Remember when

Painting everyone in a generation with one brush shows ignorance. Like blaming all Americans for slavery and demanding reparations.

Boomers built most of what allows you to sit on your butt and share your thoughts.

Many boomers fought the good fight and will live in poverty till they die.

Nobody wants to sell their home for less than they can get. Market forces and capitalism may not serve everyone equally.

Despite hardships, this country still offers more to all than any other. I work for a home builder in the SF bay area. Most of our homes are sold to English as a second language people who came here with nothing but a dream. These folks young and motivated.

And no, I’m not a boomer or rich. But I know I’m where I am only because of my choices.

Hope you feel better and find success. And I mean that in a nice way. Because bitterness won’t help. And you know that’s true.
Bitterness and humor are how any of us who are logical and realistic about our country's current status are able to get by with any remaining sanity. ESL's are a part of the force that is eroding away what built this nation. Those who penned the constitution knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent.

Maybe it's the booze talking tonight but I see no real hope for the United States going forward. We are amidst a slow burn that is over a century in the making and has only accelerated since the early 2000s. I may be young compared to many on this site, but I know damn well the score. My disgust at the boomer generation is misplaced, I will admit. As I said before, they were lied to. Just like the Greatest Generation before them were lied to and dragged into two of the most disastrous conflicts in human history in which the victors were not the people we were led to believe they were.

I apologize for stirring generational conflict in this thread. I meant no harm. As Lug Nut said, I'm just bitter.
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Sitting on hands and squandering the success of the country and voting for useless fucks over and over so that by the time my generation is born we don't have access to any of the shit that boomers like to drone on about.

Am I lazy or were my parents lazy for not being able to provide me the same freedom and life that your generation had growing up despite busting their asses 6 and sometimes 7 days a week?

Your generation on the whole completely rested on your laurels and took what was the most successful country on earth and rode it into the ground and then spends hours complaining about how lazy everyone is that they cant get handed a decent job that pays for owning an entire house on one person's income like they could.

Give me a damn break. I had to listen to my out of touch boomer grandparents utter drivel about the same shit year after year while I busted my ass. They had no fucking clue what the world was like anymore. Things are not the same as when your generation grew up and that is thanks in no small part to your generations lax behavior. You were propagandized and lured into selling the country down the river for a little bit of money and we are all suffering the consequences.
You are most surely painting with a very broad brush.
Claiming that everyone in an entire generation rested on their laurels is a fucked-up view of others.

You are pissing, moaning and placing the blame on people you know nothing of yet you are collectively shoving them all in the same box.

Every generation has its parasitic, lazy and self-righteous members as well as its members who are patriotic, giving, hardworking and bust their ass so the next generation can have better opportunities than they had.

I would dare say that the very people on this forum that you are butthurt over and attempting to demean are the very members of their generation that did everything possible to sustain opportunity and increase opportunities for their children and grandchildren. No doubt, there are traitorous fucktards in every generation including yours but you are in serious need of recalibrating your own energies into things that can advance your personal situation, your community, your state and your country.

You are so quick to lash out at people you do not know and automatically hitch them to whatever pity wagon you have been riding since your own childhood. Your so-called Boomers shouldn’t have to answer for whatever deficits you saw in your own grandparents. If they were total dicks, that does not automatically translate to others.

You say boomers were “propagandized” among other things.
I find this statement quite interesting since your own typed words are a perfect example of how the media and education system are reaping the fruits of their efforts to pit us against one another.
Create resentment, blame and hate based on differences in race, politics, social status, economic/income status and age. This is exactly the type of catalysts set in motion to motivate the Brown Shirts and others that sell out their own family or neighbors to the regime de jour.

All our common enemies have to do to succeed in destroying us is to make us hate each other.
It is certainly working like a CHARMingmander on you so far.

The easy button is to blame your own shortcomings on others rather than the person in your mirror. Bitching about things you cannot change is a drain on your limited energy that you could use to succeed.

You will not find a path to what you seek in life because that path is obscured by your own pouty bottom lip and your inability to see how to best target your energies.

We know a ton of people in their 30s and 40s that own their own homes, have good incomes, are financially responsible and are politically active that have made it to where they are after starting from ZERO.

