Remington's response to 60 Minutes


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies

    On February 19, 2017, 60 Minutes broadcast a segment about Remington Arms Company, LLC and two tragic incidents which occurred in 2011. In narrating the details related to each incident, 60 Minutes omitted and misrepresented key facts which would have allowed the viewer to have an accurate and complete understanding about each. For example, 60 Minutes knew but did not disclose that both of the rifles in question were examined and tested by forensic scientists employed by each state’s crime lab and were found to be in proper working order. Remington provides this response to offer a more complete record of the relevant facts and a comprehensive overview of the incidents described in the story, and the recall which was at the center of the story.

    The 60 Minutes segment showcased two separate incidents which it alleged stemmed from issues related to the rifles’ trigger mechanisms. Although Remington shared voluminous information and spent hours providing background information to 60 Minutes related to the recall and the two incidents, 60 Minutes failed to offer its viewers critical facts and content core to each incident. It is imperative that 60 Minutes viewers, our customers and the public, have accurate and complete information related to these two incidents as well as to the recall of Model 700 rifles with X-Mark Pro ("XMP") triggers and the settlement of the Pollard v. Remington class action lawsuit.

    Remington stands behind the safety and reliability of its products and vehemently denies allegations by 60 Minutes and others that there is any design defect in another trigger mechanism, the Walker trigger mechanism. Remington made a commercial decision to put an end to the expense and uncertainty of protracted litigation, and agreed to settle the Pollard class action on terms which are in the best interests of Remington and its valued customers.

    Separately, after Remington’s own investigation determined that there was a possible assembly error affecting some XMP triggers, it immediately and voluntarily issued an international recall on all Remington products with XMP trigger mechanisms manufactured from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014 and broadly promoted and advertised the recall. Under the recall program, over 350,000 XMP trigger mechanisms have been replaced. Firearm safety remains our number one priority.

    Remington was first contacted by a 60 Minutes producer in October 2016 advising that CBS was “working on a [60 Minutes segment] in regards to the XMP recall and the pending Pollard Class Action Settlement.” The 60 Minutes producers, representing that CBS was interested in airing “a complete, well-rounded, and accurate report,” asked Remington to provide background information about Model 700 rifles and about two independent incidents involving Model 700 rifles. Given this representation and with the hope that 60 Minutes was truly interested in producing a balanced and accurate report, Remington sent 60 Minutes numerous records and information on those topics, and it also directed CBS to specific, readily available public records related to the topics chosen as the focus by 60 Minutes.

    It is distressing that most of the information Remington provided to 60 Minutes was not included or ever referenced in its February 19, 2017 Remington segment. To set the record straight and to provide Remington’s valued customers and viewers of the 60 Minutes segment with a complete and accurate understanding of several of the matters presented in the segment, Remington provides below a listing of information either in 60 Minutes’ possession or readily available to it in public records before it aired its segment. This material puts the 60 Minutes’ segment in context and exposes 60 Minutes’ pre-determined viewpoint and intentional omission of key facts that would have reflected balanced reporting of the circumstances of those tragic incidents.
    60 minutes showing up at your door is never a good thing. Kinda like opening your door to find the IRS standing there...... you don't stand a chance. I'm surprised too that Remington didn't see that one coming considering the biased and slanted reporting by 60 minutes over the years.
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    No mechanical device will stop or fix stupid.
    The shooter/gun handler/asshole controlling the "Muzzle direction" is the only fail-safe safety.
    60 minutes is a hit squad that is "PAID" by CBS to destroy or stir the pot.
    Raciest = one who wins any discussion/argument with the left/libtard/FSA (F-ree S-hit A-rmy)
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    I hate to see the state Remington is in I grew up hearing about how legendary the 700,870,11-87 were when I got old enough to begin buying my own firearms I quickly found out that they are garbage now! It is sad to say because a company with 200 years of history a USA company nonetheless you would think they would have it figured out. They quit innovating and others came and took the market by storm (tikka I'm talking about you) Also when you only make a handful of designs they better work QC is nonexistent in house the last decade there!
    I hate to see the state Remington is in I grew up hearing about how legendary the 700,870,11-87 were when I got old enough to begin buying my own firearms I quickly found out that they are garbage now! It is sad to say because a company with 200 years of history a USA company nonetheless you would think they would have it figured out. They quit innovating and others came and took the market by storm (tikka I'm talking about you) Also when you only make a handful of designs they better work QC is nonexistent in house the last decade there!

