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      "emoji.100" => "Hundred points"
      "emoji.1234" => "Input numbers"
      "emoji.8ball" => "Pool 8 ball"
      "emoji.a" => "A button (blood type)"
      "emoji.ab" => "AB button (blood type)"
      "emoji.abacus" => "Abacus"
      "" => "Input latin letters"
      "emoji.abcd" => "Input latin lowercase"
      "emoji.accept" => "Japanese “acceptable” button"
      "emoji.accordion" => "Accordion"
      "emoji.adhesive_bandage" => "Adhesive bandage"
      "" => "Person"
      "emoji.adult_tone1" => "Person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone2" => "Person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone3" => "Person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone4" => "Person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone5" => "Person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.aerial_tramway" => "Aerial tramway"
      "emoji.airplane" => "Airplane"
      "emoji.airplane_arriving" => "Airplane arrival"
      "emoji.airplane_departure" => "Airplane departure"
      "emoji.airplane_small" => "Small airplane"
      "emoji.alarm_clock" => "Alarm clock"
      "emoji.alembic" => "Alembic"
      "emoji.alien" => "Alien"
      "emoji.ambulance" => "Ambulance"
      "emoji.amphora" => "Amphora"
      "emoji.anatomical_heart" => "Anatomical heart"
      "emoji.anchor" => "Anchor"
      "emoji.angel" => "Baby angel"
      "emoji.angel_tone1" => "Baby angel: light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone2" => "Baby angel: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone3" => "Baby angel: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone4" => "Baby angel: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone5" => "Baby angel: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.anger" => "Anger symbol"
      "emoji.anger_right" => "Right anger bubble"
      "emoji.angry" => "Angry face"
      "emoji.anguished" => "Anguished face"
      "emoji.ant" => "Ant"
      "" => "Red apple"
      "emoji.aquarius" => "Aquarius"
      "emoji.aries" => "Aries"
      "emoji.arrow_backward" => "Reverse button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_down" => "Fast down button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_up" => "Fast up button"
      "emoji.arrow_down" => "Down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_down_small" => "Downwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_forward" => "Play button"
      "emoji.arrow_heading_down" => "Right arrow curving down"
      "emoji.arrow_heading_up" => "Right arrow curving up"
      "emoji.arrow_left" => "Left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_left" => "Down-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_right" => "Down-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right" => "Right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right_hook" => "Left arrow curving right"
      "emoji.arrow_up" => "Up arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_down" => "Up-down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_small" => "Upwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_left" => "Up-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_right" => "Up-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrows_clockwise" => "Clockwise vertical arrows"
      "emoji.arrows_counterclockwise" => "Counterclockwise arrows button"
      "" => "Artist palette"
      "emoji.articulated_lorry" => "Articulated lorry"
      "emoji.artist" => "Artist"
      "emoji.artist_tone1" => "Artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone2" => "Artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone3" => "Artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone4" => "Artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone5" => "Artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.asterisk" => "Keycap: *"
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      "emoji.astronaut" => "Astronaut"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone1" => "Astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone2" => "Astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone3" => "Astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone4" => "Astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone5" => "Astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.athletic_shoe" => "Running shoe"
      "emoji.atm" => "ATM sign"
      "emoji.atom" => "Atom symbol"
      "emoji.auto_rickshaw" => "Auto rickshaw"
      "emoji.avocado" => "Avocado"
      "emoji.axe" => "Axe"
      "emoji.b" => "B button (blood type)"
      "" => "Baby"
      "emoji.baby_bottle" => "Baby bottle"
      "emoji.baby_chick" => "Baby chick"
      "emoji.baby_symbol" => "Baby symbol"
      "emoji.baby_tone1" => "Baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone2" => "Baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone3" => "Baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone4" => "Baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone5" => "Baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.back" => "BACK arrow"
      "emoji.bacon" => "Bacon"
      "emoji.badger" => "Badger"
      "emoji.badminton" => "Badminton"
      "emoji.bagel" => "Bagel"
      "emoji.baggage_claim" => "Baggage claim"
      "emoji.bald" => "Bald"
      "emoji.ballet_shoes" => "Ballet shoes"
      "emoji.balloon" => "Balloon"
      "emoji.ballot_box" => "Ballot box with ballot"
      "emoji.ballot_box_with_check" => "Check box with check"
      "emoji.bamboo" => "Pine decoration"
      "emoji.banana" => "Banana"
      "emoji.bangbang" => "Double exclamation mark"
      "emoji.banjo" => "Banjo"
      "" => "Bank"
      "emoji.bar_chart" => "Bar chart"
      "emoji.barber" => "Barber pole"
      "" => "Baseball"
      "emoji.basket" => "Basket"
      "" => "Basketball"
      "emoji.bat" => "Bat"
      "emoji.bath" => "Person taking bath"
      "emoji.bath_tone1" => "Person taking bath: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone2" => "Person taking bath: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone3" => "Person taking bath: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone4" => "Person taking bath: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone5" => "Person taking bath: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bathtub" => "Bathtub"
      "emoji.battery" => "Battery"
      "emoji.beach" => "Beach with umbrella"
      "emoji.beach_umbrella" => "Umbrella on ground"
      "emoji.beans" => "Beans"
      "emoji.bear" => "Bear"
      "emoji.bearded_person" => "Person: beard"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone1" => "Bearded person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone2" => "Bearded person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone3" => "Bearded person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone4" => "Bearded person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone5" => "Bearded person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.beaver" => "Beaver"
      "emoji.bed" => "Bed"
      "emoji.bee" => "Honeybee"
      "" => "Beer mug"
      "emoji.beers" => "Clinking beer mugs"
      "emoji.beetle" => "Beetle"
      "emoji.beginner" => "Japanese symbol for beginner"
      "emoji.bell" => "Bell"
      "emoji.bell_pepper" => "Bell pepper"
      "emoji.bellhop" => "Bellhop bell"
      "emoji.bento" => "Bento box"
      "emoji.beverage_box" => "Beverage box"
      "" => "Bicycle"
      "emoji.bikini" => "Bikini"
      "emoji.billed_cap" => "Billed cap"
      "emoji.biohazard" => "Biohazard"
      "emoji.bird" => "Bird"
      "emoji.birthday" => "Birthday cake"
      "emoji.bison" => "Bison"
      "emoji.biting_lip" => "Biting lip"
      "emoji.black_bird" => "Black bird"
      "emoji.black_cat" => "Black cat"
      "emoji.black_circle" => "Black circle"
      "emoji.black_heart" => "Black heart"
      "emoji.black_joker" => "Joker"
      "emoji.black_large_square" => "Black large square"
      "emoji.black_medium_small_square" => "Black medium-small square"
      "emoji.black_medium_square" => "Black medium square"
      "emoji.black_nib" => "Black nib"
      "emoji.black_small_square" => "Black small square"
      "emoji.black_square_button" => "Black square button"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man" => "Man: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone1" => "Blond-haired man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone2" => "Blond-haired man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone3" => "Blond-haired man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone4" => "Blond-haired man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone5" => "Blond-haired man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person" => "Person: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone1" => "Blond-haired person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone2" => "Blond-haired person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone3" => "Blond-haired person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone4" => "Blond-haired person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone5" => "Blond-haired person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman" => "Woman: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone1" => "Blond-haired woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone2" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone3" => "Blond-haired woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone4" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone5" => "Blond-haired woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blossom" => "Blossom"
      "emoji.blowfish" => "Blowfish"
      "emoji.blue_book" => "Blue book"
      "emoji.blue_car" => "Sport utility vehicle"
      "emoji.blue_circle" => "Blue circle"
      "emoji.blue_heart" => "Blue heart"
      "emoji.blue_square" => "Blue square"
      "emoji.blueberries" => "Blueberries"
      "emoji.blush" => "Smiling face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.boar" => "Boar"
      "emoji.bomb" => "Bomb"
      "emoji.bone" => "Bone"
      "" => "Open book"
      "emoji.bookmark" => "Bookmark"
      "emoji.bookmark_tabs" => "Bookmark tabs"
      "emoji.books" => "Books"
      "emoji.boom" => "Collision"
      "emoji.boomerang" => "Boomerang"
      "emoji.boot" => "Woman’s boot"
      "emoji.bouquet" => "Bouquet"
      "emoji.bow_and_arrow" => "Bow and arrow"
      "emoji.bowl_with_spoon" => "Bowl with spoon"
      "emoji.bowling" => "Bowling"
      "emoji.boxing_glove" => "Boxing glove"
      "emoji.boy" => "Boy"
      "emoji.boy_tone1" => "Boy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone2" => "Boy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone3" => "Boy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone4" => "Boy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone5" => "Boy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.brain" => "Brain"
      "emoji.bread" => "Bread"
      "emoji.breast_feeding" => "Breast-feeding"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone1" => "Breast-feeding: light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone2" => "Breast-feeding: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone3" => "Breast-feeding: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone4" => "Breast-feeding: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone5" => "Breast-feeding: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bricks" => "Brick"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil" => "Bride with veil"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone1" => "Bride with veil: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone2" => "Bride with veil: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone3" => "Bride with veil: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone4" => "Bride with veil: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone5" => "Bride with veil: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bridge_at_night" => "Bridge at night"
      "emoji.briefcase" => "Briefcase"
      "emoji.briefs" => "Briefs"
      "emoji.broccoli" => "Broccoli"
      "emoji.broken_heart" => "Broken heart"
      "emoji.broom" => "Broom"
      "emoji.brown_circle" => "Brown circle"
      "emoji.brown_heart" => "Brown heart"
      "emoji.brown_square" => "Brown square"
      "emoji.bubble_tea" => "Bubble tea"
      "emoji.bubbles" => "Bubbles"
      "emoji.bucket" => "Bucket"
      "emoji.bug" => "Bug"
      "emoji.bulb" => "Light bulb"
      "emoji.bullettrain_front" => "Bullet train"
      "emoji.bullettrain_side" => "High-speed train"
      "emoji.burrito" => "Burrito"
      "emoji.bus" => "Bus"
      "emoji.busstop" => "Bus stop"
      "emoji.bust_in_silhouette" => "Bust in silhouette"
      "emoji.busts_in_silhouette" => "Busts in silhouette"
      "emoji.butter" => "Butter"
      "emoji.butterfly" => "Butterfly"
      "emoji.cactus" => "Cactus"
      "emoji.cake" => "Shortcake"
      "emoji.calendar" => "Tear-off calendar"
      "emoji.calendar_spiral" => "Spiral calendar"
      "emoji.call_me" => "Call me hand"
      "emoji.call_me_tone1" => "Call me hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone2" => "Call me hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone3" => "Call me hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone4" => "Call me hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone5" => "Call me hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.calling" => "Mobile phone with arrow"
      "emoji.camel" => "Two-hump camel"
      "" => "Camera"
      "emoji.camera_with_flash" => "Camera with flash"
      "emoji.camping" => "Camping"
