RIP my girl...


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Dec 23, 2001
On my Belly
<-- - it has been a great 13.5 years...much longer than it could have been...smartest and best behaved dog I ever known...but don't try to come in the house when no one is home...some of you that have been around here for a while may remember her as the "Troll Hunter" -- to everyone else she was Cheyenne...losing a pet sucks...

Re: RIP my girl...

Sorry for your loss Jason. I went through this not too long ago and it's not easy. Take comfort knowing that she had a great home and loving care while she was with you.
Re: RIP my girl...

Sorry for your loss JB. I had a German Shorthair Pointer that I had for 15 years and was older than my oldest son. He was a great dog and not just a best friend but a true member of the family. It sounds like Cheyenne the Troll Hunter was as much a member of your family as JD was mine. I know how bad it sucks and my thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family.
Re: RIP my girl...

Sorry for your loss.

Everytime I see one of these thread titles I know it without reading it is a beloved pet and I rarely choose to read them. Reason being is my minpin is now over 11. Wife bought her to keep me company 11yrs ago this Christmas after I had to quit work for health reasons. Wife left 8yrs ago in Nov and it has been just her and I. Cannot even think about putting her down. Hope she passes in her sleep and I don't have to make the decision to 'pick the day' she leaves me. Just a damn dog but she knows me and my moods, health ups and downs better than any human.

Amazing as to how much a dog means to some guy and how little to another. Such as the bastards that fight them!!!

Again sorry for your loss.

Re: RIP my girl...

Sorry to hear of your loss Jason . Just went through it myself with my Wife and I's first Baby who was 16 . I am sure they are somewhere having a grand ole time in their new bodies right about now
Re: RIP my girl...

We lost our 14 year old boxer a few years ago. Boxers normaly only live 8 to 10 years so we got 6 more years from him than we should have. My wife and I think about him often especially when we see another boxer being a boxer (anyone who has owned a boxer knows what I'm talking about). Even I cried when we had to put him down. Animals worm their way into our hearts and minds and we all miss them when they die.

My wife brought home a new dog on mother's day last year (no subtrifuge behind that! LOL!). The new dog is a long haired
Dachshund. She is a lover and is a lot of fun. She leaped up on my lap here at the commputer and is snoring as I write this. I'm going to be unable to move as she's shut the circulation off in my legs!
Re: RIP my girl...

Just had to have my other little buddy put down a couple weeks ago (lost both of my dogs this year), so I can surely commiserate, jb. He was just a couple weeks shy of 16 and I still look for him on the couch when I get home from work and walk in the door. I liked that little shit more than I like most people, I can tell you that.

I hope the pain diminishes and all that's left are the fond memories of your pup, pard.
Re: RIP my girl...

I feel for ya man, it sure is tough. I like my dog more than I like most people. She'll be patiently waiting for you at the Pearly Gates when you arrive, and she'll be enjoying all she ever has in her pain free body.

Dang, always brings a tear to my eye...

I'll keep you in my prayers my friend.
Re: RIP my girl...

It always hurts to put down a good pet. I've had to put down a few in my time and it never gets any easier. I do not look forward to it anytime soon, still have 2 dogs in the house though.
Re: RIP my girl...

Sorry for your loss. I lost one last year, and I'm affraid I have another one that probably will not make it through next year. It sucks that they don't live longer.
Re: RIP my girl...

why do we dog lovers keep doing this to ourselves??? I for one, because there is no greater love on this earth than that between a man and his dog (as I sit here in my chair looking at my Golden Retriever). Thank God for Rainbow Bridge, where, assuming I make it that far, the Good Lord has arranged it for us to meet our best loved friends.

So sorry for your loss, mate.
Re: RIP my girl...

Thanks for the kind words you last tribute:

[to the cat] "This will show you for sleeping on my bed...

sniffin the breeze with the new one in training: