Within reading about the various phases of Military Sniper Training particularly Scouting
I came across a term I've not heard yet called "Burn through Bushes"
This was taken from wikipedia and of course this term may not be accurate or what the actual Military uses and could be a slang of sorts
This in within the context of observation using a spotting scope or bino's to find 10 items in a defined area
Copy and pasted sentence from web page:
"for the purposes of the course it is important to learn observation skills, particularly how to "Burn Through" bushes for the stalking phase. Learning this skill is imperative to being able to find the observation post from behind cover during stalking and is often the difference between a student passing or failing. "
Wiki link, the term is referrenced in Phase 1 at the bottom
Q, Can anyone explain in this context what the term "Burn through" bushes means
My guess would be looking through, into, beyond surface cover to see hidden objects concealed within vegetation and/or shadow
although it mentioned "Burning through the bushes" being particularly important during the "Stalking" phase
So again I'm guessing it means look "Through" the forest, not at it,,,,,such as when hunting deer
Also if any other term is used for doing the same thing?
Thanks all,
I came across a term I've not heard yet called "Burn through Bushes"
This was taken from wikipedia and of course this term may not be accurate or what the actual Military uses and could be a slang of sorts
This in within the context of observation using a spotting scope or bino's to find 10 items in a defined area
Copy and pasted sentence from web page:
"for the purposes of the course it is important to learn observation skills, particularly how to "Burn Through" bushes for the stalking phase. Learning this skill is imperative to being able to find the observation post from behind cover during stalking and is often the difference between a student passing or failing. "
Wiki link, the term is referrenced in Phase 1 at the bottom

United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper - Wikipedia
Q, Can anyone explain in this context what the term "Burn through" bushes means
My guess would be looking through, into, beyond surface cover to see hidden objects concealed within vegetation and/or shadow
although it mentioned "Burning through the bushes" being particularly important during the "Stalking" phase
So again I'm guessing it means look "Through" the forest, not at it,,,,,such as when hunting deer
Also if any other term is used for doing the same thing?
Thanks all,