Sauer 100 improper bolt installation and removal method


Dec 25, 2023
Picton, ON, Canada
Sauer 100 bolt removal from improper insertion.
I have installed my bolt 90 degrees counter-clockwise to the proper way - now it cannot be removed. Done this twice!
The problem -The groove normally at the left side where the bolt release is (where the bolt release engages this groove) is now located at the bottom 6 o'clock position. The trigger sear is now engaged into the groove and stops the bolt being removed. The trigger sear spring must be pushed down via some appropriate tool you can find to be pushed in from the rear at he bottom/underside/ 6 o'clock position of the bolt and push down the sear. The bolt firing pin must be cocked. This is an except from Sauer 100 manual saying the same thing. I thought I would share my dilemma. I am sure I am not the only person experiencing this as it is easily done by mistake
Fault: Chamber is jammed
Possible cause
The chamber has been incorrectly inserted
and the chamber capturing groove engages
in the trigger sear. The chamber cannot turn
any longer.
Take a thin object (e.g. 1.5 mm Allen
key), insert it under the chamber in the
rectangular groove until the tool meets
some resistance. Gently press the tool
approximately 1 cm further in. This
pushes the trigger sear down. Turn the
chamber slightly to the right. Remove
the tool, turn the chamber to the right
until it snaps into the correct position
(image 17).