So….it can still be done but you have to go get it. Do not wait for it to come to you.

P.S.: Nobody here is gunning for you. Everybody wants you and whatever generation you are part of to succeed and be fucking happy. If you are successful and happy, your family will be successful and happy. That is exactly where we need every generation to be so we can endure as a free society and have at least a snowballs chance in hell of surviving as a country.
I really do wish you well.

As Lug Nut said, I'm just bitter.
You have a right to be.
I dare say 99% of this site is bitter.
We cannot let the cunts in the high towers use basic Sociology against the few of us that still retain the ability to critically think.

Hang in there. Carefully choose your goals and don't waste energy. Own that shit and crush it.

I agree with you. See my last post.

I don't mean to throw blame and you are right, I am painting rather broad strokes. Again, bitterness and anger. I'm currently no better and I'm trying to change that.
I appreciate that.
Not because I am right or wrong but because you paused.

I promise, we need you and all of yours hitting on all cylinders and being smart in the coming days.

Bitterness and humor are how any of us who are logical and realistic about our country's current status are able to get by with any remaining sanity. ESL's are a part of the force that is eroding away what built this nation. Those who penned the constitution knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent.

Maybe it's the booze talking tonight but I see no real hope for the United States going forward. We are amidst a slow burn that is over a century in the making and has only accelerated since the early 2000s. I may be young compared to many on this site, but I know damn well the score. My disgust at the boomer generation is misplaced, I will admit. As I said before, they were lied to. Just like the Greatest Generation before them were lied to and dragged into two of the most disastrous conflicts in human history in which the victors were not the people we were led to believe they were.

I apologize for stirring generational conflict in this thread. I meant no harm. As Lug Nut said, I'm just bitter.
I have read this whole thread. It went from being nostalgic cool to a complete downer. As a result, I have some questions.

Like others on here I have travelled the world. I have seen real poverty. Like selling your child poverty. You live in one of the richest countries in the world. Is your complaint that you are poor or that you don’t have what you want?

If it is that you don’t have what you want, have you put together a plan to get it? Are you working toward it? What makes you happy? Do you regret what you have become so far? Honestly that happens to most of us. That’s just life. I came to the painful conclusion in my youth that if there are people my age succeeding then that is proof it can be done. Also, it is my choices that have prevented it for me. I haven’t heard you talk about the future opportunities for your family, only you. It really is a clue.

It’s no one’s fault that we don’t succeed, it’s always our fault. We have made the wrong choices, chosen the wrong friends, wrong career, etc. there is real freedom and peace in understanding that. Not everything is an injustice. And social media influencers lie.

Not to sound like Yoda, but look inside. The answer is there. Then take responsibility for it. If you don’t like it, change it. If you have too much debt and other commitments then change as much as you can and form a plan to ditch the rest as soon as you can, within the bounds of morality of course.

Life is hard. It really wasn’t any better in the 60’s -90’s. These posts are from dudes who remember when they were young without joint pain and sleep apnea. But the old folks back then bitched about them too. It’s like a law or something.