      "emoji.cancer" => "Cancer"
      "emoji.candle" => "Candle"
      "emoji.candy" => "Candy"
      "emoji.canned_food" => "Canned food"
      "emoji.canoe" => "Canoe"
      "emoji.capital_abcd" => "Input latin uppercase"
      "emoji.capricorn" => "Capricorn"
      "emoji.card_box" => "Card file box"
      "emoji.card_index" => "Card index"
      "emoji.carousel_horse" => "Carousel horse"
      "emoji.carpentry_saw" => "Carpentry saw"
      "emoji.carrot" => "Carrot"
      "" => "Cat face"
      "emoji.cat2" => "Cat"
      "" => "Optical disk"
      "emoji.chains" => "Chains"
      "emoji.chair" => "Chair"
      "emoji.champagne" => "Bottle with popping cork"
      "emoji.champagne_glass" => "Clinking glasses"
      "emoji.chart" => "Chart increasing with yen"
      "emoji.chart_with_downwards_trend" => "Chart decreasing"
      "emoji.chart_with_upwards_trend" => "Chart increasing"
      "emoji.checkered_flag" => "Chequered flag"
      "emoji.cheese" => "Cheese wedge"
      "emoji.cherries" => "Cherries"
      "emoji.cherry_blossom" => "Cherry blossom"
      "emoji.chess_pawn" => "Chess pawn"
      "emoji.chestnut" => "Chestnut"
      "emoji.chicken" => "Chicken"
      "emoji.child" => "Child"
      "emoji.child_tone1" => "Child: light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone2" => "Child: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone3" => "Child: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone4" => "Child: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone5" => "Child: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.children_crossing" => "Children crossing"
      "emoji.chipmunk" => "Chipmunk"
      "emoji.chocolate_bar" => "Chocolate bar"
      "emoji.chopsticks" => "Chopsticks"
      "emoji.christmas_tree" => "Christmas tree"
      "" => "Church"
      "emoji.cinema" => "Cinema"
      "emoji.circus_tent" => "Circus tent"
      "emoji.city_dusk" => "Cityscape at dusk"
      "emoji.city_sunset" => "Sunset"
      "emoji.cityscape" => "Cityscape"
      "" => "CL button"
      "emoji.clap" => "Clapping hands"
      "emoji.clap_tone1" => "Clapping hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone2" => "Clapping hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone3" => "Clapping hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone4" => "Clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone5" => "Clapping hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clapper" => "Clapper board"
      "emoji.classical_building" => "Classical building"
      "emoji.clipboard" => "Clipboard"
      "emoji.clock" => "Mantelpiece clock"
      "emoji.clock1" => "One o’clock"
      "emoji.clock10" => "Ten o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1030" => "Ten-thirty"
      "emoji.clock11" => "Eleven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1130" => "Eleven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock12" => "Twelve o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1230" => "Twelve-thirty"
      "emoji.clock130" => "One-thirty"
      "emoji.clock2" => "Two o’clock"
      "emoji.clock230" => "Two-thirty"
      "emoji.clock3" => "Three o’clock"
      "emoji.clock330" => "Three-thirty"
      "emoji.clock4" => "Four o’clock"
      "emoji.clock430" => "Four-thirty"
      "emoji.clock5" => "Five o’clock"
      "emoji.clock530" => "Five-thirty"
      "emoji.clock6" => "Six o’clock"
      "emoji.clock630" => "Six-thirty"
      "emoji.clock7" => "Seven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock730" => "Seven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock8" => "Eight o’clock"
      "emoji.clock830" => "Eight-thirty"
      "emoji.clock9" => "Nine o’clock"
      "emoji.clock930" => "Nine-thirty"
      "emoji.closed_book" => "Closed book"
      "emoji.closed_lock_with_key" => "Locked with key"
      "emoji.closed_umbrella" => "Closed umbrella"
      "" => "Cloud"
      "emoji.cloud_lightning" => "Cloud with lightning"
      "emoji.cloud_rain" => "Cloud with rain"
      "emoji.cloud_snow" => "Cloud with snow"
      "emoji.cloud_tornado" => "Tornado"
      "emoji.clown" => "Clown face"
      "emoji.clubs" => "Club suit"
      "emoji.coat" => "Coat"
      "emoji.cockroach" => "Cockroach"
      "emoji.cocktail" => "Cocktail glass"
      "emoji.coconut" => "Coconut"
      "" => "Hot beverage"
      "emoji.coffin" => "Coffin"
      "emoji.coin" => "Coin"
      "emoji.cold_face" => "Cold face"
      "emoji.cold_sweat" => "Anxious face with sweat"
      "emoji.comet" => "Comet"
      "emoji.compass" => "Compass"
      "emoji.compression" => "Clamp"
      "" => "Laptop computer"
      "emoji.confetti_ball" => "Confetti ball"
      "emoji.confounded" => "Confounded face"
      "emoji.confused" => "Confused face"
      "emoji.congratulations" => "Japanese “congratulations” button"
      "" => "Construction"
      "emoji.construction_site" => "Building construction"
      "emoji.construction_worker" => "Construction worker"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone1" => "Construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone2" => "Construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone3" => "Construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone4" => "Construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone5" => "Construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.control_knobs" => "Control knobs"
      "emoji.convenience_store" => "Convenience store"
      "emoji.cook" => "Cook"
      "emoji.cook_tone1" => "Cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone2" => "Cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone3" => "Cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone4" => "Cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone5" => "Cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cookie" => "Cookie"
      "" => "Cooking"
      "" => "COOL button"
      "emoji.copyright" => "Copyright"
      "emoji.coral" => "Coral"
      "emoji.corn" => "Ear of corn"
      "emoji.couch" => "Couch and lamp"
      "emoji.couple" => "Woman and man holding hands"
      "emoji.couple_mm" => "Couple with heart: man, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart" => "Couple with heart"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone1" => "Couple with heart: light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone2" => "Couple with heart: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone3" => "Couple with heart: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone4" => "Couple with heart: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone5" => "Couple with heart: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man" => "Couple with heart: woman, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_ww" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman"
      "emoji.couplekiss" => "Kiss"
      "emoji.cow" => "Cow face"
      "emoji.cow2" => "Cow"
      "emoji.cowboy" => "Cowboy hat face"
      "emoji.crab" => "Crab"
      "emoji.crayon" => "Crayon"
      "emoji.credit_card" => "Credit card"
      "emoji.crescent_moon" => "Crescent moon"
      "" => "Cricket"
      "emoji.cricket_game" => "Cricket game"
      "emoji.crocodile" => "Crocodile"
      "emoji.croissant" => "Croissant"
      "emoji.cross" => "Latin cross"
      "emoji.crossed_flags" => "Crossed flags"
      "emoji.crossed_swords" => "Crossed swords"
      "" => "Crown"
      "emoji.cruise_ship" => "Passenger ship"
      "emoji.crutch" => "Crutch"
      "emoji.cry" => "Crying face"
      "emoji.crying_cat_face" => "Crying cat"
      "emoji.crystal_ball" => "Crystal ball"
      "emoji.cucumber" => "Cucumber"
      "emoji.cup_with_straw" => "Cup with straw"
      "emoji.cupcake" => "Cupcake"
      "emoji.cupid" => "Heart with arrow"
      "emoji.curling_stone" => "Curling stone"
      "emoji.curly_haired" => "Curly hair"
      "emoji.curly_loop" => "Curly loop"
      "emoji.currency_exchange" => "Currency exchange"
      "emoji.curry" => "Curry rice"
      "emoji.custard" => "Custard"
      "emoji.customs" => "Customs"
      "emoji.cut_of_meat" => "Cut of meat"
      "emoji.cyclone" => "Cyclone"
      "emoji.dagger" => "Dagger"
      "emoji.dancer" => "Woman dancing"
      "emoji.dancer_tone1" => "Woman dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone2" => "Woman dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone3" => "Woman dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone4" => "Woman dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone5" => "Woman dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dango" => "Dango"
      "emoji.dark_sunglasses" => "Sunglasses"
      "emoji.dart" => "Direct hit"
      "emoji.dash" => "Dashing away"
      "" => "Calendar"
      "emoji.deaf_man" => "Deaf man"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone1" => "Deaf man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone2" => "Deaf man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone3" => "Deaf man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone4" => "Deaf man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone5" => "Deaf man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person" => "Deaf person"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone1" => "Deaf person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone2" => "Deaf person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone3" => "Deaf person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone4" => "Deaf person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone5" => "Deaf person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman" => "Deaf woman"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone1" => "Deaf woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone2" => "Deaf woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone3" => "Deaf woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone4" => "Deaf woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone5" => "Deaf woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deciduous_tree" => "Deciduous tree"
      "emoji.deer" => "Deer"
      "emoji.department_store" => "Department store"
      "emoji.desert" => "Desert"
      "emoji.desktop" => "Desktop computer"
      "emoji.detective" => "Detective"
      "emoji.detective_tone1" => "Detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone2" => "Detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone3" => "Detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone4" => "Detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone5" => "Detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside" => "Diamond with a dot"
      "" => "Diamond suit"
      "emoji.disappointed" => "Disappointed face"
      "emoji.disappointed_relieved" => "Sad but relieved face"
      "emoji.disguised_face" => "Disguised face"
      "emoji.dividers" => "Card index dividers"
      "emoji.diving_mask" => "Diving mask"
      "emoji.diya_lamp" => "Diya lamp"
      "emoji.dizzy" => "Dizzy"
      "emoji.dizzy_face" => "Dizzy face"
      "emoji.dna" => "Dna"
      "emoji.do_not_litter" => "No littering"
      "emoji.dodo" => "Dodo"
      "" => "Dog face"
      "emoji.dog2" => "Dog"
      "emoji.dollar" => "Dollar banknote"
      "emoji.dolls" => "Japanese dolls"
      "emoji.dolphin" => "Dolphin"
      "emoji.donkey" => "Donkey"
      "emoji.door" => "Door"
      "emoji.dotted_line_face" => "Dotted line face"
      "emoji.doughnut" => "Doughnut"
      "emoji.dove" => "Dove"
      "emoji.dragon" => "Dragon"
      "emoji.dragon_face" => "Dragon face"
      "emoji.dress" => "Dress"
      "emoji.dromedary_camel" => "Camel"
      "emoji.drooling_face" => "Drooling face"
      "emoji.drop_of_blood" => "Drop of blood"
      "emoji.droplet" => "Droplet"
      "emoji.drum" => "Drum"
      "" => "Duck"
      "emoji.dumpling" => "Dumpling"
      "emoji.dvd" => "Dvd"
      "emoji.e_mail" => "E-mail"
      "emoji.eagle" => "Eagle"
      "emoji.ear" => "Ear"
      "emoji.ear_of_rice" => "Sheaf of rice"
      "emoji.ear_tone1" => "Ear: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone2" => "Ear: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone3" => "Ear: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone4" => "Ear: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone5" => "Ear: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid" => "Ear with hearing aid"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone1" => "Ear with hearing aid: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone2" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone3" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone4" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone5" => "Ear with hearing aid: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.earth_africa" => "Globe showing Europe-Africa"
      "emoji.earth_americas" => "Globe showing Americas"
      "emoji.earth_asia" => "Globe showing Asia-Australia"
      "emoji.egg" => "Egg"
      "emoji.eggplant" => "Eggplant"
      "emoji.eight" => "Keycap: 8"
      "emoji.eight_pointed_black_star" => "Eight-pointed star"
      "emoji.eight_spoked_asterisk" => "Eight-spoked asterisk"
      "emoji.eject" => "Eject button"
      "emoji.electric_plug" => "Electric plug"
      "emoji.elephant" => "Elephant"
      "emoji.elevator" => "Elevator"
      "emoji.elf" => "Elf"
      "emoji.elf_tone1" => "Elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone2" => "Elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone3" => "Elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone4" => "Elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone5" => "Elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.empty_nest" => "Empty nest"
      "emoji.end" => "END arrow"
      "emoji.england" => "Flag: England"
