The CMP has already spoken loud and clear on this:
I do not think they are speaking loud and clear. They are covering their butt. A retired attorney is the author. They say their lawyers say not to shoot them, as they should. That is exactly what I said, do not shoot them. Is that what I do, no. That is my decision based on extensive research but only good for me. CMP sales them but they say do not shoot them. They are doing what they should do, covering their legal butts. They are much more clear on the low numbered receivers. Do not shoot them. Many do shoot low numbered receivers and the chances of failure are also well known. Do not shoot them. Many informed do. Do not.
Also, Dan, do some more research. Once ordnance decided low numbered receivers were dangerous, they rebarrel many and sent our boys to war in WW2. Would you have taken them at their word and refused to shoot a Japanese soldier in front of you. If they meant it, and it was so critical, why did they risk so many lives. Were their rifles gonna explode. Very unlikely. Read Hatcher. Also be aware, most failures, although rare, did not result in serious injury. Wear shooting glasses, but do not shoot one of either catagory of rifles.
Lynn is a friend and I will be with him and talking to him in 12 days. Great guy. Good friend.
The CMP is not God. CMP forums and many followers seem to think so. There is much more info out there than CMP.
I stand behind what I said. Do not shoot these rifles. There have been no failures so far and they were demilled in a fashion that is most likely safe. They did not alter the critical areas of the receiver. They did not alter the heat treatment of the whole receiver. Do not shoot these receivers. I will if I want. Others, do not shoot them. Just my legal advise for free and also per Lynn apparently.
Everyone should do their homework and realize anything that CMP puts out is not from God. A good source but not definitive. Do your homework from all sources, use common sense make a decision and do not shoot these rifles. The thousands that have, including me, are stupid. So is the 80 plus year old that got a Gibbs rifle and shot amazing groups at range with a replica. Stupid. Not to mention his outshooting a sniper school instructor with a modern sniper having never shot one.
Folks that want zero risk in their life should crawl in a hole and cover their heads with kevlar. Life is a calculated risk and everything we do is. Autos are extremely dangerous. Do not drive. Do not leave home. Do not eat fast food. Do not shoot reclaimed drill rifles, or any gun. Be safe and do not enjoy life.