I'm looking into steel targets because the only paper I've been able to spot a hit on at 1000 yards are the Birchwood Casey 12x18 silhouettes. They're around 20 bucks shipped for a pack of 8 and I can't find them locally. So the cost of those targets mounts quickly. While I can see hits on it, I can't see them all, its sort of hit or miss as to whether there's enough splash to make them visible that far out.
So here's the question on steel targets, spend the extra coin for a reactive target? Or can you still hear the clang at 1k shooting .308? I've shot steel at 550 yards and can hear the impact pretty easily, but 1000 is twice that, looking for feedback from long range steel shooters here.
So here's the question on steel targets, spend the extra coin for a reactive target? Or can you still hear the clang at 1k shooting .308? I've shot steel at 550 yards and can hear the impact pretty easily, but 1000 is twice that, looking for feedback from long range steel shooters here.