Savage Axis/Edge 10 Round High Capacity Magazine..

Heh, this crap is difficult!

Donnie, I salute you, I had no idea what I was getting into trying to build these mags. I have now built a new anti-tilt follower tying to get my copied mags to feed correctly. I now have 1 (One) magazine that works flawlessly. I don't know what mystical voodoo makes this single mag work and the rest hang slightly on round 5.... but I'm still tinkering away at figuring it out.

Of course, in the back of my mind I wonder if testing them at the range instead of just cycling dummy ammo would give more "Favorable" results, but that feels like cheating. Either way, this sure is burning up all my spare time!
Sorry Brother... I tried to warn you!! It took me quite a bit of time to get things right. Even then, you will find ones that just won't cooperate at all. I have trashed around 15 that wouldn't do anything other than frustrate me. So, I salute you for carrying the torch!! Hang in there, because it looks like I am out of business completely, at least until I relocate to another state. The recall election has been delayed for an undetermined amount of time. Figures.

By the way, load some good brass with good projectiles, with NO primer and NO powder. It makes for a better test medium. Get rid of the dummies... just sayin.


Heh, this is EXACTLY what I did. I started out testing the magazines by just flicking the round out by hand, and thought I had everything working. Turns out that was not quite good enough. Still, we're getting closer every day... (well, Ok, every couple days when I get a chance to poke at the problem more)
Bloody blasted $(@*!!!!. I just got done mucking about with the magazines again, and now have 3(three) 100% functional magazines. After that, I took a big maul and beat on the old stump in the backyard to vent some frustration. I am thinking that perhaps this idea of building mags was a mistake, and I should just call it a bad deal. Money wasted, lesson learned.

Of course, if I do that, I'll try to pass along all the stuff I have learned... w'heck, I'll do that anyway, in case anyone wants to try to build their own. My Anti-Tilt followers are working, but could stand some improvement. At the moment each has to be custom tuned to feed correctly. The last one I was tweaking on ended up in the trashcan. I am casting them from two part plastic stuff (the name escapes me at the moment). Each takes a few hours to set and cure.

Cutting the G3 mags to fit the Savage mags could be improved as well. I think there needs to be a tighter fit. Also, there is a "Guide Dent" in the G3 mags, which is fine, but the transition to the Savage mag causes issues, and needs to be smoothed out somehow. Probably before the two halves are welded together.

Another issue is rounds sliding too far forward, causing them to bind in the Savage mag. The G3 mag had a metal shim, and perhaps keeping that is a good idea, but spot-welding 3-4 layers of metal is problematic. Whatever the G3 mags are coated with it is non-spot-weldable.

Then again, maybe recoild eliminates all of these issues and I'm trying too hard. Allright, Rant Over, it's friday, I have a date with my better half, and for now I'm tired of playing with guns without actually SHOOTING something :)
A buddy of mine, and I are currently working on a solution to all the Axis and Centerfire magazines. No detachable floorplates involved, no higher capacities than 15 rounds, so no more hassles and worries about stupid laws.

Also in the mix, will be a modular stock. It will be a direct swap, utilizing the RatMag magazine. It will be affordable, and super kickass!! Hows that for a teaser?!?!?
I am trying to get clarification from our local law enforcement. As the law states, high capacity magazines that you had in your possession on July 1st, must stay in your possession. According to the wording, I can't sell, ship, or otherwise transfer possession of a high capacity magazine with a detachable floorplate. Your magazine is still in my possession, waiting for specific details to what I can do with it. Hopefully I can go ahead and send it to you since the actual transaction took place long before the new stupid laws came into effect.

Hi Rat,
I just bought my edge 308 today and started to look for a larger cap mag. My search engine turned this forum up , so I read your artical and joined. I am very interested in your mags. Some how the 4 round just doesn't seem like enough. If you could please give me some info on if they are available and were to get one or two. I woud be thankful. I don't mean to be a newbe just bustin in but. I guess I kinda am. I am building my collection and have a good start but this would help out a lot.
Thank you

I am trying to get clarification from our local law enforcement. As the law states, high capacity magazines that you had in your possession on July 1st, must stay in your possession. According to the wording, I can't sell, ship, or otherwise transfer possession of a high capacity magazine with a detachable floorplate. Sorry about that.

