I started loading a new load today for my .22-250. I started loading a 60 gr Vmax on 31.5 gr of Varget. I am using a Forster Coax press with a brand new Forster Ultra Micrometer Seating Die on virgin Lapua brass. Max load is 34 gr of Varget. My C.O.L. is measuring right at 2.350. When I started the first 4 rounds gave an audible click when I lowered the ram after seating the bullet. The next 6 did not have the audible click but all 10 bullets now have a ring on the just above the case mouth. I cleaned the die prior to starting. I tried running a qtip through the seating die to see if there is a burr or something with no snags. I have never had this issue before. Anyone have any idea what is causing this.