Range noise suppression

My club mentioned above is surrounded by developments. We had to put up a gate and no trespassing signs whe the developers started walking on our property saying how they were going to use it. We also reminded them the lake was ours not theirs.

Anyhow after that they filed a noise complaint to try to shut the club down. DEQ came out and set up noise measuring equipmemt on the firing line and on the property lines. We had to have a shooter on every point, 37 shooters, on the line. Just as he was ready to have them fire the first plane of the morning flew into there airport. He looked at the map said we were in a glide slope, the planes are louder than we are. He packed up and left.
Awesome 😁
There has been some good advice here, if you comb through a lot of the other stuff. I can't understand why we aren't converting more people to the 2A way with some of the attitudes we've seen here! The reality is that in a lot of less rural, and even increasingly in non-rural schools, people are being taught that guns are bad, and gun people are worse. We need to work on changing that. We need to be upstanding and polite, without giving ground. A lot of anti-gun people and people that weren't anti-gun per se, but were really just afraid of guns have been converted with a few magazines of 22 through a silenced pistol. Nearly every woman that has come over and given it a try has then wanted to get her own gun. These people can become allies if we treat them right. I'm not saying become an apologist and pander to leftists, just that if handled correctly, a lot of situations can become better instead of worse.

I can fully empathize with how annoying it is to have a yuppy move in across the road and then complain about everything from not having side walks or street lights, to more important things like gun fire. Seems like they move away from what they don't like and then start demanding all the things that made where they moved from expensive and over regulated to begin with.

I would amplify that you need to make sure what you're doing is fully legal. A lot of times there are regulations about distances to roads and other fine details about where you can fire a gun. After that, just be polite and work on getting to be friends with them. Counting your neighbors as friends is a nice thing to have. It's real hard to call the cops on your friends. It's probably even less annoying to hear gun fire from across the street if you're wondering what's getting shot, and why you weren't invited to hang out and let off a few rounds.
We just had some people from LA move in near by, but after the foot of snow we got last Saturday, nobody has seen hide nor hair. Nature is a cruel mistress.
There has been some good advice here, if you comb through a lot of the other stuff. I can't understand why we aren't converting more people to the 2A way with some of the attitudes we've seen here! The reality is that in a lot of less rural, and even increasingly in non-rural schools, people are being taught that guns are bad, and gun people are worse. We need to work on changing that. We need to be upstanding and polite, without giving ground. A lot of anti-gun people and people that weren't anti-gun per se, but were really just afraid of guns have been converted with a few magazines of 22 through a silenced pistol. Nearly every woman that has come over and given it a try has then wanted to get her own gun. These people can become allies if we treat them right. I'm not saying become an apologist and pander to leftists, just that if handled correctly, a lot of situations can become better instead of worse.

I can fully empathize with how annoying it is to have a yuppy move in across the road and then complain about everything from not having side walks or street lights, to more important things like gun fire. Seems like they move away from what they don't like and then start demanding all the things that made where they moved from expensive and over regulated to begin with.

I would amplify that you need to make sure what you're doing is fully legal. A lot of times there are regulations about distances to roads and other fine details about where you can fire a gun. After that, just be polite and work on getting to be friends with them. Counting your neighbors as friends is a nice thing to have. It's real hard to call the cops on your friends. It's probably even less annoying to hear gun fire from across the street if you're wondering what's getting shot, and why you weren't invited to hang out and let off a few rounds.
I think we're talking about two different things here. If someone moves to rural Montana (I doubt he's shooting next to the road in Billings proper) they are going to have to accept rural culture, which by the way is vastly superior to wherever the fuck hellhole they came from. If they don't, then fuck 'em. They moved there.
Funny, I can't find the same cover that's on my dogeared, paperback copy:

Fucking 1958! Pre civil rights movement! They (the Left) are the same fucking people they were. NOTHING has changed. They still personify the Ugly American. They will travel to another country and demand they speak English, denigrate their traditions and mores, or move to the country and demand their neighbors stop shooting. They're just the most fucking rude, selfish, and ignorant people there are. Not only aren't they ashamed, they venerate their own ignorance and consider ignorance something to be proud of...

