Rittenhouse Trial

Or maybe the defense lawyers are sandbagging in case they have to appeal?

Just in case the jury is retarded.
The defense doesn't sandbag to prepare for an appeal. You have to put everything out there in the original trial because you can't (typically) can't introduce new evidence in an appeal. That's why they went into detail with the photo and tried to get it excluded. You can appeal because certain evidence that should have been excluded wasn't, or vice versa. Kyle also has another path in an appeal through claiming ineffective assistance of council because the stupid motherfuckers never bothered to bring in a ballistics and firearm expert.
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I can't believe the judge can't just look at the video and say the charges are bogus. it's clear the judicial system is beyond broken. He should not have to accept lesser charges being introduced and the judge should dismiss with prejudice. so many wrongs here
The judge had several places where he could have ended this for prosecutorial misconduct. It also seemed he was painfully aware of how bad the defense team sucked.

All I can guess is that he doesn't want the political fallout for ending it when he could have.
I wonder if Rittenhouse will be out providing first aid or protection for those he doesnt know, when the "not guility" fiery but most mostly peaceful protest start up?

I wonder what his actions will be, when a woman is being raped on a subway?

These people are creating a society, that not even they will want to live in!
Better yet what the fuck would you do?
Put some skin in the game.
Not sure if this is normal for witnesses in big cases?

Most likely only sending them this time is because of the fear that a lot of people might be inspired to be like Kyle.

Evers Deploying National Guard Ahead of Rittenhouse ...

https://whbl.com › 2021 › 11 › 12 › evers-deploying-national-guard-ahead-of-rittenhouse-verdict
Evers deployed the National Guard to Kenosha on August 23rd, 2020 and doubled the size of the deployment to 250 the next day - while turning down assistance offered by the Trump administration. After the Rittenhouse shooting, Evers sent another 250 troops and accepted the White House's offer to send up to 2,000 National Guard troops from

The story starts with this prejudicial picture of GrossCunt and describes him only as "a wounded man"......


A man wounded during a protest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man, sits on a street in Kenosha, Wisconsin, U.S., August 25, 2020, in this still image obtained from a social media video. INSTAGRAM / @LOURIEALEX/via REUTERS

Evers deployed the National Guard to Kenosha on August 23rd, 2020 and doubled the size of the deployment to 250 the next day – while turning down assistance offered by the Trump administration. After the Rittenhouse shooting, Evers sent another 250 troops and accepted the White House’s offer to send up to 2,000 National Guard troops from neighboring states.
I'm pretty sure another juror will be booted - end of day discussion. That leaves 17, not a big deal. That said, since the prosecution brought it forward, I'm hopeful the remaining jurors are disgusted as well.
The more stuff I watch the more I think Kyles fucked, but I really hope I'm wrong.

Seems the Defense didn't really do everything they could, the prosecution is sketchy as hell, and jurors are morons.
Not sure if this is normal for witnesses in big cases?

This has been on my mind ever since I read his record. Not one mention of him being a felon in possession of a firearm. Now I have my answer. Mac:mad:
To play devil's advocate, DUI violation in WI seems bit odd as a felony (some sarcasm there). However searches at the time showed the name associated with burglary. The rub was mismatch on DOB. IMO he avoided some trouble based on someone else having the same name.
The more stuff I watch the more I think Kyles fucked, but I really hope I'm wrong.

Seems the Defense didn't really do everything they could, the prosecution is sketchy as hell, and jurors are morons.
Nothing could be more true than this ^^^^^

In spite of moronic jury pools, innocent until proven guilty is the PROSECUTION'S burden of proof.

The standard is also, "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Sometimes "less is more".

God willing justice will be served and the communists will fail to further destroy our Republic.

Free Kyle

let's go Brandon
Was he not a paid participant in the riot.
Actually recieving pay to provide security and medical aid.

That would have accumulated a handful of charges just for that.

Just how many charges did some damn judge absolve that MFER of?
How the hell does one trial have this ammount of halfass incompetence on every side.

You got to by now figure the jury they picked is also compromised.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - Emperor NB

A million objections during the prosecution’s case would have been 100% counterproductive, as they basically proved Kyle’s innocence before the defense even presented their case. No, these aren’t theatrical atorneys like Johnny Cochran, but they Have done a good job of allowing the prosecution to destroy their own case, and what matters in the end is that this brave young man walks scott free.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - Emperor NB

A million objections during the prosecution’s case would have been 100% counterproductive, as they basically proved Kyle’s innocence before the defense even presented their case. No, these aren’t theatrical atorneys like Johnny Cochran, but they Have done a good job of allowing the prosecution to destroy their own case, and what matters in the end is that this brave young man walks scott free.

