Red Lobster closing it's doors.

Even better, I watch with a smug "told you so" at the number of California restaurants, especially fast food joints, that are closing because there is no way to pay $20/hr while selling at the normal food prices, even for California.

On one hand, yes. LMAO.

But remember... those are 'entry level' jobs. They are kids who need a resume. Or college money. Or a chance to 'do' something other than sit in basements playing games.

It's farmers whose demand dries up. Lots of them in South America... who now become migrants.

It's entrepreneurs who buy franchises and increase their standard of living.

On the other hand, it is crap food and poisioning us and making us fat.

So there is that.

But... yeah. Unfortunately, the idiots are not learning the lessons of economics. They cry "Evil companies shut down restaurants and are racist." "Living wage has to be paid and stockholders are evil plutocrats." All chanting bullshit fed them by socialist schools and colleges and infiltrating leaders/community organizers. None of this is an accident or 'organic.' It's all being pushed.

The last time I ate at one, approximately 20 years ago, a family of 6-8 people were passing around cans (3) of Pringles while looking at the menu. They may have been Amish.
I believe they're called 'Canadians' in the restaurant business by wait staff. They are notoriously bad tippers if they don't just get up and run out.

I swear to fuck I wouldn't allow them in my restaurant. "We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service To Anyone."
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I like Red Lobster, of course I like gas station coffee to. so there is that. damned article on shrimp farm raised is kind of an eye opener though.
Considering I wouldn't risk catching a flesh eating disease wading in the foaming, brown frappe among floating bags of garbage tossed from Liberian freighters, I never was that inclined to eat 'Wild caught shrimp' from the Texas Gulf.

I pictured farm raised shrimp coming from concrete wading pools of clean, filtered water.
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On one hand, yes. LMAO.

But remember... those are 'entry level' jobs. They are kids who need a resume. Or college money. Or a chance to 'do' something other than sit in basements playing games.

It's farmers whose demand dries up. Lots of them in South America... who now become migrants.

It's entrepreneurs who buy franchises and increase their standard of living.

On the other hand, it is crap food and poisioning us and making us fat.

So there is that.

But... yeah. Unfortunately, the idiots are not learning the lessons of economics. They cry "Evil companies shut down restaurants and are racist." "Living wage has to be paid and stockholders are evil plutocrats." All chanting bullshit fed them by socialist schools and colleges and infiltrating leaders/community organizers. None of this is an accident or 'organic.' It's all being pushed.

Tell me you have not been in a McDonald's in Cali without telling me. Every fast food joint is staffed by 30+ year old Hispanics. It is no longer a job for kids to make a buck, it's a "career" job.
Haven't been to a Red Lobster in 30+ years. But growing up in the 80's I really looked forward to eating there (I was a kid, WTF did I know what good seafood was).

For those that lived in the DC Metro area in the 80s/90s it was Red Lobster or Chesapeake Bay Seafood House for decently good seafood without spending a fortune.
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I always thought RL was good until I read in this thread I was probably eating shit eating, 3rd World sewer shrimp.

There's a place up the road that serves great Diablo Shrimp wrapped in bacon and was recently taken there for my birthday. I bet they were ESAD shrimp too.
Tell me you have not been in a McDonald's in Cali without telling me. Every fast food joint is staffed by 30+ year old Hispanics. It is no longer a job for kids to make a buck, it's a "career" job.

Nope… here in New England they are staffed by senior citizens.

Growing up in a resort town we all had summer and evening weekend jobs. Now no kids work and they import labor from South America (college students on internships for hospitality industry mostly) and illegals.

Kids won’t, can’t or don’t work. Mommy gives them car and credit card.

Have not set foot in fast food restaurant in ca for at least 25 years. But what you are saying fits perfectly with what we see here.

i went into a mcdonalds for the first time in years the other day. just had a hankering for a big mac.
it was $7.19 for just the sammich. i walked out. :p
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Even the fries took a shit when they switched from lard to veg oil.
That happened before I was old enough to buy my own fries, and I was a snot nosed kid that didn’t get a happy meal. So now I buy my own fries and enjoy them. They have quite the concoction to try and replicate the flavor of lard, and don’t quite succeed.

Oh and McDonald ketchup is the best. They could improve it by adding some red 40. 😀
I'm watching Seth Denson on Newsmax, this morning, who is advising that Red Lobster may close about 50 locations but is attempting to avoid bankruptcy and shutting down completely.

We shall see.
I only go to McDonald’s for the French fries. Hit the drive through and order a large fries.
Recon I'll have the biguns'.