      "emoji.envelope" => "Envelope"
      "emoji.envelope_with_arrow" => "Envelope with arrow"
      "emoji.euro" => "Euro banknote"
      "emoji.european_castle" => "Castle"
      "emoji.european_post_office" => "Post office"
      "emoji.evergreen_tree" => "Evergreen tree"
      "emoji.exclamation" => "Exclamation mark"
      "emoji.exploding_head" => "Exploding head"
      "emoji.expressionless" => "Expressionless face"
      "emoji.eye" => "Eye"
      "emoji.eye_in_speech_bubble" => "Eye in speech bubble"
      "emoji.eyeglasses" => "Glasses"
      "emoji.eyes" => "Eyes"
      "emoji.face_exhaling" => "Face exhaling"
      "emoji.face_holding_back_tears" => "Face holding back tears"
      "emoji.face_in_clouds" => "Face in clouds"
      "emoji.face_vomiting" => "Face vomiting"
      "emoji.face_with_diagonal_mouth" => "Face with diagonal mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_monocle" => "Face with monocle"
      "emoji.face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with open eyes and hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_peeking_eye" => "Face with peeking eye"
      "emoji.face_with_raised_eyebrow" => "Face with raised eyebrow"
      "emoji.face_with_spiral_eyes" => "Face with spiral eyes"
      "emoji.face_with_symbols_over_mouth" => "Face with symbols on mouth"
      "emoji.factory" => "Factory"
      "emoji.factory_worker" => "Factory worker"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone1" => "Factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone2" => "Factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone3" => "Factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone4" => "Factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone5" => "Factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy" => "Fairy"
      "emoji.fairy_tone1" => "Fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone2" => "Fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone3" => "Fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone4" => "Fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone5" => "Fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.falafel" => "Falafel"
      "emoji.fallen_leaf" => "Fallen leaf"
      "" => "Family"
      "emoji.family_man_boy" => "Family: man, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_boy_boy" => "Family: man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl" => "Family: man, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_boy" => "Family: man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_girl" => "Family: man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_woman_boy" => "Family: man, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmb" => "Family: man, man, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmbb" => "Family: man, man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmg" => "Family: man, man, girl"
      "emoji.family_mmgb" => "Family: man, man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmgg" => "Family: man, man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwbb" => "Family: man, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwg" => "Family: man, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwgb" => "Family: man, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwgg" => "Family: man, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy" => "Family: woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy_boy" => "Family: woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl" => "Family: woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_boy" => "Family: woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_girl" => "Family: woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwbb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwgb" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwgg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.farmer" => "Farmer"
      "emoji.farmer_tone1" => "Farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone2" => "Farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone3" => "Farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone4" => "Farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone5" => "Farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fast_forward" => "Fast-forward button"
      "emoji.fax" => "Fax machine"
      "emoji.fearful" => "Fearful face"
      "emoji.feather" => "Feather"
      "emoji.feet" => "Paw prints"
      "emoji.female_sign" => "Female sign"
      "emoji.ferris_wheel" => "Ferris wheel"
      "emoji.ferry" => "Ferry"
      "emoji.field_hockey" => "Field hockey"
      "emoji.file_cabinet" => "File cabinet"
      "emoji.file_folder" => "File folder"
      "emoji.film_frames" => "Film frames"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed" => "Crossed fingers"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone1" => "Crossed fingers: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone2" => "Crossed fingers: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone3" => "Crossed fingers: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone4" => "Crossed fingers: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone5" => "Crossed fingers: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Fire"
      "emoji.fire_engine" => "Fire engine"
      "emoji.fire_extinguisher" => "Fire extinguisher"
      "emoji.firecracker" => "Firecracker"
      "emoji.firefighter" => "Firefighter"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone1" => "Firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone2" => "Firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone3" => "Firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone4" => "Firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone5" => "Firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fireworks" => "Fireworks"
      "emoji.first_place" => "1st place medal"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon" => "First quarter moon"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon_with_face" => "First quarter moon face"
      "" => "Fish"
      "emoji.fish_cake" => "Fish cake with swirl"
      "emoji.fishing_pole_and_fish" => "Fishing pole"
      "emoji.fist" => "Raised fist"
      "emoji.fist_tone1" => "Raised fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone2" => "Raised fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone3" => "Raised fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone4" => "Raised fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone5" => "Raised fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.five" => "Keycap: 5"
      "emoji.flag_ac" => "Flag: Ascension Island"
      "emoji.flag_ad" => "Flag: Andorra"
      "emoji.flag_ae" => "Flag: United Arab Emirates"
      "emoji.flag_af" => "Flag: Afghanistan"
      "emoji.flag_ag" => "Flag: Antigua & Barbuda"
      "emoji.flag_ai" => "Flag: Anguilla"
      "emoji.flag_al" => "Flag: Albania"
      "emoji.flag_am" => "Flag: Armenia"
      "emoji.flag_ao" => "Flag: Angola"
      "emoji.flag_aq" => "Flag: Antarctica"
      "emoji.flag_ar" => "Flag: Argentina"
      "emoji.flag_as" => "Flag: American Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_at" => "Flag: Austria"
      "emoji.flag_au" => "Flag: Australia"
      "emoji.flag_aw" => "Flag: Aruba"
      "emoji.flag_ax" => "Flag: Åland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_az" => "Flag: Azerbaijan"
      "emoji.flag_ba" => "Flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina"
      "emoji.flag_bb" => "Flag: Barbados"
      "emoji.flag_bd" => "Flag: Bangladesh"
      "emoji.flag_be" => "Flag: Belgium"
      "emoji.flag_bf" => "Flag: Burkina Faso"
      "emoji.flag_bg" => "Flag: Bulgaria"
      "emoji.flag_bh" => "Flag: Bahrain"
      "emoji.flag_bi" => "Flag: Burundi"
      "emoji.flag_bj" => "Flag: Benin"
      "emoji.flag_bl" => "Flag: St. Barthélemy"
      "emoji.flag_black" => "Black flag"
      "emoji.flag_bm" => "Flag: Bermuda"
      "emoji.flag_bn" => "Flag: Brunei"
      "emoji.flag_bo" => "Flag: Bolivia"
      "emoji.flag_bq" => "Flag: Caribbean Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_br" => "Flag: Brazil"
      "emoji.flag_bs" => "Flag: Bahamas"
      "emoji.flag_bt" => "Flag: Bhutan"
      "emoji.flag_bv" => "Flag: Bouvet Island"
      "emoji.flag_bw" => "Flag: Botswana"
      "emoji.flag_by" => "Flag: Belarus"
      "emoji.flag_bz" => "Flag: Belize"
      "emoji.flag_ca" => "Flag: Canada"
      "emoji.flag_cc" => "Flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cd" => "Flag: Congo - Kinshasa"
      "emoji.flag_cf" => "Flag: Central African Republic"
      "emoji.flag_cg" => "Flag: Congo - Brazzaville"
      "emoji.flag_ch" => "Flag: Switzerland"
      "emoji.flag_ci" => "Flag: Côte d’Ivoire"
      "emoji.flag_ck" => "Flag: Cook Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cl" => "Flag: Chile"
      "emoji.flag_cm" => "Flag: Cameroon"
      "emoji.flag_cn" => "Flag: China"
      "emoji.flag_co" => "Flag: Colombia"
      "emoji.flag_cp" => "Flag: Clipperton Island"
      "emoji.flag_cr" => "Flag: Costa Rica"
      "emoji.flag_cu" => "Flag: Cuba"
      "emoji.flag_cv" => "Flag: Cape Verde"
      "emoji.flag_cw" => "Flag: Curaçao"
      "emoji.flag_cx" => "Flag: Christmas Island"
      "emoji.flag_cy" => "Flag: Cyprus"
      "emoji.flag_cz" => "Flag: Czechia"
      "emoji.flag_de" => "Flag: Germany"
      "emoji.flag_dg" => "Flag: Diego Garcia"
      "emoji.flag_dj" => "Flag: Djibouti"
      "emoji.flag_dk" => "Flag: Denmark"
      "emoji.flag_dm" => "Flag: Dominica"
      "emoji.flag_do" => "Flag: Dominican Republic"
      "emoji.flag_dz" => "Flag: Algeria"
      "emoji.flag_ea" => "Flag: Ceuta & Melilla"
      "emoji.flag_ec" => "Flag: Ecuador"
      "emoji.flag_ee" => "Flag: Estonia"
      "emoji.flag_eg" => "Flag: Egypt"
      "emoji.flag_eh" => "Flag: Western Sahara"
      "emoji.flag_er" => "Flag: Eritrea"
      "emoji.flag_es" => "Flag: Spain"
      "emoji.flag_et" => "Flag: Ethiopia"
      "emoji.flag_eu" => "Flag: European Union"
      "emoji.flag_fi" => "Flag: Finland"
      "emoji.flag_fj" => "Flag: Fiji"
      "emoji.flag_fk" => "Flag: Falkland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fm" => "Flag: Micronesia"
      "emoji.flag_fo" => "Flag: Faroe Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fr" => "Flag: France"
      "emoji.flag_ga" => "Flag: Gabon"
      "emoji.flag_gb" => "Flag: United Kingdom"
      "emoji.flag_gd" => "Flag: Grenada"
      "emoji.flag_ge" => "Flag: Georgia"
      "emoji.flag_gf" => "Flag: French Guiana"
      "emoji.flag_gg" => "Flag: Guernsey"
      "emoji.flag_gh" => "Flag: Ghana"
      "emoji.flag_gi" => "Flag: Gibraltar"
      "emoji.flag_gl" => "Flag: Greenland"
      "emoji.flag_gm" => "Flag: Gambia"
      "emoji.flag_gn" => "Flag: Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gp" => "Flag: Guadeloupe"
      "emoji.flag_gq" => "Flag: Equatorial Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gr" => "Flag: Greece"
      "emoji.flag_gs" => "Flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands"
      "emoji.flag_gt" => "Flag: Guatemala"
      "emoji.flag_gu" => "Flag: Guam"
      "emoji.flag_gw" => "Flag: Guinea-Bissau"
      "emoji.flag_gy" => "Flag: Guyana"
      "emoji.flag_hk" => "Flag: Hong Kong SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_hm" => "Flag: Heard & McDonald Islands"
      "emoji.flag_hn" => "Flag: Honduras"
      "emoji.flag_hr" => "Flag: Croatia"
      "emoji.flag_ht" => "Flag: Haiti"
      "emoji.flag_hu" => "Flag: Hungary"
      "emoji.flag_ic" => "Flag: Canary Islands"
      "emoji.flag_id" => "Flag: Indonesia"
      "emoji.flag_ie" => "Flag: Ireland"
      "emoji.flag_il" => "Flag: Israel"
      "emoji.flag_im" => "Flag: Isle of Man"
      "emoji.flag_in" => "Flag: India"
      "emoji.flag_io" => "Flag: British Indian Ocean Territory"
      "emoji.flag_iq" => "Flag: Iraq"
      "emoji.flag_ir" => "Flag: Iran"
      "emoji.flag_is" => "Flag: Iceland"
      "emoji.flag_it" => "Flag: Italy"
      "emoji.flag_je" => "Flag: Jersey"
      "emoji.flag_jm" => "Flag: Jamaica"
      "emoji.flag_jo" => "Flag: Jordan"
      "emoji.flag_jp" => "Flag: Japan"
      "emoji.flag_ke" => "Flag: Kenya"
      "emoji.flag_kg" => "Flag: Kyrgyzstan"
      "emoji.flag_kh" => "Flag: Cambodia"
      "emoji.flag_ki" => "Flag: Kiribati"
      "emoji.flag_km" => "Flag: Comoros"
      "emoji.flag_kn" => "Flag: St. Kitts & Nevis"
      "emoji.flag_kp" => "Flag: North Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kr" => "Flag: South Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kw" => "Flag: Kuwait"
      "emoji.flag_ky" => "Flag: Cayman Islands"
      "emoji.flag_kz" => "Flag: Kazakhstan"
      "emoji.flag_la" => "Flag: Laos"
      "emoji.flag_lb" => "Flag: Lebanon"
      "emoji.flag_lc" => "Flag: St. Lucia"
      "emoji.flag_li" => "Flag: Liechtenstein"
      "emoji.flag_lk" => "Flag: Sri Lanka"
      "emoji.flag_lr" => "Flag: Liberia"
      "emoji.flag_ls" => "Flag: Lesotho"
      "emoji.flag_lt" => "Flag: Lithuania"
      "emoji.flag_lu" => "Flag: Luxembourg"
      "emoji.flag_lv" => "Flag: Latvia"
      "emoji.flag_ly" => "Flag: Libya"
      "emoji.flag_ma" => "Flag: Morocco"
      "emoji.flag_mc" => "Flag: Monaco"
      "emoji.flag_md" => "Flag: Moldova"
      "emoji.flag_me" => "Flag: Montenegro"
      "emoji.flag_mf" => "Flag: St. Martin"
      "emoji.flag_mg" => "Flag: Madagascar"
      "emoji.flag_mh" => "Flag: Marshall Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mk" => "Flag: Macedonia"
      "emoji.flag_ml" => "Flag: Mali"
      "emoji.flag_mm" => "Flag: Myanmar (Burma)"
      "emoji.flag_mn" => "Flag: Mongolia"
      "emoji.flag_mo" => "Flag: Macao SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_mp" => "Flag: Northern Mariana Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mq" => "Flag: Martinique"
