Group Buys RAPTAR group buy

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Ok, well it turns out, PRG has ONE more RAPTAR ES unit. First public, here in this thread "I'll take it" gets it.

If any questions about the unit or payment process, please PM me about that. But the official "I'll take it" should be posted here after any questions are answered.

BTW, one member is looking to sell their RAPTAR ES. He bought in the group buy, but is now upgrading to the S/ES model. Go check in the Optics PX for "RAPTAR ES".

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What is this S/ES model? Does it just have the Bluetooth and ballistic capabilities or does it have the IR illuminator too? And I mean the good one.

The “ES” in the S/ES stands for “Eye Safe” so, no, it definitely does NOT have the “good one.” :cry:

But it does have all the other cool bits. Just low-power lasers.
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