Okay, we are just over two weeks into the poll and at 185 total votes; however, with 30 some more votes than last week, we went from 42.2% to 41.6%, so rounding shows we are staying at a steady 42% for the 2-12x42. Hopefully this gives manufacturers something meaningful to chew on and consider. The next higher percentage below is from the "I don't care" crowd who just want something with a better reticle in a FFP scope - something that works well at bottom magnification and at top and the third highest percentage is what I would call a hybrid between a crossover and an MPVO with the 2.5-15x44. Unfortunately, it takes at least a couple years to flush out a design, what we need is a good LOW 2-12x42 design that other manufacturers can OEM and put in their reticles (reticles designed for MPVO/crossover) and their turrets (lower profile).