No fucking Republican thinks the world revolves around wherever they live, or that our beliefs and values have to be adopted by everyone. We know we're right, but its been generations since some joined the Democrats in trying to use government to force to make everyone to follow biblical truth. The Republican Party is 500% more libertarian than they were just fifty years ago. It's back to it's roots. We just fucking don't believe in top down power anymore. We know we're not that fucking important, and we don't believe we're the center of everything. If anything we've come back home to our founding, live and let live, principals.

Leftists are totally fucked in the head. They ARE what they claim to hate, which is why they're so fucking miserable all the time and why virtually every policy they favor is completely misanthropic.

Honestly, I'm so far past trying to reason with them or convince anyone who takes pride in their own ignorance. I expect their violent, communist, revolution that is going on right now to get bigger and bigger till the entire country is engulfed in it. So I'm not really of any disposition to make nice with anyone who doesn't understand what a right is and isn't, or who is going to try and make my limit my free exercise thereof, period. I'm way past talking.

Don't ask me to humor The Ugly American. I won't do it.
Doesn't your state have a range protection law?

This is exactly what they protect ranges from.

This was the late 80's. I think Virginia has passed them since.

Our biggest problem lately was shot landing in the neighbor's pool. We told the shotgun club it would be a problem. They said the NRA knew nothing about sporting clays. Closed a few points. It would be almost a million dollars to fix it. The guy who makes shot curtains never showed up.
I think we're talking about two different things here. If someone moves to rural Montana (I doubt he's shooting next to the road in Billings proper) they are going to have to accept rural culture, which by the way is vastly superior to wherever the fuck hellhole they came from. If they don't, then fuck 'em. They moved there.
Funny, I can't find the same cover that's on my dogeared, paperback copy:

Fucking 1958! Pre civil rights movement! They (the Left) are the same fucking people they were. NOTHING has changed. They still personify the Ugly American. They will travel to another country and demand they speak English, denigrate their traditions and mores, or move to the country and demand their neighbors stop shooting. They're just the most fucking rude, selfish, and ignorant people there are. Not only aren't they ashamed, they venerate their own ignorance and consider ignorance something to be proud of...

No fucking Republican thinks the world revolves around wherever they live, or that our beliefs and values have to be adopted by everyone. We know we're right, but its been generations since some joined the Democrats in trying to use government to force to make everyone to follow biblical truth. The Republican Party is 500% more libertarian than they were just fifty years ago. It's back to it's roots. We just fucking don't believe in top down power anymore. We know we're not that fucking important, and we don't believe we're the center of everything. If anything we've come back home to our founding, live and let live, principals.

Leftists are totally fucked in the head. They ARE what they claim to hate, which is why they're so fucking miserable all the time and why virtually every policy they favor is completely misanthropic.

Honestly, I'm so far past trying to reason with them or convince anyone who takes pride in their own ignorance. I expect their violent, communist, revolution that is going on right now to get bigger and bigger till the entire country is engulfed in it. So I'm not really of any disposition to make nice with anyone who doesn't understand what a right is and isn't, or who is going to try and make my limit my free exercise thereof, period. I'm way past talking.

Don't ask me to humor The Ugly American. I won't do it.

I agree with your post in it's entirety. I don't think we should apologize to leftists or even try to reason with "Them".

