Re: Redding dies in a Forster Press
As stated any standard dies will work, it is best to have a full round ring, like the Forster rings for the press, but not absolutely necessary, I use some of the Hornady split rings that have flats on them, but prefer the full round like the Forster rings.
I have only had problems with one type of die ever--twice, with Redding sizer dies. Their dies are good dies, but I dislike that they don't have a vent hole, and have had issues with that...I have had zereo problems with Forster dies in any way, and in fact they are my favorite dies, and I have had every type I've ever heard of, except Lee sizing or seater dies--I do have, and ocassionally use the Hornady collet neck sizer die.
Don't let having dies other than Forster's keep you from a Coax, they are great presses. As for buying dies, try some Forsters--they are great.