      "emoji.flag_mr" => "Flag: Mauritania"
      "emoji.flag_ms" => "Flag: Montserrat"
      "emoji.flag_mt" => "Flag: Malta"
      "emoji.flag_mu" => "Flag: Mauritius"
      "emoji.flag_mv" => "Flag: Maldives"
      "emoji.flag_mw" => "Flag: Malawi"
      "emoji.flag_mx" => "Flag: Mexico"
      "emoji.flag_my" => "Flag: Malaysia"
      "emoji.flag_mz" => "Flag: Mozambique"
      "emoji.flag_na" => "Flag: Namibia"
      "emoji.flag_nc" => "Flag: New Caledonia"
      "emoji.flag_ne" => "Flag: Niger"
      "emoji.flag_nf" => "Flag: Norfolk Island"
      "emoji.flag_ng" => "Flag: Nigeria"
      "emoji.flag_ni" => "Flag: Nicaragua"
      "emoji.flag_nl" => "Flag: Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_no" => "Flag: Norway"
      "emoji.flag_np" => "Flag: Nepal"
      "emoji.flag_nr" => "Flag: Nauru"
      "emoji.flag_nu" => "Flag: Niue"
      "emoji.flag_nz" => "Flag: New Zealand"
      "emoji.flag_om" => "Flag: Oman"
      "emoji.flag_pa" => "Flag: Panama"
      "emoji.flag_pe" => "Flag: Peru"
      "emoji.flag_pf" => "Flag: French Polynesia"
      "emoji.flag_pg" => "Flag: Papua New Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_ph" => "Flag: Philippines"
      "emoji.flag_pk" => "Flag: Pakistan"
      "emoji.flag_pl" => "Flag: Poland"
      "emoji.flag_pm" => "Flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon"
      "emoji.flag_pn" => "Flag: Pitcairn Islands"
      "emoji.flag_pr" => "Flag: Puerto Rico"
      "emoji.flag_ps" => "Flag: Palestinian Territories"
      "emoji.flag_pt" => "Flag: Portugal"
      "emoji.flag_pw" => "Flag: Palau"
      "emoji.flag_py" => "Flag: Paraguay"
      "emoji.flag_qa" => "Flag: Qatar"
      "emoji.flag_re" => "Flag: Réunion"
      "emoji.flag_ro" => "Flag: Romania"
      "emoji.flag_rs" => "Flag: Serbia"
      "emoji.flag_ru" => "Flag: Russia"
      "emoji.flag_rw" => "Flag: Rwanda"
      "emoji.flag_sa" => "Flag: Saudi Arabia"
      "emoji.flag_sb" => "Flag: Solomon Islands"
      "emoji.flag_sc" => "Flag: Seychelles"
      "emoji.flag_sd" => "Flag: Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_se" => "Flag: Sweden"
      "emoji.flag_sg" => "Flag: Singapore"
      "emoji.flag_sh" => "Flag: St. Helena"
      "emoji.flag_si" => "Flag: Slovenia"
      "emoji.flag_sj" => "Flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen"
      "emoji.flag_sk" => "Flag: Slovakia"
      "emoji.flag_sl" => "Flag: Sierra Leone"
      "emoji.flag_sm" => "Flag: San Marino"
      "emoji.flag_sn" => "Flag: Senegal"
      "emoji.flag_so" => "Flag: Somalia"
      "emoji.flag_sr" => "Flag: Suriname"
      "emoji.flag_ss" => "Flag: South Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_st" => "Flag: São Tomé & Príncipe"
      "emoji.flag_sv" => "Flag: El Salvador"
      "emoji.flag_sx" => "Flag: Sint Maarten"
      "emoji.flag_sy" => "Flag: Syria"
      "emoji.flag_sz" => "Flag: Eswatini"
      "emoji.flag_ta" => "Flag: Tristan da Cunha"
      "emoji.flag_tc" => "Flag: Turks & Caicos Islands"
      "emoji.flag_td" => "Flag: Chad"
      "emoji.flag_tf" => "Flag: French Southern Territories"
      "emoji.flag_tg" => "Flag: Togo"
      "emoji.flag_th" => "Flag: Thailand"
      "emoji.flag_tj" => "Flag: Tajikistan"
      "emoji.flag_tk" => "Flag: Tokelau"
      "emoji.flag_tl" => "Flag: Timor-Leste"
      "emoji.flag_tm" => "Flag: Turkmenistan"
      "emoji.flag_tn" => "Flag: Tunisia"
      "emoji.flag_to" => "Flag: Tonga"
      "emoji.flag_tr" => "Flag: Turkey"
      "emoji.flag_tt" => "Flag: Trinidad & Tobago"
      "emoji.flag_tv" => "Flag: Tuvalu"
      "emoji.flag_tw" => "Flag: Taiwan"
      "emoji.flag_tz" => "Flag: Tanzania"
      "emoji.flag_ua" => "Flag: Ukraine"
      "emoji.flag_ug" => "Flag: Uganda"
      "emoji.flag_um" => "Flag: U.S. Outlying Islands"
      "emoji.flag_us" => "Flag: United States"
      "emoji.flag_uy" => "Flag: Uruguay"
      "emoji.flag_uz" => "Flag: Uzbekistan"
      "emoji.flag_va" => "Flag: Vatican City"
      "emoji.flag_vc" => "Flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines"
      "emoji.flag_ve" => "Flag: Venezuela"
      "emoji.flag_vg" => "Flag: British Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vi" => "Flag: U.S. Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vn" => "Flag: Vietnam"
      "emoji.flag_vu" => "Flag: Vanuatu"
      "emoji.flag_wf" => "Flag: Wallis & Futuna"
      "emoji.flag_white" => "White flag"
      "emoji.flag_ws" => "Flag: Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_xk" => "Flag: Kosovo"
      "emoji.flag_ye" => "Flag: Yemen"
      "emoji.flag_yt" => "Flag: Mayotte"
      "emoji.flag_za" => "Flag: South Africa"
      "emoji.flag_zm" => "Flag: Zambia"
      "emoji.flag_zw" => "Flag: Zimbabwe"
      "emoji.flags" => "Carp streamer"
      "emoji.flamingo" => "Flamingo"
      "emoji.flashlight" => "Flashlight"
      "emoji.flatbread" => "Flatbread"
      "emoji.fleur_de_lis" => "Fleur-de-lis"
      "emoji.floppy_disk" => "Floppy disk"
      "emoji.flower_playing_cards" => "Flower playing cards"
      "emoji.flushed" => "Flushed face"
      "emoji.flute" => "Flute"
      "" => "Fly"
      "emoji.flying_disc" => "Flying disc"
      "emoji.flying_saucer" => "Flying saucer"
      "emoji.fog" => "Fog"
      "emoji.foggy" => "Foggy"
      "emoji.folding_hand_fan" => "Folding hand fan"
      "emoji.fondue" => "Fondue"
      "emoji.foot" => "Foot"
      "emoji.foot_tone1" => "Foot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone2" => "Foot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone3" => "Foot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone4" => "Foot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone5" => "Foot: dark skin tone"
      "" => "American football"
      "emoji.footprints" => "Footprints"
      "emoji.fork_and_knife" => "Fork and knife"
      "emoji.fork_knife_plate" => "Fork and knife with plate"
      "emoji.fortune_cookie" => "Fortune cookie"
      "emoji.fountain" => "Fountain"
      "emoji.four" => "Keycap: 4"
      "emoji.four_leaf_clover" => "Four leaf clover"
      "" => "Fox"
      "emoji.frame_photo" => "Framed picture"
      "" => "FREE button"
      "emoji.french_bread" => "Baguette bread"
      "emoji.fried_shrimp" => "Fried shrimp"
      "emoji.fries" => "French fries"
      "emoji.frog" => "Frog"
      "emoji.frowning" => "Frowning face with open mouth"
      "emoji.frowning2" => "Frowning face"
      "emoji.fuelpump" => "Fuel pump"
      "emoji.full_moon" => "Full moon"
      "emoji.full_moon_with_face" => "Full moon face"
      "emoji.game_die" => "Game die"
      "emoji.garlic" => "Garlic"
      "emoji.gear" => "Gear"
      "emoji.gem" => "Gem stone"
      "emoji.gemini" => "Gemini"
      "emoji.genie" => "Genie"
      "emoji.ghost" => "Ghost"
      "" => "Wrapped gift"
      "emoji.gift_heart" => "Heart with ribbon"
      "emoji.ginger_root" => "Ginger root"
      "emoji.giraffe" => "Giraffe"
      "emoji.girl" => "Girl"
      "emoji.girl_tone1" => "Girl: light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone2" => "Girl: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone3" => "Girl: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone4" => "Girl: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone5" => "Girl: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.globe_with_meridians" => "Globe with meridians"
      "emoji.gloves" => "Gloves"
      "emoji.goal" => "Goal net"
      "emoji.goat" => "Goat"
      "emoji.goggles" => "Goggles"
      "" => "Flag in hole"
      "emoji.goose" => "Goose"
      "emoji.gorilla" => "Gorilla"
      "emoji.grapes" => "Grapes"
      "emoji.green_apple" => "Green apple"
      "emoji.green_book" => "Green book"
      "emoji.green_circle" => "Green circle"
      "emoji.green_heart" => "Green heart"
      "emoji.green_square" => "Green square"
      "emoji.grey_exclamation" => "White exclamation mark"
      "emoji.grey_heart" => "Grey heart"
      "emoji.grey_question" => "White question mark"
      "emoji.grimacing" => "Grimacing face"
      "emoji.grin" => "Beaming face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.grinning" => "Grinning face"
      "emoji.guard" => "Guard"
      "emoji.guard_tone1" => "Guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone2" => "Guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone3" => "Guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone4" => "Guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone5" => "Guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guide_dog" => "Guide dog"
      "emoji.guitar" => "Guitar"
      "emoji.gun" => "Pistol"
      "emoji.hair_pick" => "Hair pick"
      "emoji.hamburger" => "Hamburger"
      "emoji.hammer" => "Hammer"
      "emoji.hammer_pick" => "Hammer and pick"
      "emoji.hamsa" => "Hamsa"
      "emoji.hamster" => "Hamster"
      "emoji.hand_splayed" => "Hand with fingers splayed"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone1" => "Hand with fingers splayed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone2" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone3" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone4" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone5" => "Hand with fingers splayed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone1" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone2" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone3" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone4" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone5" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handbag" => "Handbag"
      "emoji.handshake" => "Handshake"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1" => "Handshake: light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone2" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone3" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone4" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone5" => "Handshake: light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3" => "Handshake: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone1" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone2" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone4" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone5" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5" => "Handshake: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone1" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone2" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone3" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone4" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hash" => "Keycap: #"
      "emoji.hatched_chick" => "Front-facing baby chick"
      "emoji.hatching_chick" => "Hatching chick"
      "emoji.head_bandage" => "Face with head-bandage"
      "emoji.headphones" => "Headphone"
      "emoji.headstone" => "Headstone"
      "emoji.health_worker" => "Health worker"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone1" => "Health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone2" => "Health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone3" => "Health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone4" => "Health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone5" => "Health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hear_no_evil" => "Hear-no-evil monkey"
      "emoji.heart" => "Red heart"
      "emoji.heart_decoration" => "Heart decoration"
      "emoji.heart_exclamation" => "Heart exclamation"
      "emoji.heart_eyes" => "Smiling face with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_eyes_cat" => "Smiling cat with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_hands" => "Heart hands"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone1" => "Heart hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone2" => "Heart hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone3" => "Heart hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone4" => "Heart hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone5" => "Heart hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_on_fire" => "Heart on fire"
      "emoji.heartbeat" => "Beating heart"
      "emoji.heartpulse" => "Growing heart"
      "emoji.hearts" => "Heart suit"
      "emoji.heavy_check_mark" => "Check mark"
      "emoji.heavy_division_sign" => "Division sign"
      "emoji.heavy_dollar_sign" => "Heavy dollar sign"
      "emoji.heavy_equals_sign" => "Heavy equals sign"
      "emoji.heavy_minus_sign" => "Minus sign"
      "emoji.heavy_multiplication_x" => "Multiplication sign"
      "emoji.heavy_plus_sign" => "Plus sign"
      "emoji.hedgehog" => "Hedgehog"
      "emoji.helicopter" => "Helicopter"
      "emoji.helmet_with_cross" => "Rescue worker’s helmet"
      "emoji.herb" => "Herb"
      "emoji.hibiscus" => "Hibiscus"
      "emoji.high_brightness" => "Bright button"
      "emoji.high_heel" => "High-heeled shoe"
      "emoji.hiking_boot" => "Hiking boot"
      "emoji.hindu_temple" => "Hindu temple"
      "emoji.hippopotamus" => "Hippopotamus"
      "" => "Ice hockey"
      "emoji.hole" => "Hole"
      "" => "Houses"
      "emoji.honey_pot" => "Honey pot"
      "emoji.hook" => "Hook"
      "" => "Horse face"
      "emoji.horse_racing" => "Horse racing"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone1" => "Horse racing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone2" => "Horse racing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone3" => "Horse racing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone4" => "Horse racing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone5" => "Horse racing: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Hospital"
      "emoji.hot_face" => "Hot face"
      "emoji.hot_pepper" => "Hot pepper"
      "emoji.hotdog" => "Hot dog"
