Dude, get a life! If you read the string, and have a modicum of intelligence, you will see, as any reader will, that I was addressing the wearing of burkas by so many of those in muslim countries. It isn't because the average muslim any thinks all the other men want to rape his female, but rather those that actually follow the Koran, believe their women should be covered. To even start with your dribble about cherry picking, or going after the bible, or what ever you have up your ass, is at best juvenile. The statement was made regarding the untrustworthiness of the average muslim man, and the reason that so many of the muslim women wear burkas and the like, again I don't think all muslims born rapists, thus ever female should be covered with a burka. I believe the reason so many millions of muslims have their women wearing burkas and the like, is they are trying to follow their religion. Also you childish attack on my post, by posting your take on the bible, is idiotic. But if Christians were commonly killing their neighbor for working on the Sabbath, or were stoning adulterers, that would a fact. And the reason would be a fact. There would be no judgment as to good or bad, facts are facts- just, is it common? is it a common reason? In these two ridiculous examples they are Extremely uncommon, I don't even know of even on time in the US, in the last year someone stoned an adulterer, or stoned their neighbor to death for working on the Sabbath! Let's don't confuse the conversation with religion, this is not a site for religion, or religious discussion. Of course, facts are facts, and if the reason is one of religious belief, this is not a discussion of religion, but rather stating facts. You seem to have a problem with this basic idea.