I still think it was extremely risky to put Rittenhouse on the stand when they were clearly winning. However, he did a better job testifying under cross-examination than what I expected.

Also keep in mind that, with any other Judge, the entire trial could have gone really bad for the defense faster than Rosie O'Donnell can go after a box of Twinkies.

It also takes twelve to convict and one to acquit. I would like to see him get off on ALL charges; even the weapons related ones.
I disagree, and agree with the scumbag lawyer who was posting at the beginning. In self defense the shooter has to prove they were afraid for their life and that is best done on the stand if it’s a legit self defense case, which this certainly was. It’s more risky to depend on circumstantial evidence to prove this. If you didn’t believe that was a scared shitless kid when he left the stand you’re a heartless, soulless, brainless, communist fuck.
The kid is brave as all hell, and he is 100% innocent of all the charges. Even the weapons charge. Read the exceptions/qualifiers.
I still think it was extremely risky to put Rittenhouse on the stand when they were clearly winning.
I too was shocked that they did this. I wonder if it was more a play to public sentiment than anything.

When exonerated Kyle still has to live in the world again. Antifa is all over the net saying they are going to “get him”. A least if he can pull a few fudd gun owners and fudd rifle coffee folks back his way he might feel less persecuted, post trial......

As for the gun charges, it appears they were never valid to begin with:

Oh i have had a gun pulled on me. Put to the back of my head. Shit happens and most people have no idea how they will react until it actually happens to them in real time. I am not worried about how I react to those situations, I do try to not get into them anymore
I love that last line!!🤣
Uncomfortable conversation with my boss this AM...

His opinion "KR is guilty. He had no right to be there with AR. We dont have a vigilante society. It was job of PO to keep peace. Second A is outdated in modern times"
A lot of fudd gun owners and fudd rifle coffee folks are pushing this bs. Did they say that about the roof top Koreans?

The fucking AR -15 BS from fudds needs to stop. Its the number one selling sporting rifle for 20+ years. Fudds need to get used to the idea that folks will use them for self defence. ESPECIALLY if it is illegal for you at 17 to possess a handgun.

Mine "Police, in effect govt, abandoned the area. Antifa had no right to be burning private property. People have right to defense especially when govt fails in its responsibility. Should we accept the current LA Police direction to people "Just be a victim"? KR was under assault, people attacking him had no right to attack."

Hobbes vs Locke

Exactly. In fact, according to testimony, the police told him the AR-15 was ok and thanked him for being there. Now it appears that it was perfectly legal for him to possess that AR-15 under Wisconsin state law......
I disagree, and agree with the scumbag lawyer who was posting at the beginning. In self defense the shooter has to prove they were afraid for their life and that is best done on the stand if it’s a legit self defense case, which this certainly was. It’s more risky to depend on circumstantial evidence to prove this. If you didn’t believe that was a scared shitless kid when he left the stand you’re a heartless, soulless, brainless, communist fuck.
The kid is brave as all hell, and he is 100% innocent of all the charges. Even the weapons charge. Read the exceptions/qualifiers.

In some states, the burden of proof does fall on the defense if self-defense is asserted. In some states, that has changed.

Florida, if I'm correct, is one of the states that NOW places the burden of proof on the prosecution if the defense asserts self-defense. The assertion of self-defense should not be confused with stand-your-ground law.

In my home state, the law changed from placing the burden of proof on the defense if they assert self-defense. The defense attorneys can assert self-defense but the burden is placed on the prosecution that it was not self-defense.

The defendant doesn't necessarily have to give up their fifth amendment right and forced to testify when asserting self-defense. That job can be left up to the attorneys to assert self-defense.

For example, the evidence and testimony in this case, clearly shows the defendant attempting to retreat from his attackers.

With that said, I don't know if the burden of proof shifts to the defendant assert self-defense. What the defense failed to do is get some self-defense experts on the stand to say that it looks like the defendant is defending himself as any reasonable person would do.
The sheep are not the problem, it is the Tyranny of evil men with no sheppards to properly guide and protect them in the valley of darkness. You must be the shepherd and the sheep dog... not the wolf.
That's right guys!! Let's all get together and write to our congressman. We can meet up with Juan in never never land right after we vote our way out of this mess.😁
I disagree, and agree with the scumbag lawyer who was posting at the beginning. In self defense the shooter has to prove they were afraid for their life and that is best done on the stand if it’s a legit self defense case,
Yea that is a ludicrous position. Usually if they put the person on the stand is because they feel they have to or risk losing. Was that guy posting in this thread?
The more stuff I watch the more I think Kyles fucked, but I really hope I'm wrong.