      "emoji.hotel" => "Hotel"
      "emoji.hotsprings" => "Hot springs"
      "emoji.hourglass" => "Hourglass done"
      "emoji.hourglass_flowing_sand" => "Hourglass not done"
      "" => "House"
      "emoji.house_abandoned" => "Derelict house"
      "emoji.house_with_garden" => "House with garden"
      "emoji.hugging" => "Hugging face"
      "emoji.hushed" => "Hushed face"
      "emoji.hut" => "Hut"
      "emoji.hyacinth" => "Hyacinth"
      "emoji.ice_cream" => "Ice cream"
      "emoji.ice_cube" => "Ice cube"
      "emoji.ice_skate" => "Ice skate"
      "emoji.icecream" => "Soft ice cream"
      "" => "ID button"
      "emoji.identification_card" => "Identification card"
      "emoji.ideograph_advantage" => "Japanese “bargain” button"
      "emoji.imp" => "Angry face with horns"
      "emoji.inbox_tray" => "Inbox tray"
      "emoji.incoming_envelope" => "Incoming envelope"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer" => "Index pointing at the viewer"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone1" => "Index pointing at the viewer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone2" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone3" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone4" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone5" => "Index pointing at the viewer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.infinity" => "Infinity"
      "emoji.information_source" => "Information"
      "emoji.innocent" => "Smiling face with halo"
      "emoji.interrobang" => "Exclamation question mark"
      "emoji.island" => "Desert island"
      "emoji.izakaya_lantern" => "Red paper lantern"
      "emoji.jack_o_lantern" => "Jack-o-lantern"
      "emoji.japan" => "Map of Japan"
      "emoji.japanese_castle" => "Japanese castle"
      "emoji.japanese_goblin" => "Goblin"
      "emoji.japanese_ogre" => "Ogre"
      "emoji.jar" => "Jar"
      "emoji.jeans" => "Jeans"
      "emoji.jellyfish" => "Jellyfish"
      "emoji.jigsaw" => "Puzzle piece"
      "" => "Face with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joy_cat" => "Cat with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joystick" => "Joystick"
      "emoji.judge" => "Judge"
      "emoji.judge_tone1" => "Judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone2" => "Judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone3" => "Judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone4" => "Judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone5" => "Judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kaaba" => "Kaaba"
      "emoji.kangaroo" => "Kangaroo"
      "emoji.key" => "Key"
      "emoji.key2" => "Old key"
      "emoji.keyboard" => "Keyboard"
      "emoji.keycap_ten" => "Keycap: 10"
      "emoji.khanda" => "Khanda"
      "emoji.kimono" => "Kimono"
      "emoji.kiss" => "Kiss mark"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_mm" => "Kiss: man, man"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone1" => "Kiss: light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone2" => "Kiss: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone3" => "Kiss: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone4" => "Kiss: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone5" => "Kiss: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man" => "Kiss: woman, man"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_ww" => "Kiss: woman, woman"
      "emoji.kissing" => "Kissing face"
      "emoji.kissing_cat" => "Kissing cat"
      "emoji.kissing_closed_eyes" => "Kissing face with closed eyes"
      "emoji.kissing_heart" => "Face blowing a kiss"
      "emoji.kissing_smiling_eyes" => "Kissing face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.kite" => "Kite"
      "" => "Kiwi fruit"
      "emoji.knife" => "Kitchen knife"
      "emoji.knot" => "Knot"
      "emoji.koala" => "Koala"
      "emoji.koko" => "Japanese “here” button"
      "emoji.lab_coat" => "Lab coat"
      "emoji.label" => "Label"
      "emoji.lacrosse" => "Lacrosse"
      "emoji.ladder" => "Ladder"
      "emoji.lady_beetle" => "Lady beetle"
      "emoji.large_blue_diamond" => "Large blue diamond"
      "emoji.large_orange_diamond" => "Large orange diamond"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon" => "Last quarter moon"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon_with_face" => "Last quarter moon face"
      "emoji.laughing" => "Grinning squinting face"
      "emoji.leafy_green" => "Leafy green"
      "emoji.leaves" => "Leaf fluttering in wind"
      "emoji.ledger" => "Ledger"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist" => "Left-facing fist"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone1" => "Left-facing fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone2" => "Left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone3" => "Left-facing fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone4" => "Left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone5" => "Left-facing fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_luggage" => "Left luggage"
      "emoji.left_right_arrow" => "Left-right arrow"
      "emoji.leftwards_arrow_with_hook" => "Right arrow curving left"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand" => "Leftwards hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand" => "Leftwards pushing hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards pushing hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards pushing hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg" => "Leg"
      "emoji.leg_tone1" => "Leg: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone2" => "Leg: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone3" => "Leg: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone4" => "Leg: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone5" => "Leg: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.lemon" => "Lemon"
      "emoji.leo" => "Leo"
      "emoji.leopard" => "Leopard"
      "emoji.level_slider" => "Level slider"
      "emoji.levitate" => "Man in suit levitating"
      "emoji.levitate_tone1" => "Man in suit levitating: light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone2" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone3" => "Man in suit levitating: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone4" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone5" => "Man in suit levitating: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.libra" => "Libra"
      "emoji.light_blue_heart" => "Light blue heart"
      "emoji.light_rail" => "Light rail"
      "" => "Link"
      "emoji.lion_face" => "Lion"
      "emoji.lips" => "Mouth"
      "emoji.lipstick" => "Lipstick"
      "emoji.lizard" => "Lizard"
      "emoji.llama" => "Llama"
      "emoji.lobster" => "Lobster"
      "emoji.lock" => "Locked"
      "emoji.lock_with_ink_pen" => "Locked with pen"
      "emoji.lollipop" => "Lollipop"
      "emoji.long_drum" => "Long drum"
      "emoji.loop" => "Double curly loop"
      "emoji.lotus" => "Lotus"
      "emoji.loud_sound" => "Speaker high volume"
      "emoji.loudspeaker" => "Loudspeaker"
      "emoji.love_hotel" => "Love hotel"
      "emoji.love_letter" => "Love letter"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture" => "Love-you gesture"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone1" => "Love-you gesture: light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone2" => "Love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone3" => "Love-you gesture: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone4" => "Love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone5" => "Love-you gesture: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.low_battery" => "Low battery"
      "emoji.low_brightness" => "Dim button"
      "emoji.luggage" => "Luggage"
      "emoji.lungs" => "Lungs"
      "emoji.lying_face" => "Lying face"
      "emoji.m" => "Circled M"
      "emoji.mag" => "Magnifying glass tilted left"
      "emoji.mag_right" => "Magnifying glass tilted right"
      "emoji.mage" => "Mage"
      "emoji.mage_tone1" => "Mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone2" => "Mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone3" => "Mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone4" => "Mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone5" => "Mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.magic_wand" => "Magic wand"
      "emoji.magnet" => "Magnet"
      "emoji.mahjong" => "Mahjong red dragon"
      "emoji.mailbox" => "Closed mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_closed" => "Closed mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_mail" => "Open mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_no_mail" => "Open mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.male_sign" => "Male sign"
      "emoji.mammoth" => "Mammoth"
      "" => "Man"
      "emoji.man_artist" => "Man artist"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone1" => "Man artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone2" => "Man artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone3" => "Man artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone4" => "Man artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone5" => "Man artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut" => "Man astronaut"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone1" => "Man astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone2" => "Man astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone3" => "Man astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone4" => "Man astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone5" => "Man astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald" => "Man: bald"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone1" => "Man, bald: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone2" => "Man, bald: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone3" => "Man, bald: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone4" => "Man, bald: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone5" => "Man, bald: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_beard" => "Man: beard"
      "emoji.man_biking" => "Man biking"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone1" => "Man biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone2" => "Man biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone3" => "Man biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone4" => "Man biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone5" => "Man biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball" => "Man bouncing ball"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone1" => "Man bouncing ball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone2" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone3" => "Man bouncing ball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone4" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone5" => "Man bouncing ball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing" => "Man bowing"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone1" => "Man bowing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone2" => "Man bowing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone3" => "Man bowing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone4" => "Man bowing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone5" => "Man bowing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling" => "Man cartwheeling"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone1" => "Man cartwheeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone2" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone3" => "Man cartwheeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone4" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone5" => "Man cartwheeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing" => "Man climbing"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone1" => "Man climbing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone2" => "Man climbing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone3" => "Man climbing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone4" => "Man climbing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone5" => "Man climbing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker" => "Man construction worker"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone1" => "Man construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone2" => "Man construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone3" => "Man construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone4" => "Man construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone5" => "Man construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook" => "Man cook"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone1" => "Man cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone2" => "Man cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone3" => "Man cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone4" => "Man cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone5" => "Man cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired" => "Man: curly hair"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone1" => "Man, curly haired: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone2" => "Man, curly haired: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone3" => "Man, curly haired: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone4" => "Man, curly haired: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone5" => "Man, curly haired: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing" => "Man dancing"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone1" => "Man dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone2" => "Man dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone3" => "Man dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone4" => "Man dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone5" => "Man dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective" => "Man detective"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone1" => "Man detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone2" => "Man detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone3" => "Man detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone4" => "Man detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone5" => "Man detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf" => "Man elf"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone1" => "Man elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone2" => "Man elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone3" => "Man elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone4" => "Man elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone5" => "Man elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming" => "Man facepalming"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone1" => "Man facepalming: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone2" => "Man facepalming: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone3" => "Man facepalming: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone4" => "Man facepalming: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone5" => "Man facepalming: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker" => "Man factory worker"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone1" => "Man factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone2" => "Man factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone3" => "Man factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone4" => "Man factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone5" => "Man factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy" => "Man fairy"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone1" => "Man fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone2" => "Man fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone3" => "Man fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone4" => "Man fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone5" => "Man fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer" => "Man farmer"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone1" => "Man farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone2" => "Man farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone3" => "Man farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone4" => "Man farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone5" => "Man farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby" => "Man feeding baby"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone1" => "Man feeding baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone2" => "Man feeding baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone3" => "Man feeding baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone4" => "Man feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone5" => "Man feeding baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter" => "Man firefighter"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone1" => "Man firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone2" => "Man firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone3" => "Man firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone4" => "Man firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone5" => "Man firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning" => "Man frowning"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone1" => "Man frowning: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone2" => "Man frowning: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone3" => "Man frowning: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone4" => "Man frowning: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone5" => "Man frowning: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_genie" => "Man genie"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no" => "Man gesturing NO"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone1" => "Man gesturing NO: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone2" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone3" => "Man gesturing NO: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone4" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone5" => "Man gesturing NO: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok" => "Man gesturing OK"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone1" => "Man gesturing OK: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone2" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone3" => "Man gesturing OK: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone4" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone5" => "Man gesturing OK: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage" => "Man getting massage"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone1" => "Man getting massage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone2" => "Man getting massage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone3" => "Man getting massage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone4" => "Man getting massage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone5" => "Man getting massage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut" => "Man getting haircut"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone1" => "Man getting haircut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone2" => "Man getting haircut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone3" => "Man getting haircut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone4" => "Man getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone5" => "Man getting haircut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing" => "Man golfing"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone1" => "Man golfing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone2" => "Man golfing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone3" => "Man golfing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone4" => "Man golfing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone5" => "Man golfing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard" => "Man guard"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone1" => "Man guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone2" => "Man guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone3" => "Man guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone4" => "Man guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone5" => "Man guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker" => "Man health worker"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone1" => "Man health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone2" => "Man health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone3" => "Man health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone4" => "Man health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone5" => "Man health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position" => "Man in lotus position"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone1" => "Man in lotus position: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone2" => "Man in lotus position: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone3" => "Man in lotus position: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone4" => "Man in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone5" => "Man in lotus position: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair" => "Man in manual wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in manual wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair" => "Man in motorized wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room" => "Man in steamy room"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone1" => "Man in steamy room: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone2" => "Man in steamy room: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone3" => "Man in steamy room: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone4" => "Man in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone5" => "Man in steamy room: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo" => "Man in tuxedo"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone1" => "Man in tuxedo: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone2" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone3" => "Man in tuxedo: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone4" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone5" => "Man in tuxedo: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge" => "Man judge"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone1" => "Man judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone2" => "Man judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone3" => "Man judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone4" => "Man judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone5" => "Man judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling" => "Man juggling"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone1" => "Man juggling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone2" => "Man juggling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone3" => "Man juggling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone4" => "Man juggling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone5" => "Man juggling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling" => "Man kneeling"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone1" => "Man kneeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone2" => "Man kneeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone3" => "Man kneeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone4" => "Man kneeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone5" => "Man kneeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights" => "Man lifting weights"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone1" => "Man lifting weights: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone2" => "Man lifting weights: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone3" => "Man lifting weights: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone4" => "Man lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone5" => "Man lifting weights: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage" => "Man mage"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone1" => "Man mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone2" => "Man mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone3" => "Man mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone4" => "Man mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone5" => "Man mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic" => "Man mechanic"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone1" => "Man mechanic: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone2" => "Man mechanic: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone3" => "Man mechanic: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone4" => "Man mechanic: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone5" => "Man mechanic: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking" => "Man mountain biking"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone1" => "Man mountain biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone2" => "Man mountain biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone3" => "Man mountain biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone4" => "Man mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone5" => "Man mountain biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker" => "Man office worker"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone1" => "Man office worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone2" => "Man office worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone3" => "Man office worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone4" => "Man office worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone5" => "Man office worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot" => "Man pilot"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone1" => "Man pilot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone2" => "Man pilot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone3" => "Man pilot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone4" => "Man pilot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone5" => "Man pilot: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball" => "Man playing handball"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone1" => "Man playing handball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone2" => "Man playing handball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone3" => "Man playing handball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone4" => "Man playing handball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone5" => "Man playing handball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo" => "Man playing water polo"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo_tone1" => "Man playing water polo: light skin tone"
    #phrasesToLoad: array:1 [ …1]
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Group Buys RAPTAR group buy