Everyone raises families and has financial or business stress. No one avoids this. But the real difference between a man and a father is the one who is able to understand that each season of life brings good years even in the challenges. You don’t want to get to the end of your life only having felt the challenges. You need to really enjoy the blessings you have worked for and have been given. Otherwise it’s pretty much just a waste. The ability to love and be happy despite everything that is going on is a true gift you can give to your family that will extend beyond your life. That and being able to defend them to the death if needed.
Getting completely into the engine compartment to adjust valves, change points or adjust a carb.
Getting in the weather to hay every day regardless of how cold or how you felt because the cows and horses depended on you.
Laying up in the top of the hay loft with a 22 rifle and the dogs to stay warm after feeding just to postpone going back to the house and having to do school homework.
Getting wood cut, split and covered in the heat of the summer so everything could stay warm in the winter.
Listening to grandparents reminisce with their friends about WW1 or when electricity first came through.
Listening to parents reminisce with their friends about the Great Depression and WW2.
Getting on the roof and turning the TV antennae until daddy screamed through the window that it was turned good enough to get one of the 3 channels available.
Staying in a stall all night with a sick calf so you could make sure it stayed warm and make him get on his feet every couple of hours.
Sweet talking a mama cow into letting you milk her when she sure as shit wasn't a milk cow but it was her baby in the stall that needed the milk.
Hauling hay for 5 cents a bale or $2 an hour so I could buy 22LR ammo or put gas in one of the parent's vehicles to use.
Freaking out when gasoline went over $1 a gallon and I thought I would never again afford to use mama's car.
All the girls and young ladies were fit and at least had a little bit of common sense.
Staying up late on school nights to record a favorite song off the new hot shit FM radio station and hope the DJ didn't talk to much into the intro.
Watching and helping my grandparents butcher a pig or beef. NOTHING was wasted and neighbors helped each other so they could get everything handled before anything spoiled.
Praying for a rainy summer so the 3 area farms could maybe get two cuttings of hay we could help haul instead of one.
Almost crying from pride when Pledging Allegiance to my flag when I was in school.
Having blisters on the tips of my fingers even though wearing gloves, from trying to get under tight bale strings 200 to 400 times when somebody cut hay.
Being super excited to see that Mama made a batch of ice tea or that Daddy brought me a watermelon home. Both were big treats.
Every appliance, almost every tool and every machine was "fixable".
Neighbors helped neighbors and also stood ground for what was right.
Traditions were valued and protected.

We had to be neighbors or invisible brothers.
You carried your 22 on the bus because you were walking home hunting that day.
You went to school no matter the weather right then or coming
25 bucks worth of groceries would not fit into the trunk
Your milk came in a glass bottle delivered to the porch
The Dr came to the house
The TV repairman carried 50+ tubes with him
Your neighbor would smack your ass for doing wrong, then you'd get another at home
Gas was 18 cents but during a price war it would drop to under 10 cents a gallon
Plaid or S&H were king in your area
You paid for most everything using a counter check
You shook a mans hand & it was locked in stone, w/o paper work or lawyers
You could tell by the ring of the crank phone who was calling and also knew who the local busy body was that might be listening as well.
You took all the shop classes in school, Auto, Electrical, Machine, Wood, & Mechanical Drawing
They changed the pledge of allegiance
Duck & cover drills
Cars rode like floating on air & trucks like trucks
You could pull any ride with an automatic trans to start it
The bank do not have to do a cavity check for a loan
You were loaned out to the neighbors to help them with their crops or chores if they were behind, sick or hurt
Trapping, fishing, & hunting were the most 3 important things in your life
Realizing how big the world was and wanting to know as much about all of it you could
Brown bagging your lunch

Thinking I left out a lot, so add want you remember,...

Walking to Laurie’s IGA and giving a list to Miss Sylvia. She would select and bag everything and write the total in a ledger. Mom would pay next time she shopped. Usually a Thursday as that was double stamp day.

I have a cousin who married the milkman.
Do you remember when algebra was more complicated than girls?
Man that brings back a memory!

Only one in the house, and was getting ready to leave to run the trap line & a knock on the door. Opened the door and the Amish girl from down the road was standing there all grown up. Had not seen her for 5-6 years as she had been living in N/E Indiana getting groomed I guess. Any way she said her dad had some parts for us. He had bought a Case tractor just like ours and had stripped off the electrics & 3 point hitch off and wanted us to have them. They used a tractor as just a draft horse & hand cranked it as well. My great uncle called them the "New Progressive Amish".
Long short that lead to some interesting times. Great uncle ask one day, you finding something to your liking down the road? Naw, Uncle Frank she just needs help with her home work at times. (Uncle Frank) I see, just make sure none of that home work starts showing to the point her mother & father takes notice. Not saying anything for a few seconds he said, you know body language can speak volumes and right now, you're a walking book. Now get you shit together and run that line. While you're gone do a little thinking about what if.
I wish the rest of the world could grow up like me a 5 year old with an air rifle slung riding around on a peewee 50 riding around on 1200 acres of soldier settlement.

my grandparents made it a great place to be.

the current state of affairs with what i can see is not pretty.

watched their offspring fight for 2 decades over who got what.

my family are worse than strangers.

