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Secession poll

we're much too sophisticated today to start killing each other over idealistic differences. split the country and we will have peace for at least a generation. by then one side will need more "Lebensraum" or the progressive model will have burned itself out and the people end up revolting against their "elected" overlords and petition to rejoin the United States
Said every generation prior to this one....

respectfully, you must be sleepier than Biden if you believe that.
Honestly, the best thing to do is get in shape if you are not and learn a skill. Welding would be an excellent skill to have. Start gardening if you aren't already. Get some chickens for both eggs and meat. Sheep and goat are good because you can butcher them and use most of the meat when it's fresh and can the rest. Learn how to can foods, such as meats. If you are not in the country get there. Build an IFC house, will be of value in the cold and hot months. Build your house near water, such as creeks or lakes where fresh water consistently is flowing. There's more, but I leave it with this quote from AJ "Buy more ammo".
The people who always say that when the red states succeed, they will be unable to support a government because the nation depends so much on the blue states. The blind side to all of this is that its Not Just the Red States. It is a large part of the nation that currently supports the conservative style government, the antithesis of the current folks “in power.” That includes large parts of the “blue“ states that are dominated by large metropolitan areas. So, its not just the red states. It is a very large geographical area of the United States.
we're much too sophisticated today to start killing each other over idealistic differences.
These people have stolen our government and trying to convert to communist/socialist rule. When you say "we", I think you mean the GOP establishment... Those fuckers will be fodder at the very start, if not soon after.
The biggest mistake that time around was not destroying literally everything and everyone south of the MD line.

Davis should have been drawn and quartered in public in the center of Richmond followed by the razing of the entire city.

No quarter for traitors.
I don't believe it's quite as simple as that. The war was more about state's rights (10th Amendment) and taxes as it was slavery (which was not just in southern states as new-history would like people to believe). No, I'm not siding with slavery which is an abomination. But our problems today are not because of slavery; they are pointedly because the Federal Government was NEVER intended to be this strong. PERIOD!

In other words, if Kali wanted to have their version of the dildo thing in the UK, they could do so, but Utah (as an example) could say.. "NO, we don't think we want that in our schools, no way" - then they couldn't be ordered by the Fed to do so. If people wouldn't want to live there because of that, they have a right to move - much like today, but the state government sets the law at that level, not the fed.

AMENDMENT 10: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Remember, there was NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX on individuals prior to 1913 and as such the "FED" had limited powers as was intended. Furthermore, states that would have better policies would have been the states that were successful and as such there would be competition amongst the states for better use of the funds THEY (the states) collected than could EVER be dictated by the Fed.
A first step in the right direction would be to drastically shrink the federal government's size and power.
How about forcing a federal shut-down by not passing a budget like we had in 2019. Extend that for a while to see what is really needed. Then pass a budget that is 80% of last year. Rinse and repeat.

Nothing stops the states to raise funds in order to replace federal perks locally. That would pay for the feds that are deemed "essential", the rest has to learn coding.
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Everyone down here asks me where im from. i tell them i was born and raised in TN and they are very quick to dismiss my claim and proclaim me a "Yankee" with a lot of venom on the word Yankee. LOL. its all in good fun....i hope....
Times have chnaged since the mid 19th century. What "industry" does the north have an overwhelming advantage over the south? Steel, there are only i think 3 operating steel mills in the entire country? A lot of the goods the north make are produced with raw materials from the south. Banking and wall street and beach front property wont mean dick if this gets kicked off. The north can grow food but their growing season is far shorter than the south which would california that much more important. The real battle would be over the oil fields in the dakotas. The norths desparation for energy will drive them to break the peace and attack its neighbors the CSA to the south and Canada to its north.
The cities pose the biggest problem. what to do with them as they are full of garbage. I love the idea of walling off NYC and turning it into super max prison of sorts. once you go in you never come out. they could have their duke and he would be known as the duke of NY. I just hope one of our elected official's planes doesn't crash land inside or we're gonna need the help of one man....Snake Pliscan. "Call me snake"
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Lets see how much gdp they pump out without food, or without an underlying product for their institutions to service. Wall street won't mean nearly as much in that setting. They might have a tough time with a lot of their energy resources gone. This has all been gamed in multiple simulations. The biggest we know of is during the Obama administration. They ran it multiple times trying to change the options to favor the liberal side. It never ends well for them. They always end up the losers. The only thing that seems to change is time and how many die in the process. The longest sim I saw was 4 years I think, but the outcome was the same.
Do you really think the north can’t grow their own food? My parents farm raises over 100,000 hogs annually and plants over 3000 acres and they are considered a small operation.
Do you really think the north can’t grow their own food? My parents farm raises over 100,000 hogs annually and plants over 3000 acres and they are considered a small operation.
Compared to the rest of the country? No. The growing season is much shorter and the weather is generally colder. We didn't say you can't grow anything, but since the middle of the country is conservative for the most part...not exactly getting things from west coast to east too easily either. Seriously, do some searches for civil war 2 simulations or see if you can see some older information about the sims run during the Obama years. It doesn't go well. Also look at the profession breakdowns by political affiliation sometime. Farmers, plumbers, electricians, surgeons vs. yoga instructors, librarians, bartenders, and environmentalists. The mix isn't exactly in leftist favor for battle.
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You are talking about a federal govt that lit a building on fire and murdered innocent women and children, and then posed for photos over the burned corpses.....

