I think we're talking about two different things here. If someone moves to rural Montana (I doubt he's shooting next to the road in Billings proper) they are going to have to accept rural culture, which by the way is vastly superior to wherever the fuck hellhole they came from. If they don't, then fuck 'em. They moved there.
Funny, I can't find the same cover that's on my dogeared, paperback copy:
Fucking 1958! Pre civil rights movement! They (the Left) are the same fucking people they were. NOTHING has changed. They still personify the Ugly American. They will travel to another country and demand they speak English, denigrate their traditions and mores, or move to the country and demand their neighbors stop shooting. They're just the most fucking rude, selfish, and ignorant people there are. Not only aren't they ashamed, they venerate their own ignorance and consider ignorance something to be proud of...
No fucking Republican thinks the world revolves around wherever they live, or that our beliefs and values have to be adopted by everyone. We know we're right, but its been generations since some joined the Democrats in trying to use government to force to make everyone to follow biblical truth. The Republican Party is 500% more libertarian than they were just fifty years ago. It's back to it's roots. We just fucking don't believe in top down power anymore. We know we're not that fucking important, and we don't believe we're the center of everything. If anything we've come back home to our founding, live and let live, principals.
Leftists are totally fucked in the head. They ARE what they claim to hate, which is why they're so fucking miserable all the time and why virtually every policy they favor is completely misanthropic.
Honestly, I'm so far past trying to reason with them or convince anyone who takes pride in their own ignorance. I expect their violent, communist, revolution that is going on right now to get bigger and bigger till the entire country is engulfed in it. So I'm not really of any disposition to make nice with anyone who doesn't understand what a right is and isn't, or who is going to try and make my limit my free exercise thereof, period. I'm way past talking.
Don't ask me to humor The Ugly American. I won't do it.