Recession - 2022 / 2023 / 2024

And they will all blame Trump for the shitfuck "Economy" they pass on to him.
Thats true, they are still blaming Trump now but he can still make improvements immediately and the economy will come back quickly. The real key is getting legislation passed though to codify some changes so the next potus can't reverse it like biden did with so much stuff.
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For that you have to control more than one house, and it has to be by more than a couple of vote margin, because the Republicans are now the diverse party with a wide range of views, and the Democrats are completely united under Marxism. They have gotten rid of any ledgeslator who is not 100% on board with their radical, leftist ideology. Where as we have libertarians, social conservatives, believing Christians (now called Evangelicals), fiscal conservatives who are socially liberal, etc. The Republicans are not unified on much, so they need a much larger majority than Democrats to get anything passed.

It used to be that the left was a coalition, but now they're entirely monothink, and for expanding Federal power massively beyond it's Constitutional bounds, not that it already isn't, but now they're for wiping their asses with the Constitution. I don't know about you, but that qualifies as a "Domestic Enemy" by my reading.
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And they will all blame Trump for the shitfuck "Economy" they pass on to him.

They pray that the wheels fall off before Trump returns to office. I'd rather have the ship slip under Pedo Pedro than the Malevolent Sunkist Entity (Bad Orange Man) take the heat. I blame the Fed Res, the Congress of 1913, Woody Wilson, LBJ (guns 'n butter which drained our nation of the yaller metal) and then QE/TARP (both which fixed nothing and put us on today's downward trajectory)
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They pray that the wheels fall off before Trump returns to office. I'd rather have the ship slip under Pedo Pedro than the Malevolent Sunkist Entity (Bad Orange Man) take the heat. I blame the Fed Res, the Congress of 1913, Woody Wilson, LBJ (guns 'n butter which drained our nation of the yaller metal) and then QE/TARP (both which fixed nothing and put us on today's downward trajectory)
I don’t crash happens until next yr. They’ll find a way to crash it under Trump. I invite it. We need one. When it happens, if you don’t at minimum triple your ROI? You’re doing something wrong
I don’t crash happens until next yr. They’ll find a way to crash it under Trump. I invite it. We need one. When it happens, if you don’t at minimum triple your ROI? You’re doing something wrong
In some ways I agree. I made a lot of money, well for a little peon like me, in 2020 because of the Covid crash. With that said, I think the boys earlier in this thread are talking a very different type of crash, one where nobody is going to be safe. There is a lot of people speculating a 1929 type crash or worse, which will be a worldwide crash. And we have a lot more people to feed and resources needed today than we did in 1929 so…and what really pulled us out of it last time? Think about that.
In some ways I agree. I made a lot of money, well for a little peon like me, in 2020 because of the Covid crash. With that said, I think the boys earlier in this thread are talking a very different type of crash, one where nobody is going to be safe. There is a lot of people speculating a 1929 type crash or worse, which will be a worldwide crash. And we have a lot more people to feed and resources needed today than we did in 1929 so…and what really pulled us out of it last time? Think about that.
I think we’ll have a depression again when it crashes but I don’t think it’ll last a decade. There’s starving people today as there were back then. It won’t be good for many but I don’t think they’re going to allow civil wars to happen cause then? No one is safe. Even the ones that created this
In some ways I agree. I made a lot of money, well for a little peon like me, in 2020 because of the Covid crash. With that said, I think the boys earlier in this thread are talking a very different type of crash, one where nobody is going to be safe. There is a lot of people speculating a 1929 type crash or worse, which will be a worldwide crash. And we have a lot more people to feed and resources needed today than we did in 1929 so…and what really pulled us out of it last time? Think about that.
I have. I told my boys if a draft comes they may have to make some tough choices. If they end up in uniform, incredible fitness is the best way to get into units that are a bit more professional and likely to keep a guy alive. Cannon fodder is cheap to politicians.
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I have. I told my boys if a draft comes they may have to make some tough choices. If they end up in uniform, incredible fitness is the best way to get into units that are a bit more professional and likely to keep a guy alive. Cannon fodder is cheap to politicians.
Wars are no longer really fought with foot soldiers so I don’t see a draft ever happening again
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There is some semblance of all kinds of war going on right now, even for the US. And the US is hanging on by a thread. For how long, nobody knows but most are too blind to see it. Internal and external conflict, likely by design. Likely some serious backdoor coalitions that those that should know are either not noticing or turning a blind eye to. It’s kind of like I said about the VZ gangs of illegals taking over US territory. It’s happening and it could be stopped overnight, but it isn’t. Ask yourself why?

Yet with consumers ever more strapped for actual cash and equity, as the personal savings rate in the US collapses from over 5% to 2.9% - the lowest since the Lehman bankruptcy - in just one year, as all the excess savings from covid are long gone...

... there is only so much more credit card maxing out that can take place before reality finally sets in, as can be seen in the next and perhaps most striking chart yet: total credit card debt is at an all-time high while the personal savings rate is record low!

Then again, with the election less than two months away - one which ensures that any credit-card fueled spending must be encouraged - don't be surprised if the White House directly orders banks to just ignore soaring delinquency and charge-off rates...

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