    Garbage? Give me a break. Tikka makes a decent rilfe too. They certainly have not taken the market, maybe they took your market by storm.
    I hate to see the state Remington is in I grew up hearing about how legendary the 700,870,11-87 were when I got old enough to begin buying my own firearms I quickly found out that they are garbage now! It is sad to say because a company with 200 years of history a USA company nonetheless you would think they would have it figured out. They quit innovating and others came and took the market by storm (tikka I'm talking about you) Also when you only make a handful of designs they better work QC is nonexistent in house the last decade there!

    Say what you want but the Remington 700 is the small block Chevy of the bolt rifle world.
    In terms of dealing with media, there is NOTHING you can say to sway to your side. Anything positive will end up on the cutting room floor. Anything negative against you will be emphasized.

    CBS proved that they are not beneath deceptive editing.

    It's not just the producers and directors that affect the end product, but the editor of the footage as well. They may be provided a cue sheet of what/how to edit, but they can easily work around even what the director/producer intended. Their timelines run too tight for more than 1 or 2 edits.
    More fake news, this country is in serious trouble and not many people see it. When the news stops reporting and starts writing opinions and trying to emphasize half truths and omitting details to support a narrative... we're in trouble.

    Unfortunately, way to many people watch this shit and take it as gospel.
    Isn't this like the 6th time the news has done some shit about a Remington recall, Remington trigger, who fucking knows what?

    I figured that after the 3rd time of no one caring, they'd have figured it out.

    They ( FSA--Libtards---left wing )think that telling the same lies over an over it will turn their lies into the truth. I submit CBS has killed more people than AD's with Remington triggers ever have. Research CBS from the early 60's to-date and draw your own conclusions. Investigate their reporting of the V/N war, Charles Manson, Patty Hearst, DNC Chicago 1968, Black panthers, and their ink. Not to mention Dan (lying) Rather and yes the exalted, Walter (I know whats best for you) Cronkite.
    they ( fsa--libtards---left wing )think that telling the same lies over an over it will turn their lies into the truth. I submit cbs has killed more people than ad's with remington triggers ever have. Research cbs from the early 60's to-date and draw your own conclusions. Investigate their reporting of the v/n war, charles manson, patty hearst, dnc chicago 1968, black panthers, and their ink. Not to mention dan (lying) rather and yes the exalted, walter (i know whats best for you) cronkite.

    I would like to add CNN to the same Lib-tard-bastards group if knobody minds... When I see CNN on television I feel my blood pressure go up immediately...
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    More fake news, this country is in serious trouble and not many people see it. When the news stops reporting and starts writing opinions and trying to emphasize half truths and omitting details to support a narrative... we're in trouble.

    Unfortunately, way to many people watch this shit and take it as gospel.

    People are starting to wake up and take notice. That's why we have Trump and not some squishy RINO.
    They ( FSA--Libtards---left wing )think that telling the same lies over an over it will turn their lies into the truth. I submit CBS has killed more people than AD's with Remington triggers ever have. Research CBS from the early 60's to-date and draw your own conclusions. Investigate their reporting of the V/N war, Charles Manson, Patty Hearst, DNC Chicago 1968, Black panthers, and their ink. Not to mention Dan (lying) Rather and yes the exalted, Walter (I know whats best for you) Cronkite.