Wow this is getting pretty funny it's so absurd. I have now hit the ONE YEAR mark with exactly NOTHING to show for it. I sent you back my semi-functioning magazine in June to be worked on, one month before the laws changed. So in that time my very best guess is that you frantically used all the time you could to make as many short-action magazines as possible and just let mine sit there because you already had my money. Considering that it took you between Spetember 2012 and May 2013 to even make the magazine in the first place I'm really not all that surprised. Why would you tell me to send you back the magazine to be worked on when you had no intention to ever work on it? Better yet, why is it that in September of last year you accepted my order for a high capacity long action magazine when you didn't even have the capability of producing a functioning magazine at that time? It would of saved so much time and wasted effort to just be honest in the first place.

Now that in all probability you will NEVER be able to send me my magazine back because of the political situation in your state of residence, how about you send me something instead since you can't send me the magazine? I dunno ... drop ship me a stock magazine ... my 140 dollars ... anything will do. If I get something, ANYTHING out of waiting for a year and spending 140 dollars to do it I'll consider it a win at this point. I apologize I have to put this in the forum and not in a PM ... but it seems to be your "company" policy to avoid contact unless people say something that everybody can see in the open.
Well, way past time for an update. I range tested my magazines, and they all fell out under recoil. So, I adjusted the rear latch (broke one in the process) and the survivors all fed perfectly.

Yep, they all work (woo!!)

Since then, I have built 10 more mag bodies, with the rear latch improved and adjusted. As soon as my rifle gets back from savage (cracks in the bolt?!?) I will test out the rest of the magazines. These are slightly different from the originals, I have added a tab in the front to keep the mag catch in place, as well as the revised rear latch.

Sadly, once I am done, I am DONE. My partners in this venture have wandered off, and since the start I knew I would not be able to do it solo, what with A job, family, etc. So, give it another week, and I plan on having a going out of business sale, if anyone is interested...
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(Mucking about/Testing)

Huh, that worked. Anyway, here is the pile ready for testing/painting.
And PM replied to. Gents, here is the plan at this point: once I get these finished, tested and painted, I will offer them for sale for $50 each+shipping (guesstimate, $10). Once they are gone, they are gone. I promise I will get them working in MY rifle, but they may need some tweaking and or fitting for your rifle. For $50, I'm losing money on the deal, so don't expect a lifetime warranty or anything.

If you are willing to roll the dice on what I am offering I will let you know when they are done. Further work has to wait until the weekend, I have a life to live :)
I have several magazines that passed the test. Right now the paint is drying (Brownells Alumahyde). I made sure each locked into MY rifle, and fed 10 rounds. If I get a chance I will live-test them, but if anyone wants one, send me a PM, I believe they are ready.



My "Helper", saying "Let's get OUT of here Dad"
Each looks almost as big as an ammo case. What is the capacity of each?

? Funky camera angle I guess. Blame the photographer, he's not very good :p They're 10 round magazines, so if you live in a state on Sarco's "No 10 round magazine" list, I'll have to ask you to not buy one.

All PM's replied to, about half of the working lot is spoken for. I have a small pile of magazines that need further work to get them to feed right, then that's it...
Congrats on the effort Brother. Yes, it is a difficult venture to say the least. You can't say that I didn't try and warn you. I had been doing this solo for 2 years, but lucky for me, my wife got involved and helped me out with keeping up with orders and funds, and answering phone calls and such. HUGE help. But it is definitely a time killer. Just be THANKFUL that you didn't try to tackle the long actions... HUGE pain in the a$$.

You did warn me, fair and square. I have a few "Sold Pending Funds", I hope they are well received. I'm hoping to get out of this losing ONLY half my original investment. The wife is not amused :(

Congrats on the effort Brother. Yes, it is a difficult venture to say the least. You can't say that I didn't try and warn you. I had been doing this solo for 2 years, but lucky for me, my wife got involved and helped me out with keeping up with orders and funds, and answering phone calls and such. HUGE help. But it is definitely a time killer. Just be THANKFUL that you didn't try to tackle the long actions... HUGE pain in the a$$.

