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Hunting & Fishing Quail Shoot!!!


Full Member
  • Apr 16, 2010
    Not Chicago, Illinios
    I could call this a quail hunt but that wouldn't do this place justice. The hunt happened at Deer Creek Outfitters in Kentucky. I will mention that these weren't wild birds, but that wasn't the intent of this hunt. The set birds rose like wild birds 90% of the time. The accommodations were 5 star as well as the cooking. I wish I had better pictures of the lodge, anyone wanting to see this should look under deercreekoutfitters.com. Me and my partner shot 71 quail in the morning hunt. The afternoon hunt we changed partners and shot 64.
    btw one pheasant also




    Re: Quail Shoot!!!

    I can say from my experience just from from the number of birds it was bumping $1000/gun. It isn't wild birds but it is fun and good work for a dog. That is a FINE looking lodge. Bet they had some fine scotch in that joint.

    Re: Quail Shoot!!!

    Finn you can find their price list at deercreekoutfitters.com

    H4 as a matter of fact they did, although I didn't partake of any of it my friends had plenty.
    btw This place has the Orvis wing shooting award for 2006-2007 for the country.
    Re: Quail Shoot!!!

    my girlfriends grandad runs an outfitting service here in al. about 15 years ago before i had ever met my gf i used to go there and hunt because the old man would let me go with him when he trained his dogs. i was about 12years old and at the time it was the most fun i could have. seeing the dogs work and follow commands was very cool.