That is good shooting with it, probably within it's limits so that means you're doing your part! That's what, 1MOA? But like he said, doubt you'll see those in precision matches but I've used unorthodox shit before and I could outshoot guys with better shit simply due to the fact I could fire that rifle to it's limit and they hadn't gotten familiar enough with theirs. This wasn't a PRS match BTW, just farting around in the army with other SDM's and personally owned weapons. I had a complete dope book full of good info and knew exactly what to expect from a particular rifle though. It was an issue M4 carbine at the time, an SDM setup.
I wanted a Robinson back in the late 90's, they were coming out with the Stoner setup, was supposed to be a semi Stoner 63. Turned out to be a POS (may have shot well but wasn't the rifle we were promised) nothing in common with a Stoner and they never came out with all the conversions they promised (Stoner 63 is by far the most modular weapon ever made, if it were updated with rails and shit it'd be so even more). None of the top mag fed, belt fed or other conversions were ever issued..
But a rep from RA came on here a while back asking us for advice and for comments. I wrote him a good one about the prices vs. what's available today and about how they dropped the ball on the Stoner and he agreed. He also said that the Stoner was something they'd like to put back in the works and flesh out like they promised twenty years ago, that they've gotten a lot of responses from people who still want it. He said there was other, new stuff they were working on too.
So we'll see. If they ever come out with a close Stoner 63 clone, I'm on board with that.