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Good news ... there are 70 more RAPTARs on the shelf today, 70 more RAPTARs on the shelf.


If interested, PM for price.

Thanks !!
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So far I've gotten 5 txts/PMs asking me if these units have the ballistics solver. Answer is NO. These are RAPTAR ES equivalents. The Ballistic solvers are to be found on the "S" units. To purchase an "S/ES" (commercial ballistic solver with LP aiming laser and LP illuminator) these are available at Optics Planet.
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Anyone have tips for ensuring a good zero?

I have three different laser range finders and all three give me a different reading with a variation of about 8-12m at 200m.

I'm planning to do a better set-up with no surrounding vegetation and a GPS measured distance to "confirm" with all the LRF.
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I zeroed my raptor to be parallel with the crosshairs at the furthest distance I could see at dusk. That way the offset distance of windage and elevation is always constant, and when ranging things I can just count in my reticle the offset so the laser is hitting it straight on. Becomes second nature and really fast with a little practice.
So far I've gotten 5 txts/PMs asking me if these units have the ballistics solver. Answer is NO. These are RAPTAR ES. The Ballistic solvers are to be found on the "S" units. To purchase an "S/ES" (commercial ballistic solver with LP aiming laser and LP illuminator) these are available at Optics Planet.

You omitted the "for $8,000" part.

