Savage Axis/Edge 10 Round High Capacity Magazine..

Just a friendly update, all of the magazines that passed quality check are spoken for. I have a few more that still need some work, and I'm making more of my custom followers to see if that clears up their issues.

If you have mailed me a check, please send me a PM to let me know, I'm kinda stuck in limbo with a few people, not sure if they really wanted one, or were just window shopping.

I DO want 1. I was just waiting for my settlement . .308 for me! Blemish is no concern to me as long as it "functions".. I know how it is to "fabricate" something! I am building night vision setups for varmint/hunting purposes! }:)
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I'm trying really hard to keep it fair. If you want one, I'll sell one, BUT, I figure if you don't have the money in the mail by the time a week has gone by, or at least some sort of communication, you lose your place in line and I'm going on to the next guy. (Not directed at you Bullseye077, but thanks for bringing it up)

Three magazines left that passed QC, with two guys currently swapping PM's.

After that, I'll have to get some more shop time to see if I can get the kinks worked out of the remaining magazines.
Being the peacemaker that I am, I could always weld a tab on the magazine to help keep the front in place, it's not a difficult mod, and it works well. Then again, getting into the middle of Y'all's squabble is probably not a good idea ;)

Since you have your money back, AND my buddies magazine... When do you plan on shipping it to him??

Yes, I am asking here, since you refuse to respond to PMs. We are waiting for your reply.

As of right now, all of my magazines are spoken for, pending funds.

If anyone is feeling froggy, and handy around the shop, I have two "reject" mags that I'd be willing to talk to you about. They could probably be made to work, but I am done messing with them.
Thanks for the offer, but I already gave him his money back. Now, my buddy is waiting (for quite a while now) for the magazine to be shipped to Texas. I made good on my end, and now just waiting for him to do his part.

For those currently doing business with me, I got a bit banged up over the weekend (rappelling, but nothing serious), so I'm moving REAL slow.

Right now everything I have is sold pending funds. If the funds do not show up in a week, I'll move to the next guy on the list. The Post office moves pretty quick, and there are a few people waiting with their fingers crossed...
well, for all those interested, z71rat only really made them in .308, but due to new laws where he lives, he was forced out of business. I stated making copies, but my business partners wandered off, and it was not worth the time and effort on my part to continue. So, for right now, the best option is to build your own I guess.

I do have two left that nobody has purchased yet, plus my own stash of 5 (two original z71rat mags), but I suspect 10 round savage axis magazines will be hard to find in the immediate future. Pity, I am quite pleased with how mine turned out.
Do you still have any of the 30-06 Axis 10 rounders? I know you stated you had a few and no one picked them up, I got the money and will send today if you do.

Email me if you do, [email protected],

By chance you don't, is there a build thread for a DIY, I am very capable but wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures.

Thank you!
I have heard of guys using G3 or HK91 mags to get it done too. Don't know what the original creators think of this... I need to either see how one was made or have one made. I'm a industrial machining student and generally have the tools but not the know how really. Any help from Z or Starving would be greatly appreciated.

Also if there are any left for purchase or throw aways available for me to tinker with please let me know here or @ [email protected]
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I have heard of guys using G3 or HK91 mags to get it done too. Don't know what the original creators think of this... I need to either see how one was made or have one made. I'm a industrial machining student and generally have the tools but not the know how really. Any help from Z or Starving would be greatly appreciated.

Also if there are any left for purchase or throw aways available for me to tinker with please let me know.
Shoot me a PM with your email address, and I can send you some work in progress pictures. The tricky part is getting the follower to feed (in my opinion) and it is frustrating as all get out when the mag fails to feed at the range. That said, it sure is nice when it works, and I like the ability to slap another mag in VS my buddies top feeding their R-700's. Looks good too :)
Ok guys, work in progress but thanks to Starvingboy and Rat I've gotten my prototype almost finished. I've gone with the cheaper G3/HK91/PTR91 mags instead of the M1918 BAR mags. Once I get the follower and spring trimmed and feeding I'll post pics.

The G3 mag costs around $3-$5 depending on where you look vs a BAR mag that if you can find one in stock, will run you $25-$30. More cost effective on f-ups and for end users. BUT as far as I can tell this will only work with .308 possibly .270

Once I get mine done and get a little range testing, I plan to offer them here on the hide for purchase, with the original producers consent of course.
Z71rat I was wandering if you could make me a 10 round magazine for a 3006 savage axis

Rat can no longer make mags. Colorado laws prevent him from selling or manufacturing. Starvingboy was making them for the hide users but his business partners walked out and he no longer makes them either. I'm trying to get a basic .308 mag going but won't say for sure on any other calibers. Sorry mate.
The BAR magazines were only being used on the long action magazines. I only used the G3 magazines in my builds for the short actions. The 243/308 magazines were the primary ones. The long actions are a whole different pain in the rear parts.

The BAR magazines were only being used on the long action magazines. I only used the G3 magazines in my builds for the short actions. The 243/308 magazines were the primary ones. The long actions are a whole different pain in the rear parts.


I see... Well I better understand now. I've just finished my first mag today. It's ugly, but a learning experience. Wasn't too hard once I figured out exactly what needed to be done.

I wouldn't venture into anything other than the .308 and other short action mags I don't think. Seems the long actions as you so honestly put it, would be a whole different pain in my rear parts.
I had working designs for 6MM Rem, 22-250, 243, 260, 6.5 Creed, 6.5 Grendel, 7.62x39. 308, 7MM-08, all in the short actions using the G3 magazines.
I had working designs 25-06. 270. 30-06, all in the long actions using the BAR magazines.
The only one that I never got completed, was the 204/223 magazines, due to the double stacking of the rounds.

Is anyone attempting to continue production.

Just joined for this thread. Ruined two g3s before I thought I should ask if anyone might be producing them in the future. Really wanted 5-7 10 round mags, but cant ruin that many g3 mags.
Savage Axis/Edge .223 High Capacity Magazines

Hi guys. I'm new to the forum, but have been following RatMag's posts on high capacity Savage magazines.

I'm a machinist by trade and have developed a 15-round magazine for my Savage Axis .223 rifle.

Anybody out there still interested in .223 Savage magazines, send me a PM.


Following my above posts, and to answer some of the questions we've received, hope this helps.

We have successfully developed a high capacity magazine for the Savage .223 rifle. We can produce both 10 and 15 round magazines. Send private message for price. We provide the magazines for conversion, or we can send stock numbers and you provide mags to convert. Delivery times will depend on demand, and are on a first-come-first-served basis.

For the time being, we are only offering magazines for the Savage Axis 204/223 REM rifle.

Include your state in your message because we cannot ship to states with legal magazine capacity limitations. Limitations apply to: CA, CO, DC, HA, IL, MD, MS, NJ, and NY. We are located in Ohio, so Ohio residents will pay sales tax. We expect that serious gun owners will be aware of their state laws and abide by them.

There is a link below to view the YouTube video which also includes photos of the design at the end.

Thank you for following us on this forum.

Savage Axis 223 15 round magazine demo - YouTube

Magman pic.jpg

Magman 2
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Is anyone attempting to continue production.

Just joined for this thread. Ruined two g3s before I thought I should ask if anyone might be producing them in the future. Really wanted 5-7 10 round mags, but cant ruin that many g3 mags.

PM magman2 for .223 extended magazines information and price.
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Have you done a .308 yet?

We have a working converted magazine for the Savage Axis .223 REM in both 10 or 15 round mags. Pictures and a YouTube video are available on post 434 above. We provide the magazines to convert, (1 Savage original and 1 AR-15) and are selling these for $95.00 plus USPS shipping. PM if interested. Available only in states with no limit on extended magazines.

I PMd you. I'm really more interested in a mag for my .308.
I tried to pm you but am new to the site I would like to get a 308 mag, what is the wait Time and how do I pay or this my email is amey201@gmail. com

working on the 308 right now but it's a work in progress. you wouldn't believe how many little fussy details makes this work or fail. one of my current hangups is the shortage of savage factory mags. watch the forum here at the hide. we will post when we have a dependable quality product ready to market. thanks for your interest and have a great year.

information on payment terms and progress on the magazines we make can be found at our website: we hope to have a working .308 by the end of January, but it will only be available in 10-rounds...15-rnds would make the mag too heavy for the Savage clips.

thank you for your interest and for following us on the hide.
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