Robert E Lee Statue

Yall can just disagree. I think it would do better on a battlefield in any case. I can understand why some folks don't see the merit in it, and while that's a factor of the status quo, it's the status quo of people who actually live there like Maggot does. It should be up to them to choose their own testaments to liberty, and liberty isn't really liberty unless it's for the sake of every man.
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Good grief. You are moving the friggin goal post. You started out on the premise that the man had the sculptures done to "intimidate" and you backed that with some virtue signaling bitches writings when questioned on your bullshit.
Now you are saying that you are not suffering from white guilt or a SJW it's just that you are respecting others perceptions that you have no clue about.
As a Puerto Rican Irish mix. I can assure you that I have a far greater inside view on the subject than you know.

Now if you want to do some research and actually find some facts to back up your "intimidation" statement. I can assure you that I will read them.
You can visit any of my posting and see that I will readily admit when I was wrong. Seems as though there may be trouble on your behalf in this situation to do so.

No thanks, Im done trying to bring reason into a conversation in which one party is being intentionally obstinate and slinging insults to stir the pot. The ignorance here is about as bad as the lefts. Im truly embarrassed to see the racism here. Good riddance.
It's time to move on.

That goes for us with Southern heritage, but also goes for the African American community. No one alive today was a slave, so a flag does not remind you of slavery.
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Bwaahaha. Tuck tail and run off instead of manning up to your bullshit.
No thanks, Im done trying to bring reason into a conversation in which one party is being intentionally obstinate and slinging insults to stir the pot. The ignorance here is about as bad as the lefts. Im truly embarrassed to see the racism here. Good riddance.
You should be embarrassed. You were asked to back up your bullshit and you backed it with more bullshit. Now instead of admitting that you were wrong you are just going to quit?
BTW your backhand attempts at insult are childish. I expected better from you. Guess I was wrong.
Bwaahaha. Tuck tail and run off instead of manning up to your bullshit.

You should be embarrassed. You were asked to back up your bullshit and you backed it with more bullshit. Now instead of admitting that you were wrong you are just going to quit?
BTW your backhand attempts at insult are childish. I expected better from you. Guess I was wrong.

Youre wrong for sure but not in the way you imply. Theres nothing 'backhanded' about it. Youre a embarrassing joke. Is that straight forward enough. Im not running from anything. You can keep running your ignorant yap but I dont have the time or patience to try to educate stupid. Im done here.
So, let's get this straight. Antifa labels anyone who doesn't march with them as fascist, and this bothers us greatly. But you run up in everyone's faces with a politicized and weaponized expression of religious identification, and see nothing wrong with perverting the purpose of your savior's message? Not saying Merry Christmas doesn't make someone any less conservative. Flip it around, and it's sounding pretty alahu akbar to me. It's very telling that even I can see the hypocrisy in that.
America is a christian nation.
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It's real easy to blame the south, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the statues, and Jim Crow for all the ills the black race suffered since 1865.

Easy and convenient. Too easy.

Which takes the blame off fed gov who either allowed it or orchestrated it all to get the $ flowing again.

Benjamin Beast Butler took numerous black complaints against the white rebellion against reconstruction. They are recorded in the library of Congress. There are historical pictures of former slaves in Washington asking fed gov to stop the guerrilla warfare against them, along with their documented complaints.
History repeatedly records black people asking fed gov to enforce the Constitution for them the same as fed gov did for the white people, damn the red people, let them starve to death. Library of Congress has numerous files on this.
History repeatedly records fed gov doing basically nothing until FDR stomped some people for peonage in ww2, to counter Hitlers propaganda that blacks were still as enslaved then as in 1860.
Until the military began desegregation, until school desegregation, and until the civil rights voting act...

Wasnt the southerners in total, wasnt the UDC, wasnt the statues,

It was the whole United States governance, from 1865 to date. The truth is not lost, just misplaced, there for anyone to find.

The ruling elite, in US governance rose to power and wealth on the backs of poor labor, black, brown, yellow, and whites considered trash.

A very careful study of who used peonage labor to grow wealthy isnt limited to just the south....

But, nobody wants the truth, bc hate and division keeps things status quo. Who in the north wanted blacks kept in low paying jobs. Who in the north fed the kkk growth. Who in the west used and abused Chicano and celestials... who profited ?

Damn sure wasnt a southern statue put up by women.....
Sure, destroy the statues, tear them down, the sooner the better, get that shit gone, and see if it changes anything that "the bullshit" says it will change.

If you disappeared every statue, every name, and every vestige of the history of slavery, how long will it take the world to see absolutely nothing has changed, that black, brown, yellow, and serf white, will still be slaves to the money machine running fed gov.


Anybody else recognize those statues were a "fuck you" to fed gov and the war of northern aggression winners, as much as anything else they are alleged to stand for ?

And fed gov allowed it because it kept the $ flowing... just like fed gov allowed everything to happen to "the races" despite the Constitution, because it kept the $ flowing.

Who is fighting now to keep the $ flowing into their millionaire pockets.... and working to keep the people divided.....

Its damn sure not a statue of a dead person, or even the idea the dead person believed in....

And dig deep enough, you wont find many southern cause descendents being a part of it now.

But, who really gives a shit about the truth anymore, right. ???

giphy (3).gif
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If it weren't for Jesús, your grass wouldn't get cut, your offices wouldn't get cleaned, and your produce would lie rotting in the fields.

Oh, and you can pump your own fuckin' gas, too.
If we got rid of welfare , 99% of disability/.gov “jobs” plus osha /unions, we would have enough Americans do do those jobs plus more
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America's earliest founding ideal was freedom of religion, can't really say it's a Christian/Catholic/Amish/whatever nation, though I'd bet that Christianity is the most popular religion since her inception.
You're FUBAR if you really believe this shit. I sure hope for your sake you don't decide to forego emergency medical service because the people who want to save you call God by a different name.
Now we’re taking about ems?