I like strangers cos they seem nice sometimes and if i get to know them and they reciprocate essentially become family literally (christmas straya day etc)

I only wish I could give what others have given for me.
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My grandmother would say (born in 1933) "I can remember when bread was five cents a loaf."

My step grand-father would reply, "God, what a memory!"
Painting everyone in a generation with one brush shows ignorance. Like blaming all Americans for slavery and demanding reparations.

Boomers built most of what allows you to sit on your butt and share your thoughts.

Many boomers fought the good fight and will live in poverty till they die.

Nobody wants to sell their home for less than they can get. Market forces and capitalism may not serve everyone equally.

Despite hardships, this country still offers more to all than any other. I work for a home builder in the SF bay area. Most of our homes are sold to English as a second language people who came here with nothing but a dream. These folks young and motivated.

And no, I’m not a boomer or rich. But I know I’m where I am only because of my choices.

Hope you feel better and find success. And I mean that in a nice way. Because bitterness won’t help. And you know that’s true.
yes shows extreme ignorance,over simplification,stupdity and is whiney. yea,a not rich boomer who but owns his home and owes nothing because i worked and paid my bills asap. not everyone born before 1964 is rich and entitled. the 1st soc sec check was issued in 1937. should i blame my gr grandmothers gen for creeping socialism? are zuckerberg and his ilk all boomers? blaming another "generation" for your personal problems needs a look in the mirror for an answer.
My grandmother would say (born in 1933) "I can remember when bread was five cents a loaf."

My step grand-father would reply, "God, what a memory!"

When the army airplane flew into the Empire state building my grandmother was working down the street.

When Hindenburg went boom the two of them could see the sky glow for a few minutes and wondered what that was.

Grandfather remembers the first car in town. 1908.

I sit here and think, he was born in 1908 and died in the early 80's. Just think what he lived through......everything that happened during those first 80 years of the 1900's. Airplanes to walking on the moon, two world wars. Cars that would hardly move to great big land cruisers.

Then I look at 1960's to 2024.....what a hot mess.
I wish the rest of the world could grow up like me a 5 year old with an air rifle slung riding around on a peewee 50 riding around on 1200 acres of soldier settlement.

my grandparents made it a great place to be.

the current state of affairs with what i can see is not pretty.

watched their offspring fight for 2 decades over who got what.

my family are worse than strangers.

I like strangers cos they seem nice sometimes and if i get to know them and they reciprocate essentially become family literally (christmas straya day etc)

I only wish I could give what others have given for me.
It was once said by a wise man that manners and politeness matter, most importantly with family. We will treat family and friends like crap and go out of our way to be overly gracious to a stranger.

The exception, of course, is the all around a-hole who craps on everyone equally.
The two biggest fights I got into in school was because of one of my sisters. She was so wrong it was not even funny, but she was still my sister. When the cops brought me home dad was there waiting to hear my side. It took him awhile thinking, before he beat my sisters ass, then when he came out of her room I thought I was next. All he said was, way to stand up for the family even though she was wrong.
Did she get beat with a switch? Id have hit her with a pussy willow switch.
I have read this whole thread. It went from being nostalgic cool to a complete downer. As a result, I have some questions.

Like others on here I have travelled the world. I have seen real poverty. Like selling your child poverty. You live in one of the richest countries in the world. Is your complaint that you are poor or that you don’t have what you want?

If it is that you don’t have what you want, have you put together a plan to get it? Are you working toward it? What makes you happy? Do you regret what you have become so far? Honestly that happens to most of us. That’s just life. I came to the painful conclusion in my youth that if there are people my age succeeding then that is proof it can be done. Also, it is my choices that have prevented it for me. I haven’t heard you talk about the future opportunities for your family, only you. It really is a clue.

It’s no one’s fault that we don’t succeed, it’s always our fault. We have made the wrong choices, chosen the wrong friends, wrong career, etc. there is real freedom and peace in understanding that. Not everything is an injustice. And social media influencers lie.