I just think we should try to be civil and friendly with our neighbors. Or at least give it a try before going full conflict mode with them. I know it's hard to believe for people brought up rural, but sometimes these people literally need an education in what's normal and acceptable behavior. If all that fails, well, you tried. Or as Mattis said, "be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill every Kalifornian that moves in next door".
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I had this exact same thing happen years ago when I lived outside Livingston. Asshole brings his kids and wife over to my house and tells me the shooting will have to stop. I laughed and said some thing along the lines of ‘yeah right’. They stormed off and called the local sheriff the next time I was out banging away. Sheriff told them to let it go, everything was legal and I was within my rights. Second time they called the sheriff he let them know that if they called about this again he would cite them for false reports. Assholes. I say fuck’em.
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I had this exact same thing happen years ago when I lived outside Livingston. Asshole brings his kids and wife over to my house and tells me the shooting will have to stop. I laughed and said some thing along the lines of ‘yeah right’. They stormed off and called the local sheriff the next time I was out banging away. Sheriff told them to let it go, everything was legal and I was within my rights. Second time they called the sheriff he let them know that if they called about this again he would cite them for false reports. Assholes. I say fuck’em.
I hate people who think that because they have kids they set the rules for the whole of the world.
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I hate people who think that because they have kids they set the rules for the whole of the world.
Yeah. This douche hammer had the balls to come up later in the year and tell me I was over grazing my stock and then tell me his way. Which of course did nothing more than piss me off even more.
Yeah. This douche hammer had the balls to come up later in the year and tell me I was over grazing my stock and then tell me his way. Which of course did nothing more than piss me off even more.
I know French isn't the favorite language of the Hide, but my Grandmother's favorite saying was "les cons gagnent toujours, ils sont trop." Roughly, the cunts always win, there are just too many of them. Starting to feel that way in many parts of the state.
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Just wanted to wish you good luck with the neighbor complaints but brace yourself for a real fight when others move near too.
There was a very large and well designed shooting club range (Best of the West) in rural Texas that was recently shut down because a land developer/speculator bought adjacent property and filed suit. There were no houses within projectile range and no bullets were evidenced as leaving the range property but the suit continued until the owners could no longer continue operation with only a pistol range.
Texas is a huge state so there is no excuse for asshats to force something like this.
If I were the owner I would lease the property to a stockyard or hog farm.
I know French isn't the favorite language of the Hide, but my Grandmother's favorite saying was "les cons gagnent toujours, ils sont trop." Roughly, the cunts always win, there are just too many of them. Starting to feel that way in many parts of the state.
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Typical urbanite bullshit, move somewhere and force changes to happen to suit your wishes. I got in an argument with a liberal in-law about range noise a while back and told them it wouldn’t be an issue if suppressors weren’t an NFA item and pointed out they could get on board with legislation to change that. I Was treated to a tirade about how people that wanted to exercise their 2A rights or defend themselves should have to pay for a $1000 permit every year and carry $1 M insurance policy to cover any victims they had. I pointed out that those policies were discriminatory and meant that only rich people would be able to afford to defend themselves and that it would leave people who live in low income Minority housing, who typical have no police presence, without a means to defend themselves against a home invasion or other criminal activity. I thought their head would explode when I pointed out that the people most affected would be underprivileged minority single mothers.
I had fun, but we haven’t talked in a while.
On the bright side your Christmas gift buying List probably just got shorter. :)
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Anyone know if this actually works well enough to build? We have issues on our range in Australia where the fullbore guys are complaining about our muzzle breaks. Going down the appeasement path at the moment.......
Works well enough for given investment and its used a lot on UK ranges. Will definitely tame complaints about muzzle brakes.
There's a large dairy a few hundred yards to the East and below us by about 50-75 feet. They used to shoot regularly and the neighbors would go nuts on the NextDoor app. Funny as hell. I'm trying to figure out how to get friendly with them. 🤠

I haven't heard them shoot in quite a while though.
You will never be able to appease a liberal douche bag unless they move or stop breathing.
Sucks to say that but its the truth.
There is only a couple of cures to some diseases.

My point is you said even shooting suppresed is no good, so either you are the complaintentent and full of shit or thier is no real reasonining to be had with an unreasonable asswipe complaintant.

Just because someone doesn't like loud noises, they're liberals? Maybe they moved out to middle of nowhere for some peace and quiet and they're genuinely bothered by the noise.

And OP sounds like a reasonable guy, trying to find a solution where he can keep shooting while lessening the noise so his neighbors won't be affected.

If people behaved reasonably instead of politicizing everything, this country would be in a much better place.
These people chose to move to this location. The OP already said he is legal.

