• Site Updates Coming Monday

    We’re planning to start making changes bright and early on Monday so you might see the site down fir a bit, but no worries, we’ll make our changes and be back as soon as we can!

  • Watch Out for Scammers!

    We've now added a color code for all accounts. Orange accounts are new members, Blue are full members, and Green are Supporters. If you get a message about a sale from an orange account, make sure you pay attention before sending any money!

Race card played in 3..2..1….

Chattanoogan here, fuck her

It’s been a shit show ever since the pansyass car salesman mayor took over and immediately started apologizing for his white guilt.

We’ve got more than our share of shitbag cops, but any that were even marginally good took off or were removed when this dipshit arrived.
Glad we are in Cleveland and moving to Polk county 😂 Chattanooga has been a s***show for years and would never live there.
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You know your shit is fucked when Cleveland is giving you the side eye.
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