DK, do you still make magazines? You made an axis one for me over a year ago and I lost your info. Was wondering if you have tried making one for savage 99c and/or win 88. Thanks Doug.
Just read previous posts. Wasn't aware of high cap restriction. What is considered high in CO? I would be happy with 8 RDS. Endless supply of hogs in crops and 4 rds isn't enough on groups of 10+. I have a SIG 716 and its not the hog slayer I was hoping for.
While we were lucky enough to have the "good people" of Colorado make a stand and remove 2 of the retards, their residue still remains. I have no clue when or if, the laws will ever change. Hopefully they will, but I am not holding my breath waiting for it to happen. Also, with all of the difficulties that were encountered during our time building, we will be back to ONLY building the 243/260/308 family of short action magazines. Sorry, but it is what it is. Limiting our line to those caliber types will greatly increase production rates.

Again, until the laws get repealed outright, or at least changes being made to the existing ones, RatMag is out of business...

? Confused a little I guess. I basically joined this forum just to ask if you we still selling the 10rd .308 mags but after that last post, I'm taking it your not? Guess I shouldve gone back through and read the whole thread the find out whats been goin on...
For those of you interested, Starvingboy is good to go. I sent a check for two magazines, they showed up less than a week later WITH change, presumably because he got both mags in a flat rate box. To me that is integrity, thanks starvingboy, too bad you aren't going to stay in the game, look forward to putting these to the test!
All PM's replied to. To reiterate: I have a small pile of converted Savage Axis .308 magazines. I am selling them at $50 each, plus $10 to cover shipping. This is below my cost, and once they are sold out, I'm out of the business. All have been tested by me, and fit and feed in MY rifle, your results may vary and require fitting.

I'm not trying to doom and gloom, just be as honest as I can be. I don't know if they work for other calibers, or other rifles, I only have my one little Axis to go by. If you have any questions, shoot me a message, I'll reply as soon as I get a free moment.
I bought two for my fcp, they required a little fitting and the release is different for my rifle, but half an hour of careful fitting and they latch and feed perfectly. You can see my previous post but the gist is SB is GTG.

Hi Rookie, I have a Savage 10 FCP K in 308. Is your gun similar to mine? What sort of mods did you make to the mag?

I had to cut of the mag release catch flush with top of retainer and grind a little off the top of the magazine to allow the knockout in front of the mag to engage the mag release in my bottom metal. I think the pm you sent me was meant for starvingboy, I replied anyway, but you may want to send a pm addressed to him. Good luck.
I had to cut of the mag release catch flush with top of retainer and grind a little off the top of the magazine to allow the knockout in front of the mag to engage the mag release in my bottom metal. I think the pm you sent me was meant for starvingboy, I replied anyway, but you may want to send a pm addressed to him. Good luck.

Hi Rookie,

Thanks for your response. Were all the modifications done to the mag or did you have to do anything to the gun? Is your FCP like my 10 FCP K? My gun is chambered in 308 also.

Thanks again,
I had to cut of the mag release catch flush with top of retainer and grind a little off the top of the magazine to allow the knockout in front of the mag to engage the mag release in my bottom metal.

BINGO!!! And we finally have a winner!! At least you actually get this part. Not every single magazine works in every single rifle. It is just a fact of life, they are ALL different, and sometimes require a little extra effort. I have been accused of NOT doing ANY fitting or testing of the RatMags that I have built, specifically due to this fact. Your name does an injustice to you... YOU GET IT!!

I am glad that SB was able to help you out... it is customers like you that make building magazines for, a blessing. Happy Shooting!!

Thank you Rat, was glad to find that someone did all the hardwork of researching and fabricating the magazine for me, looks like a pain, especially as I don't spot weld. Imagine the mess I would make with my mig.......................
I am sorry sb is not able to continue making them, but i see why, as I am sorry that co. has made it difficult for you, lot of time invested, sucks to have it figured out get told you can't. Hope that changes for you.
Just a friendly update, all of the magazines that passed quality check are spoken for. I have a few more that still need some work, and I'm making more of my custom followers to see if that clears up their issues.

If you have mailed me a check, please send me a PM to let me know, I'm kinda stuck in limbo with a few people, not sure if they really wanted one, or were just window shopping.