Outside of my town, there is an airport for a crop dusting service. People were building houses around it and then complaining about the noise. Idiots. The flying service put a huge signs on their property facing the roads that says “Future site of a hog farm”. They are trying to be proactive it seems.
Our 1500 member gun club is buying all the available properties around us. Then, resell after placing land restrictions on the property preventing future owners from suing club for noise/projectiles. Prime facia evidence they knew there was an existing gun range in proximity when they bought property.
Offer to sell your only your rifle range to your neighbor for some phenomenal fee (only the footprint occupied by your current range). That way they can exercise control over property they own. When the sale is complete and the check has cleared, build a range immediately adjacent to the property you just sold. Repeat process until you are extremely wealthy or your neighbor is broke (whichever comes first).
I dislike the toxic tribalism in this country and in this thread. As soon as you're not willing to be a reasonable person, then you're the problem. Nothing about this is about political party, and unless I've forgotten or missed it, we don't even know the neighbor's political persuasion. Be reasonable unless the other party is unreasonable. Then, the letter of the law is what matters. Try to engender a sense of community. Life is just better that way.
I had a good talk with the neighbor. Surprisingly rational guy. He said he did the homework himself and knew the law isn’t on his side and that it wasn’t him but his little dog that freaks out. He claims to have bought some white noise generators. I parted by stating he’s got an open invitation to shoot. We will see if he takes me up on it.

Anyway, I’m going to try and make some noise abatement fence near my “shoot house” at some point.

Thanks for all of the support!
Take your rangefinder and measure from your bench to their porch, build a curved wall on the opposite side of your bench from them that the radius of the curve matches the distance to their house. Buy a bmg, shoot it unsuppressed, they'll move
Why doesn't your neighbor build something to deflect the sound if he's so concerned? As soon as you make something like the barrels or tires above, you'll never be able to shoot outside of them again without him bitching. Not illegal? Not your problem to fix.
We live out of town quite a ways and recently had a new neighbor move in across the road. I’ve been shooting on my property for a little more than ten years and it’s suddenly become a problem...even while shooting suppressed. I’d like to keep the peace as best I can and install some sort of fencing to deflect the sound away from their place. My 100 yard range runs almost parallel to the road that they live across.

Any advice or a good source of information? I’ve not been able to dig up much in my searching.

OP, the only reasonable solution you should provide is that you will be happy to text them when you’re going to shoot. Then they can put on ear pro, go run errands, or hide under their bed.

If they moved to the country then they’ve got to deal with country stuff. There’s good and bad. If they didn’t want to be able to hear anything g from their neighbors then they should have bought more land.

I’ll be damned if a neighbor is going to tell me what I can and cannot do on the expansive property I own as long as it’s legal and I won’t tell them why they can and can’t do on their property provided it’s within the law. I may not be happy with their choices but if I didn’t want to hear or see it then I should’ve bought a bigger place.

Perhaps you should suggest a nice neighborhood with an HOA that would cater to their desires.
I suggest that you draw up your own Range Safety Template. The way that I was taught to do a Range Safety Template is:
1. Draw your centreline, preferably on tracing film.
2. Determine your cone of fire and draw a diverging line (to the appropriate angle) on each side of the centreline, starting from the beginning of your centreline. NB The cone of fire represents the danger area.
3. Draw a couple of lines parallel to the left and right lines of the cone of fire. I forget the exact distance and it is past midnight at my location so I not grabbing out my paperwork BUT it may be 20 metres. I will Iook it up after work. The NRA in your country will be able to give you guidance in this matter.
4. Draw a couple of lines from the beginning of your centreline but heading off at 30 degrees so that they intersect with the parallel lines. Erase any lines that go outside the intersections.
5. Grab your topo map and place the base of your template on the left and right sides of your firing point and in line with the central axis of your range. You can mark the intersections with a drawing compass and then draw the actual Range Safety Template for your range on your map. Some people refer to these templates as Range Danger Templates BUT the danger area, as previously stated, lies within the Cone of Fire. The bit on the side is a buffer area. In my experience, you are far more likely to see an animal drifting into the cone of fire than a person.

You can also do this on a computer but, as a carpenter, I prefer the manual method, partly because you tend to do far more checking when doing that way.

Creating a proper template for your range shows good faith and if you need to tweak the orientation, do it as soon as possible.
Keep shooting. To hell with the a..eholes.
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