Not to sound like Yoda, but look inside. The answer is there. Then take responsibility for it. If you don’t like it, change it. If you have too much debt and other commitments then change as much as you can and form a plan to ditch the rest as soon as you can, within the bounds of morality of course.

Life is hard. It really wasn’t any better in the 60’s -90’s. These posts are from dudes who remember when they were young without joint pain and sleep apnea. But the old folks back then bitched about them too. It’s like a law or something.

Everyone raises families and has financial or business stress. No one avoids this. But the real difference between a man and a father is the one who is able to understand that each season of life brings good years even in the challenges. You don’t want to get to the end of your life only having felt the challenges. You need to really enjoy the blessings you have worked for and have been given. Otherwise it’s pretty much just a waste. The ability to love and be happy despite everything that is going on is a true gift you can give to your family that will extend beyond your life. That and being able to defend them to the death if needed.
Well said , and much more polite than the drunk whine ass deserved.
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I agree with you. See my last post.

I don't mean to throw blame and you are right, I am painting rather broad strokes. Again, bitterness and anger. I'm currently no better and I'm trying to change that.
Remember when someone who thought he was a woman in a man's body got medical attention and medication? Instead of an entire political party?
Still hold doors open for courtesy.
We get 6" of snow and you miss the bus you are walking to school so you don't have to stay longer for detention.
We all drank beer while young so it nice to have a buddy whose dad owned the Tavern.:LOL:
Played war with pellet/bb guns.

Good ole days long gone!
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i havent read the entire thread.

boomers. my grandfather loathed them. he stormed the beach on D day. and he had a VERY big aversion to vietnam vets who would complain about x,y,or z. i personally saw him lay into them brutally. as a kid, i didnt understand.

like it or not, through your own admittance, you long for the way things used to be, but when did they change? who has been in power while this all happened? and how did they get there? who voted these fucks in?
i hate to say it gents....but you boomers have some blame to bear.

not saying all boomers are bad-some of my best friends are boomers. but truthfully.....they vote in a manner which begets what we have. <--the other side of that is that unwittingly, i have too. i was under the illusion i was fighting it; buying into the "republicans are fighting them" bullshit. failing to realize that is was just two sides of the same hand.

some good things about the past, and a whole lot of bad. i will be honest-my life is better now than it has ever been-i have more freedom than i did in "the glory days". if i had to choose between then and now- i choose now. without even having to think about that.

we are living in historic times. the next year, it is going to be really interesting. i don't fear death, although i aint rushing toward it if i can avoid it. that allows me to enjoy my life.

if you have to look back to find happiness, you better figure that shit out. it is very unhealthy.
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Remember when your baseball bat broke ( yes wood bats, before aluminum) and you would pound a bunch of finish nails into it and tape it with whatever tape you could find so you could continue to use it until you come up with a few bucks for new bat.
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i havent read the entire thread.

boomers. my grandfather loathed them. he stormed the beach on D day. and he had a VERY big aversion to vietnam vets who would complain about x,y,or z. i personally saw him lay into them brutally. as a kid, i didnt understand.

like it or not, through your own admittance, you long for the way things used to be, but when did they change? who has been in power while this all happened? and how did they get there? who voted these fucks in?
i hate to say it gents....but you boomers have some blame to bear.

not saying all boomers are bad-some of my best friends are boomers. but truthfully.....they vote in a manner which begets what we have. <--the other side of that is that unwittingly, i have too. i was under the illusion i was fighting it; buying into the "republicans are fighting them" bullshit. failing to realize that is was just two sides of the same hand.

some good things about the past, and a whole lot of bad. i will be honest-my life is better now than it has ever been-i have more freedom than i did in "the glory days". if i had to choose between then and now- i choose now. without even having to think about that.

we are living in historic times. the next year, it is going to be really interesting. i don't fear death, although i aint rushing toward it if i can avoid it. that allows me to enjoy my life.

if you have to look back to find happiness, you better figure that shit out. it is very unhealthy.

It is funny as the boomers are the children of those that "stormed the beach on D Day".

Goes to show nothing ever changes.....but you do see a few here and there, that don't fit into the generational stereotype. Those are the ones that usually get the comments of having good mom's and dad's.