to know if you are basing your statement on personal experience.

I have not shot out a Proof barrel yet, my 6.5 barrel only has 500 rounds through it. I do not believe that hype of it going longer I call BS. The throat is going to deteriorate regardless, it's not cooling any faster. The carbon barrels save weight compared to a similar contour steel barrel and that's it in my opinion.
I have not shot out a Proof barrel yet, my 6.5 barrel only has 500 rounds through it. I do not believe that hype of it going longer I call BS. The throat is going to deteriorate regardless, it's not cooling any faster. The carbon barrels save weight compared to a similar contour steel barrel and that's it in my opinion.

Thank you for clarifying that the preceding post was your opinion. I have heard different claims. Time will tell.
I'd like to consider one of these, but I have to see some real world numbers in regards to accuracy and shot strings before I plop $1K down to drop a pound or two.
I'd like to consider one of these, but I have to see some real world numbers in regards to accuracy and shot strings before I plop $1K down to drop a pound or two.

I've had a couple Proof carbons for awhile now. My 20" 6.5cm barrel on my AX has about 500 rounds through it. It consistently shoot's in the .3's with Berger 130 VLD's at 2850fps. I've tested shot strings and can get about 30 shots fairly quickly before it starts throwing flyers and afterwards you can grab the barrel bare handed and unscrew it. I have a 16" 308 Proof also for my AX with same results.

I have 2 other builds in queue being done with Proof carbons. I really don't think they offer any more compared to a steel barrel except for weight and the exterior of the barrel stays cooler. I'd be curious to see what the internal temp is compared to external after a shot string.
I spoke to a couple people shooting these barrels this weekend at the Lone Survivor Match. They stated the use and wear is the same from most other barrels. 6.5’s go in 1500rds before considerable velocity is lost, accuracy is still there but the throat is worn, 6’s tend to be a lil faster at about 11-1200.

Has anyone noticed Proof has changed the price on the barrels to $1100 from the original $940 ?

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Use the following discount code for 10% your preordered barrel


This special goes through October 31st.

I tried to add a 20 inch 6.5 Creedmore for the AX but the site said "unable to add item - sorry that item is unavailable please select another variant." Am I doing something wrong with the site or do these orders need to be called in?
I went back to the website and tried to add each different length to my cart, the only length that would add in 6.5CM was 24 inches. Is that the only length you plan to order?
I went back to the website and tried to add each different length to my cart, the only length that would add in 6.5CM was 24 inches. Is that the only length you plan to order?

I found the same thing, I was looking to add the 20" in 6.5CM and no such luck.