Yeah give me the white christian makes. The most persecuted class. I know they graduated on merit. Not being pushed through while failing everything so the “diversity is our strength” brigade can check another box.
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Personally, I really have to struggle to give a fuck what religion anyone is. It's all God this and God that to me, so "under God" doesn't ring only to Christians in my ears. We were mostly Protestants in the beginning, so the argument that this is a Christian nation isn't exactly wrong, I don't mean to say that. What I mean to say is that its kind of irrelevant to advocate such if you see the virtue they were seeking to establish, that this could be a nation for all religions.
Now we’re taking about ems?

Yeah give me the white christian makes. The most persecuted class. I know they graduated on merit. Not being pushed through while failing everything so the “diversity is our strength” brigade can check another box.

Like Clarence said, every time a bell rings, a snowflake becomes a victim.


Poor, poor wittle Dear Snippy.
Dude people have used literally everything as an excuse to kill each other since literally forever.

I do think that certain ideologies are foundationally incompatible with our Constitution, but because they seek supremacy or infringe on liberty and are thus invalid.
I agree that some ideologies are more susceptible to noble cause corruption than others, and I also think that just because someone calls it a religion doesn't make it congruent with America and Americans. All the same, I see honor in coexisting in every other regard as best we can. I don't flaunt my Merry Christmas in people's faces, I think that's what I'm picking at right now. Stupid thing is, I don't even really care if people do that, but it's not something I bother with personally at all. I don't give a fuck if people reply with hail satan or some foreign shit that sounds like they're putting a fucking curse on me. Zero fucks given, it's a free country. I say Merry Christmas all the same.
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Diversity is a strength, at least in my own opinion regarding the general statement. Individualism in close collaboration is the most reliable basis for us to advance as a strong species. Not to say that just because you are unique that you are useful, but that in becoming uniform we sacrifice equity in determining our proper heading and direction in exchange for efficiency. There is no rule book for being human, so that's really just my opinion. There is a rule book for being an American, and Americans band together to fuck shit up as well as break bread. What they shouldn't be doing is fucking each other up and breaking bread over each other's heads, that's totally counter to the ideals of our founders and even the people who came before them to this land.
If I am wrong please post the link to back up your bullshit.
It should be pretty easy for someone so confident.
Youre wrong for sure but not in the way you imply. Theres nothing 'backhanded' about it. Youre a embarrassing joke. Is that straight forward enough. Im not running from anything. You can keep running your ignorant yap but I dont have the time or patience to try to educate stupid. Im done here.
^^^^^^^^^^nice attempt to take the high road.
Buuuut, there's that lingering question. The only question I have asked and you continue to avoid instead of admitting that
disarming is still a long ways off seeing that 80% of the counties are 2a protected and or in the process of voting to protect the constitution Its going to be a hard sell , And even harder to enforce .
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A Christmas wish for ralphie...

Dear Governor BlackHeart, I mean black face, err, butt face, err, asshole....

I hope your Christmas Eve meal is settling like concrete blocks around your feet and holding you down this morning, drowning with your sorrows in the toilet... where you belong...

I hope the ashes you got with all those limbs sent for switches cover your Christmas meal and choke you out, and your followers get to use those switch limbs to send you off 'suttee', and when you get to hell, tell William T Sherman you tried...

And as you look up from hell, may you ask for a drop of water, and Wayne L dump your toilet lever just for you...

Best wishes to you gov....
However, fuck off and go away..


A lot of people who think your hypocrisy and posturing trying to atone for your black face moment is a bit too far...
A Christmas wish for ralphie...

Dear Governor BlackHeart, I mean black face, err, butt face, err, asshole....

I hope your Christmas Eve meal is settling like concrete blocks around your feet and holding you down this morning, drowning with your sorrows in the toilet... where you belong...

I hope the ashes you got with all those limbs sent for switches cover your Christmas meal and choke you out, and your followers get to use those switch limbs to send you off 'suttee', and when you get to hell, tell William T Sherman you tried...

And as you look up from hell, may you ask for a drop of water, and Wayne L dump your toilet lever just for you...

Best wishes to you gov....
However, fuck off and go away..


A lot of people who think your hypocrisy and posturing trying to atone for your black face moment is a bit too far...


And whats really disgusting is that they (the big money Democrats) framed Bob McDonnell the earlier governor on trumped up shit because they knew was a prime presidential candidate. He was a good guy who got fucked.
Breaking things and taking them away to be broken up; not new...


Not a new thing, probably only new once, and that back in prehistory.

Wonder what folks here think when they see those junkyards full of Soviet Revolutionary Statuary...

It depends on you viewpoint, but the strategy itself is about as old as humanity.

Boils down to stupid people doing stupid things in perpetuam...

Fools who believe that they can trigger an uprising, and then manage it, are probably precisely what the bible meant when it talked of the road to Armageddon. The Totalitarian Socialists have been stalking the perimeter of Armageddon for centuries; and now, they have stepped over that line.

A recent video shown here suggested that maybe 3% of Americans are (legal) gun owners was later amended to say it was over 40%. That could never be taken down by force in one swoop, but rather, as appears to be the strategy, could only be approached a state at a time.

When people wait for the knock to be at their door, they support the strategy of the Totalitarian Socialists. They and the folks who wait can only be successfully countered by a universal response.

Just as a right denied to one is a right denied to all, the taking of one person's gun is the signal for all to rise and respond.

They don't think you will. Or maybe they think they can manage even that. Either could be a serious mistake.

Demur at all our perils.

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