You understand this just as well as we do, and I think that it all really boils down to the fact that: "you get what you pay for".
Look, if you want to pay $100 for product ABC, rather than $200 for product DEF or $300 for GHI, then all the power to you! But the problem is that product DEF or GHI will probably do something different, be made differently or have a cool feature that ABC doesn't, and those facts are what cause it to cost 2x or 3x as much. In most cases, product ABC will work amazing and do everything you want it to do and more, but does that make products DEF and GHI obsolete and useless? No. What it means that ABC is good, but so are DEF and GHI, just in different ways.
The flip side to this is if you ball out and buy product GHI, that doesn't automatically guarantee that it is a
BETTER PRODUCT FOR YOU and you may find that the features, material and ergonomics are better on product DEF or ABC
FOR WHAT YOU'RE DOING. No one is forcing you to buy product GHI for the most money, and if you don't like it, then you can return it or sell it to someone else, sho may love it or hate it depending on their use. This is just the basic concept of free will and the free market.
The reason our Ckye Pod costs what it does is material and machine time. It is a complex product and would only decrease in cost if we made a bajillion of them a year
OR lowered the quality of the part that the end user receives. This whole thread started because of former (kind of) where we scaled up production from just Ckye and his wife hand assembling and batch checking parts to see which ones "felt right" to them, to a full production manner. The "first gen" Cyke Pods were tight tolerance, lots of assembly time, more expensive materials and machining processes, but are an excellent product. When we scaled up this model, we could not control everything as tightly as Ckye did, and, admittedly, there are a few MDT Ckye Pods out there that are looser tolerances than they are now. We worked on this and are still working on this to make it right. If you have an issue with any MDT product, let us know, call, email, PM, carrier pigeon, smoke signal, WHATEVER us and we'll do what we can to help