10/26/2023...........we been hunting since opening night and have seen 5 coyotes so far and 2 bobcats.........last night i finally figured out what they wanted to hear with some of Rick Pallets Ok Corral coyote fight........had 2 come to the fields edge about 300 straight north as we sat facing north wind over our back to the north at about 7 mph.......finally caught them at thh edge and i was playing fight so i lit it back up and the female immediately comes out into the field......at that point Patty was meandering right out in front of me as u can see in the vids and im sure the coyote seen her with the moon almost full and bright as u can see it looking as soon as Patty is moving the coyote starts towards us further......Patty at this point is out towards the call about 30 yards right in front of me & Stephy so i start to lip squeak her back to us........the coyote continues towards us and as i let it get closer ILO stopping it and my dogs bolting out i just lead it slightly and lit the fuse.........the coyote dropped immediately and i scanned back to where the other one was standing inside the weeds but it wouldnt show even after i relit the call.......u can see it meander away after the shot while my dogs are out running to find the one i just shot.........got the set packed up after the photo shoot and went to the next stand but before i can get the call lit at the next stand as i just set down all set up a coyote bolts out of the brush behind us about 150 yards to out east and Stephy immediately sees it & bolts towards it so Patty follows.....the coyote turns and starts away back to the far west side of the field and ILO waiting like i should have i let lead loose and was short as it ran away at over 200...... i didnt try again.....i still called but nothing so we packed it up made one more stand with nothing then called it a night......either way it was a great night out and out first coyote of the season
...........65 TEMP 76% HUMIDITY