S/ES ain't for the "faint of wallet." 😋
I don't sell S either fp or lp ... those come thru OP for the LP units ... or via agency sale PRG direct for the FP. But there is no stock on those. They will be back ordered. I was told 60 day lead time ... but I received my unit in 45d. I think that's the ONLY time Wilcox exceeded my expectations :D
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Ok, finally ready to restart this Group Buy. These are original RAPTARs. They are FP inside. PRG can sell them to us because they are locking down these units to the LP setting. They are issued with an electronic key, to lock/unlock but those keys are NOT included. Currently, the unit price is $4,000. However, if we can get commitments for at least 10 units, then the price drops to $3,500. If we can get commitments for at least 20 units, then the price drops to $3,200. So, if you want one (or two, or 12 :D ) let me know and that will help drive the price down for everyone including you.

PM for any questions.

We have 4 verbal commits so far and a number of others asking questions. We need 20 commits to get the price down to $3,200 ... PM if any questions, thanks !!
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Currently have 9 verbal commits. Once we are up to around 15 verbal commits, I will set a deadline by which funds must be received. Payment method instructions will be sent via PM. I will need all the funds to place the initial order to lock in the lowest possible price.
This is the same process we used last year.

And BTW, just to reiterate ... this new batch of RAPTARs are original full power RAPTARs, but have been locked down to low power by the supplier, enabling them to be sold commercially.
And again, these do not have AB or bluetooth.

The ranging laser is unaffected by the lockdown, it is still full power. The ranging laser can be full power because it is a 1550nm laser and hence inherently eye safe as that frequency is absorbed by the cornea (see fully explanation in the earlier posts in this thread). The 1550nm being eye safe enables it to be significantly more powerful than commercial laser range finders, enabling much greater ranging distances, day or night.
Per earlier posts in this thread, I've been able to consistently range out to 2750yds in the day and 5300yds at night, with the RAPTARs. I got to 4001yds in the day off a tin shed. The other distances were ranging the side of a grassy hill (non-reflective).
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Ok, we are now up to 10 verbal commits (and several maybes). Want 15 verbal commits before calling for funds, hopefully that happens within the week.

Thanks for participating !!!

Thanks for looking !!
We gained 2 and lost 1 commit yesterday (somebody say something else they needed NOW) so we are up to net 11 commits now. :D
And that's fine, these things happen.
We need 4 more before I can set the dates.

PM with any questions and I will try to answer !

Thanks !!
This new unit comes with all the same stuff as the first buy?

I thought I saw something about Horta saying there is a quick disconnect? Maybe imagining things. Or this one still has screw that fits into certain rails or the Spuhr adapter and that riser kind of adapter?

Sorry in advance for such poor explanation. Hopefully you know what I mean. It doesn’t have the four button system either I don’t guess. Just the forward and backward thingy with two buttons?
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Ok, gained 2 lost one yesterday, now up to 12 verbal commits. Want to get to 15 before we set the dates for the first order (need 20 in the first order to lock in the best price).

PM if any questions.

Thanks !!
Ok gained one, now we are at 13 verbal commits. Need 2 more before setting the dates.

PM if any questions.

Thanks for looking and for participating !!!
Wig, please PM price. Thank you Sir!

Skip that, saw price, thank you. Still interested.

Selling stuff this weekend (maybe my Cratos ... jk)!

I really need to not be on this site, or rather my wallet would appreciate it. It's feeling weak lately :) :)
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Ok, we have 17 verbal commits now, so it is time to call for funds.

I need each person to send in the funds for the units which they wish to purchase.

As to payment methods, given the amount of $$ that will be flowing thru this transaction, I think we should use the payment methods that we used last year

Check or Money order (any as long as they clear)

Wire (bank to bank)

The date by which payment should be RECEIVED is 28 Sept. So, if you are mailing a check, it should be mailed on or before 23 Sept.

If all funds are received by 28 Sept, then they should clear by 8 Oct and I can then wire the money for the order on 9 Oct. Units should then ship by 12 Oct. Now shipping these days is crazy, but most of you should receive your units by 16 Oct.

So that's the schedule.

I don't want to post my address or bank information in public, so I will reach out to each of you in PM and you can tell me what payment method you want to use, then I can give instructions.
I'll need your name and address for shipping.
Also, I will verify if prior customers already have an ITAR form on hand. If not, you will need to fill out an ITAR form I will provide.

Please PM with any questions.

We still need three more commits before we get to 20, so PM me if you are ready to commit to a unit.

Thanks !!

(( And there are 70 units, so even after we get the 20 commits, you may place an order. Once we get the first order placed for 20, the Group Buy price will remain at $3,200 until all 70 units are gone))
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Ok, we are up to 19 verbals commits ... thanks for looking and for participating !!!

I have started working with folks to select their payment method and provide instructions on payment and also to provide ITAR forms which must be on file with PRG prior to unit shipping.
Ok, we are still at 19 verbal commits ... funds received for 3 of those units.

Here is the first estimate for dates ...

DATE Estimates:

23 Sept: Cutoff for mailing checks/Money orders

25 Sept: Cutoff for wiring

29 Sept: Initial order (for 20 units) placed

05 Oct: All initial orders shipped

13 Oct: All initial orders received by buyer (note, due to C-19 this is a pure guess as shipping times have become highly variable in various areas). Shipping is generally FEDEX Signature required. If you need otherwise, let me know.

There are plenty of variables in this, so it may change, but we head towards the goal with a plan of record !!

If you are interested in participating, please PM with any questions. Thx.
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Reactions: Nikiel09
Ok, we are now at 20 verbal commits. The price is now officially $3,200 (and we were gonna get there regardless). So its time to send in your funds. I believe I have contacted each of you to arrange payment. If I missed someone, please PM me !!

Ideally checks should be mailed by Wednesday if at all possible. Wires can be done by Friday.

Oh, and there are 50 more available, so if you want one, let me know !!

Also, I am still getting asked if these have the AB module or have bluetooth to kestrel or can be upgraded to those capabilities. Answer, is no to all. These are military version of the RAPTAR/ES ... the full power version, but locked down to low power by supplier before shipping them out. This makes them eligible for commercial sales.

The ranging laser is still full power, (see post number 1 in this thread for more info on 1550nm lasers).
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Reactions: gunrgood
Ok, we hit 21 commits yesterday, but then lost 2 so now we are at 19 again. I'm sure we will get back to 20, but people's circumstances change, so it is what it is.

People ask me if there are any left and yes, there are many left. total 70 of these ... and once we move the first 20, there will still be 50 left.

Thanks for looking and participating !!
Still at 19. PM me if any questions.

Revised Date Estimates:

23 Sept - last day to mail paper instruments (checks or money orders)

29 Sept -hoped for date by which all paper instruments received by me.

30 Sept - last paper instruments deposited in bank by me.

01 Oct - start of final 7 business day hold by bank on paper instruments.

05 Oct - last day for wires or Venmo to be sent to me.

06 - 08 Oct - final consolidation of funds into account they will be wired from.

09 Oct - expiration of 7 business day hold by bank, I wire final funds to PRG.

12-13 Oct Shipping of initial ordered units by PRG.

18-20 Oct - receipt of initial ordered units by participants.

And yes, we are opening VENMO up as an alternate payment method since after today, sending any more paper instruments (checks or money orders) would delay the whole order for everyone. Please do not send any checks or money orders after today. Please check with me for either wiring instructions or venmo instructions for funds sent after today.

Ok, now we are at 22 units for the initial order, so that is locked in and the funds have either been received or sent for all 22 units. Dates still expected to be as per prior post above ^^.


And we have the first confirmation for the second order (which I will do as soon as possible after the first order). So, if you want a unit, there are still plenty left, just contact me and we can get you into order #2 (or beyond).
Ok, again, the first order is locked in. The price going forward for all units will remain at $3,200. I will place orders roughly weekly after this first order until all units are gone.
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Reactions: gunrgood
Wig- is the range finding laser able to be seen with with a PVS14 or a range finding laser in general? Just curious. I know you have spoke about this before but I have no idea where and when the thread might be.

Also the illuminator and lasers are in the high spectrum aka 1500 where you have said they are eye safe before or in the 850-900 range where dangerous like the Luna’s?

I know I’ve read it all before just not sure where.

This Would assume an upgraded unit.

There are still several checks out there which are inbound, but we have received sufficient funds for the initial order. Just waiting for checks to clear.

This timeline remains unchanged:

Date Estimates:

23 Sept - last day to mail paper instruments (checks or money orders)

29 Sept -hoped for date by which all paper instruments received by me.

30 Sept - last paper instruments deposited in bank by me.

01 Oct - start of final 7 business day hold by bank on paper instruments.

05 Oct - last day for wires or Venmo to be sent to me.

06 - 08 Oct - final consolidation of funds into account they will be wired from.

09 Oct - expiration of 7 business day hold by bank, I wire final funds to PRG.

12-13 Oct Shipping of initial ordered units by PRG.

18-20 Oct - receipt of initial ordered units by participants.
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Ok, order #1 has been placed today (funds wired to the supplier). Even better PRG just confirmed receipt of wire ! So we are still on track per the time table in post #203 above.
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