    Didn't hitler say "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

    that at pretty much sums up the anti gun crowd.
    I'd like more information on how the 700 fired when the safety was released. In both cases they showed the trigger did not seemed to be touched. I agree in the incident of the accidental shooting we will never know the whole story. But the young man should have know better than to point the 700 towards his brother thats inexcusable.
    I'd like more information on how the 700 fired when the safety was released. In both cases they showed the trigger did not seemed to be touched. I agree in the incident of the accidental shooting we will never know the whole story. But the young man should have know better than to point the 700 towards his brother thats inexcusable.

    Sear engagement set improperly. Muzzle control is everything but stupid is as stupid does. Always follow the money or agenda. More People get killed by alcohol each year, than by Remington triggers. Wheres the out rage at the alcohol mfg's on 60 minutes or like I like to call them the "60 minute ambulance chasers". Most All those who haunt that trash heap indulge and have drove drunk, many of the names over the years have leaked out under the FOIA. Most all have DUI's, and one is a listed pedophile. Fact!
    I hate to see the state Remington is in I grew up hearing about how legendary the 700,870,11-87 were when I got old enough to begin buying my own firearms I quickly found out that they are garbage now! It is sad to say because a company with 200 years of history a USA company nonetheless you would think they would have it figured out. They quit innovating and others came and took the market by storm (tikka I'm talking about you) Also when you only make a handful of designs they better work QC is nonexistent in house the last decade there!

    ​​​​​​Coming from the guy who bought a Savage.

    I went down that Savage road. Still have 1 of their rifles too. You want to talk about QC issues. After owning a few Remington rifles, I learned I should have skipped Savage altogether. Unless you like not having aftermarket support even remotely close to Remington.
    Somebody had to drag savage into the mix and slam them too. When is the gun community going to realize that we have to stick together and keep it positive! The accutrigger is one off the best off the shelf triggers on the market. Period. Every company makes products that brake or aren't right out of the box. I don't know about some of you safe queens, that buy, then never shoot and just show up to complain about how their Ruger RPR hand guard isn't straight and they have a problem with it, but they haven't shot it yet. A bunch of crying babies!!!! Companies produce products at price points because all budgets aren't created equal. I think most consumers go into buying products with some knowledge and research? Or are you just mindless sheep like the MEDIA would like to think? Why are there $1,300.00 Clones of Remington 700 actions? Because they are simple and work well. You get what you pay for!!!! I think the mindless sheeple are waking up to the fact the the media is not your friend nor do they tell you the truth. There's a saying that there is no bad advertising! Remington is a machine and it will be a sad day when they aren't around. just look at the last few pistols they have produced. Total dogs!! They can still survive. How you ask,???? brand loyalty. People and Companies make mistakes!!! No ifs ands or buts.

    This site is living proof if you can't spread your lies effectively(CBS) just buy them out and shut them down (The Hide). Too bad, So Sad. Because of people like LowLight, we fight on as a community. It doesn't matter how many lies you tell if everyone knows you can't come up with a real news story to save your corporation. Why do you think they keep beating a dead horse and re-airing this story with this trigger expose'. The non main stream media is proof that the people are sick and tired pre package lies feed to you and me with a slanted perspective.

    Enough of me on my soap box. Flame on! I've got thick skin and won't oblige the trolls that will insue.

    IanHusaberg Out!!!!!!!
    I give your rant a 3/10. I've shot well over 6k rounds through my Model 10 Savage, and countless dry fires. The Accutrigger is fucking junk. When new, yeah it's OK at best. After so many rounds, it loses adjustment, and will continue to until you replace it.

    I also had a 111 30-06, wouldn't consistently hold 2 moa. Sold it, and bought a Remington in 30-06. Savage customer service has lots to be desired as well. The people I've talked to on the phone couldn't care less. They've lost me as a customer, and I was a fan.

    If they would stick to a design that works, and run with it, the aftermarket would probably warm up to making parts and accessories.

    None of my rifles are safe queens, they all get shot, banged around, and used for their intended purpose.

    Hey JM does Remington chamber any of thier rifles in 6.5 Creedmoor? I wanted that caliber first and if Big green would have one I would've looked at it first!