This discussions sound like a retirement home discussion - mostly those on the way out keeping spirits up (with knowledge of past era) while waiting in line for express to pearly gates. Reality unfortunately for you is rather bleak in this "we'll kill Russians soon" most likely your generation with simply die off and whole 1776 affair will be rephrased into new age LGBT speak and at some point your country will either implode or cause world wide nuclear Armageddon as your "elites" have gone completely mad and actually think they can "pacify and convert" entire world to their image of New man.
Your military can't even fuckup some ragheads effectively let alone big nations and it has nothing to do with politicians setting up bullshit ROE its simply the fact of life once great has become mediocre at best. As for Normandy+ casualties i'd suggest you call to Berlin and ask them for their statistics in the East you just might find that Normandy was a minor skirmish compared to eastern clusterfuck.
We will agree to disagree but I appreciate your view.
Some 2-300 Russians in Syria found their best just wasn't good enough against guys using nothing but radios and a Sec Def that wanted to roll over his ammo inventory.
I agree regards I see no reason to fight in Iran. Let the Brits get their own ships. How the fuck did they let Iran capture one in the first place? Is Obama running their Navy now? Let Iran choke on the sanctions and leave it to Israel/Saudis to do something about them.
Yes WWII in the West was not the war in the East against Germany. Still it took enough of Germanys strength for the Sovs to fight their attrition war.
Thanks for all your help In the far east. Couldn't the Sovs spared some military to fight in the east? Oh forgot they were too busy looking for Troops of their own to slaughter and had none to spare. They remembered the Japanese fucked them up in the past and were too busy begging us for a western front and more trucks.
Remember the US conducted a global war. The Russians fought on a front. Where was Russia in Africa, the Middle East, Italy, China, Burma, India, the Pacific, the Atlantic?
Russia was a one trick pony capable only of sending conscripts to frontal attack slaughter and the Germans mowed them down by the millions. Russias only advantage was numbers it was willing to lose. Awesome strategy.
We fought globaly and were able to supply our own two front global war as well supply just about every other allied combatant country. If not for US effort there would be no shipping, trucking, ordinance or logistics available to beat that horse drawn Army that was killing commies by the millions.
Don't overlook that contribution.
Where was the Russian strategic bombing campaign against Germany that disrupted supplies to the east as well as the west? Realize how many Americans died in the air preventing German industrial production from supplying arms to the east and for killing moral to continue the fight amongst the bombed German towns.
Still I'm thinking it's a good thing we fought that war as it might have come forty odd years late for you but at least a portion of Europe was saved to allow you the freedom to now come here and shit on the US.