Seems the Defense didn't really do everything they could, the prosecution is sketchy as hell, and jurors are morons.
Where are you getting this from? A lot of folks think this case may end in a mistrial with prejudice or a summary judgement from the judge. The prosecution is all but “throwing” the trial. They never had a case to begin with. Scuttle-butt is, that they were counting on bullying Kyle into a plea-deal and never wanted this in front of ANY jury from the get-go. This was clear self defense, and the prosecution knows it.

Even leftists are saying acquittal on all charges seems a forgone conclusion at this point.

If anything, it’s Kyle’s safety post trial that seems to be the wildcard here.....
After watching Kyle's testimony, he said he gave his friend money to buy him the ar15 since he was too young to buy it. Doesn't that constitute a straw purchase?
Interesting. I can only imagine that because ownership was never transfered to Kyle, so no. I personally would not hang my hat on that but there has to be a reason that was not charged......
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This trial is very important in several ways. I'm afraid the machine isn't going to "let him get away with it". As this sets a terrible precedent for the leftists if he walks. The message will be sent and you simply cannot have 1000s of Kyle’s running free.

I've read so many "he's guilty because ______" fallacies that it's stomach turning tbh.

He had no reason to be there. Was looking for trouble. Illegally crossed state lines with an AR15, ...whatever this means.

Of course, the same leftists that cry about equality and toxic masculinity don't understand the inherent hypocrisy.

Those who oppose the violent leftists, must do so physically, and those less physically capable must just bend the knee to the Marxists by fear of possible death or brutal beating. And of course, the leftists are enabled by govt, local law enforcement and the parrot media. Coupled by way of apathetic response, letting the rioters run amok. He had a gun because he can't fight, is a pussy, etc etc. I've seen some of our local leftists use this same argument here. Typical.

Makes sense though right, you hear that grandma and grandpa? Take your beating, because how dare you use a force equalizer to defend life or to have the ability to voice opinion. Your new marxist overlords are here and we'll, thems the breaks.

Didn't you know, if you are physically incapable of defending yourself in any circumstance, just let go and take what's coming? It's just not fair! FFS...leftists logic.

Last I looked, anyone and everyone had a RIGHT to be there, whether to protest or counterprotest. somehow that doesn't seem to apply to a young man who worked there and has family living there. But it DOES apply to bussed in rioters, many of which were also apparently armed. Listen to all the pop-shots at Kyle as he walks toward the police at the end of the ordeal...didn't need to bring an AR15, eh?

The self defense is clearly obvious. I'm more concerned that this will be lost in the "he didn't need to be there" arguement, but who really needed to be there? No one, that's who, but it also doesn't mean they didn't have a right to be. It's pretty simple logic that the left can't comprehend goes both ways.

Typical of the left and their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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I too was shocked that they did this. I wonder if it was more a play to public sentiment than anything.

When exonerated Kyle still has to live in the world again. Antifa is all over the net saying they are going to “get him”. A least if he can pull a few fudd gun owners and fudd rifle coffee folks back his way he might feel less persecuted, post trial......

As for the gun charges, it appears they were never valid to begin with:

I'll be a personal body guard for him.

Kid deserves an award.

I've read so many "he's guilty because ______" fallacies that it's stomach turning tbh.

He had no reason to be there. Was looking for trouble. Illegally crossed state lines with an AR15, ...whatever this means.

The stuff from Leftists is fine, I know they hate me for being a white guy with a pickup truck and a couple guns. The stuff from supposedly "Conservative" "Veteran" "Patriot" types is infuriating though. That Black Rifle Coffee faggot is the poster boy for this. If Kyle had signed up for the Marines and gone to Afghanistan to trade shots with Afghanis that's OK but since he shot Communists who were burning down a town right here in America that's Nazi stuff. Nevermind that he was running away from them and didn't fire until he had no choice.
The stuff from Leftists is fine, I know they hate me for being a white guy with a pickup truck and a couple guns. The stuff from supposedly "Conservative" "Veteran" "Patriot" types is infuriating though. That Black Rifle Coffee faggot is the poster boy for this. If Kyle had signed up for the Marines and gone to Afghanistan to trade shots with Afghanis that's OK but since he shot Communists who were burning down a town right here in America that's Nazi stuff. Nevermind that he was running away from them and didn't fire until he had no choice.

Sure, the "conservative and 2A advocate biden voters". 🙄🤪 Lol. There are a few here. A feeling that many are using other screen-names now to avoid ridicule haha. Aside from veteran, the rest are self-proclaimed and self-applied labels. It's probably better to form opinion based on words and actions of others rather than a meaningless label. Makes it easier to see what side they are on, no benefit to overthinking.

And the stuff from the leftists isn't fine (while it is expected). If it were, then systematic suppression of opposing viewpoints wouldn't be needed...
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