You honestly think a peaceful anything is possible?
For a second I thought you were talking about Vietnam, then I thought you were talking about Korea, then I thought you were talking about Waco...I guess the guberment kind of has a history of that sorta thing,...
Do you really think the north can’t grow their own food? My parents farm raises over 100,000 hogs annually and plants over 3000 acres and they are considered a small operation.
North and South farmers are strong, independent folk....until there crops are contaminated with Monsanto genes, and then HAARP causes drought, or flooding, and then they are bought out by Gates for pennies on the dollar...yeah I think a split is better than fighting a crooked government.
Speaking of returning from deployments. Since Afghanistan is shutting down.

Cactus Ass gave someone a zippo with 3 words scribed into it with a nail. T M M

I want my zippo back, it's been around.
The left in some places are protected by authorities.

Some places not so much and they turn tier backs when you kick them around. Then you get the "eye" and know it's time to stop.

I have personally ran off 2 airport transport size vans full and thier handlers in a pickup, an suv full and countless scouts by myself.
Popo said call us if you need us.
And went looking for them.

All depends on where you live.
I have watched a beloved county sheriff observe the unhealthy reception antifa got till it looked like ems would be needed and then they got "the eye" and the shitheads were escorted out of town for thier own safety.

Some troops / troopers still remain loyal to the constitution.
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The biggest mistake that time around was not destroying literally everything and everyone south of the MD line.

Davis should have been drawn and quartered in public in the center of Richmond followed by the razing of the entire city.

No quarter for traitors.
What a dumbass.
A first step in the right direction would be to drastically shrink the federal government's size and power.
How about forcing a federal shut-down by not passing a budget like we had in 2019. Extend that for a while to see what is really needed. Then pass a budget that is 80% of last year. Rinse and repeat.
Not a bad idea. It would be a bitter, bitter, BITTER pill for many. The economy might suffer a bit (due to so many totally dependent on federal dollars) but a balanced budget with a reduction in the federal dept would in the long run do wonders for the economy.

My addition would be to pass a law, limiting federal laws to a maximum number of words. Ridding our nation of these bills that are a thousands of pages long. Further, How bout having to read every bill, word for word before the bill can be voted on. Any legislator who was not present for the reading of the Entire bill would not be allowed to vote on that bill. No Exceptions. Say, a thousand words max? (Actually I would prefer a 100 words. After all, a certain deity that many of us feel is THE Deity managed to pass a series of all inclusive laws that is only 247 words This document is the basis for all modern laws,
I wonder how many "northern/Federal soldiers" would actually follow the orders of a corrupt federal gov't? I'm sure there will be some but how many soldiers are going to fight so they they can continue the socialist/communist gov't? To which i think they corrupt Gov't will turn to foreign troops to fight their war...if that happens then its on like donkey kong. The gov't would truly be traitors and i like to think even "federal" troops would turn on their overlords.
I wonder how many "northern/Federal soldiers" would actually follow the orders of a corrupt federal gov't? I'm sure there will be some but how many soldiers are going to fight so they they can continue the socialist/communist gov't? To which i think they corrupt Gov't will turn to foreign troops to fight their war...if that happens then its on like donkey kong. The gov't would truly be traitors and i like to think even "federal" troops would turn on their overlords.
Weelll, pudding Joe and crew, are already talking about having the U.N. come into the Country and tell us how "racist" we are. Soooo, there's that. Mac
I wonder how many "northern/Federal soldiers" would actually follow the orders of a corrupt federal gov't? I'm sure there will be some but how many soldiers are going to fight so they they can continue the socialist/communist gov't? To which i think they corrupt Gov't will turn to foreign troops to fight their war...if that happens then its on like donkey kong. The gov't would truly be traitors and i like to think even "federal" troops would turn on their overlords.
After getting out of the army back on 2 JUL 2021, I am actually very happy of being medically retired.

To see the army change over my 15yr tenure, and for the worse, it truly sickened me.

To see no one question orders or speak up was very disheartening. I honestly think at least 50-60% of soldiers today in the ranks would in fact fire upon american citizens if given the order without question.

When you see how many soldiers supporting antifa and BLM, but then the white conservative males are made out to be the boogeyman is treasonous to say the very least.

Soldiers being allowed to wear BLM/antifa masks during this whole "pandemic" is disgraceful.

Weelll, pudding Joe and crew, are already talking about having the U.N. come into the Country and tell us how "racist" we are. Soooo, there's that. Mac
I would think if this happens its one of those red lines we talk about so often. I'm not sure how many americans are going to be told what to do in america by foreigners. I like to think that even the military would take matters into their own hands before they are completely gutted. Having the UN come into this land to "help" is in my estimation" just cause" for hostilities to commence.
Bring the fuckers in on false pretenses, get them all set up and then change thier m o.

Any Americans on that team should think about getting out asap.
I don't want to leave it.

I want to skim off all the scum and send it through the garbage disposal, followed by some Clorox.

We have us a beautiful country of ours. It's just infested with parasites.

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Desprate times when the lunatics are running the asylum.

I want America to follow the constitution and run like it should.

Whatever it takes.
I would think if this happens its one of those red lines we talk about so often. I'm not sure how many americans are going to be told what to do in america by foreigners. I like to think that even the military would take matters into their own hands before they are completely gutted. Having the UN come into this land to "help" is in my estimation" just cause" for hostilities to commence.
The military won't do much except what they are told by their CO... the retired military and former/current PC's are an entirely different matter though.
Everyone down here asks me where im from. i tell them i was born and raised in TN and they are very quick to dismiss my claim and proclaim me a "Yankee" with a lot of venom on the word Yankee. LOL. its all in good fun....i hope....

(Sigh, I gotta point this out again)
Just cause a cat has her kittens in an old oven, it doesn't make them biscuits.
Example: GW Bush.
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