Rifle Scopes SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    <span style="font-weight: bold">Bushnell 4200 Elite 3-12X 44mm </span>


    For this week between Christmas and New Years I am going to give away a Review scope used by me. This is the <span style="font-style: italic">Front Focal Plane</span>, mil adjusted with a mil dot reticle Bushnell 4200 Elite 3-12X.

    This is the scope from the Cerakote and Bushnell review. It's used but works and comes with everything in the box, plus their no hassle warranty.

    If you need a scope, and I mean <span style="text-decoration: underline">need</span> a scope for your first or only rifle and not your 3rd or 4th one, post here for consideration. Especially if you never used a mil adjusted scope with a mil reticle.

    I'll pick some one based on your post, pictures of your set up will help, and ship the scope on me to you at the end of the week. So if times are tight and you didn't that scope you needed, post here.

    <span style="font-style: italic">The scope can be seen at the Sniper's Hide YouTube Channel</span>.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Is there anyway this could be donated to someone who is active military? Just my $0.02, but I would feel better knowing it went to someone who puts his or her life on the line everyday for me.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I'm in the process of my first build and I'm active duty,
    but I know there is someone else out there more needy than I am. Kudos to you lowlight, In this case I sincerely hope what goes around comes around.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I am a fairly new shooter and just getting started in comps. shooting my 2nd match this Feb. I am currently shooting a custom AR I built in .223 and need to upgrade optics BAD. I am currently using a falcon 4-14 and while it is a good scope the clarity, and tracking leave much to be desired and i believe an upgrade in optics will help me to perform better in competition. I am a full time student so money is tight and i was laid off this year so this would really help me out. thanks for this oportunity and this is awesome that you do this.

    my rig:
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Im in the process of putting a rifle together for my brother in law who is in the Army. He just got back to Germany from a one year deployment to Qatar. He will be getting out this Feb and coming home to AZ. He doesnt really have anything to come home too, thanks to his wife who left him while he was deployed this last year. I thought it would be nice to put a rifle together for him so he can go shoot with my brother and I when he gets home. I have a rifle that he can have, but I dont have a scope to give him, and dont have the funds to get him one right now. Im sure he would be very greatfull to have this scope on his rifle. I can PM you his name and rank if you would need that. Thanks for doing such a nice thing. Heres a pic of the rifle. Stock Rem 700 BDL with a wood stock painted tan.

    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I've seen you do this a couple times this year Frank and I think it's one of the coolest things I see you do. Rather than throwing it in the closet or giving it to a friend, you let guys that don't have the opportunities that some of us have to get a chance at a great upgrade for their rifle.

    Keep up the good work I can't wait to see who gets this
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    This is a very generous thing for you to do!

    This is my first and only build so far, but have been shooting/hunting my whole life.
    sps tactical .308 I got a few months back, sitting in a Mcmillan A5 I just got for christmas. No other mods. Scope sitting on it is a wotac borrowed from my hunting rifle just so I could put some rounds through it. Its looking like I wont have funds to put a scope on this rifle for a long time as I am a full time student. I have never used a mil scope but was wanting one, and am eager to learn my way around one. I have a place to shoot 600 yds but thats my max range right now. I would love the opportunity to put this scope to good use.

    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Awesome idea.
    Full time college student attending UNLV. Have been hunting and shooting since I was a little one and natural progression has led me to into a precision bolt gun. Las Vegas economy is bad and so is work. My rifle is in dire need of respectable glass, glass that will allow repeatable shots. Being a student doesn’t allow me to make enough money to afford glass. Just enough to reload and go. There is a limiting factor to me competing and taking me to a further level of marksmanship, which is being hinder by the quality of my glass. Between school an internship and minor work, my rig is a simple savage: 0 moa base and a fixed 6” bipod. My caliber is 6.5 rogue. Future includes competitions and long range hunting speed goats. All is on hold till funds or lucks come my way for a scope
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sudnit5</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a local law enforcement and cracked my glass on my Leupold with Duplex reticle during training. Money has been tight and I haven't been able to replace it yet. The agency won't pay for new glass since we use our own weapons. I would really appreciate a scope to get it back up and running again.

    I'm sure there is much more deserving people, but it's worth a shot.

    Lowlight, this is really cool of you to do. Thanks.


    I was going to throw my hat into the ring until I read this post. My entry goes to the LEO who has to purchase his own equipment.

    I know a local LEO who is in the same position. He has the best rifle in his post, but it is sidelined because he has no glass for it and can't afford decent glass on his salary.

    Let's support our first responders.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I am new to Precision shooting, I had gotten a 700 SPS Tactical and just put a Center point Scope that i could afford on to it. it works but it always moves outta Zero after like 5 shots. Well here is Picture of my set-up.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    + 2 for an LEO buying his own equipment or for a member of the military who is still in the states about to be going to the sandbox. These people need it, I'd just like it.

    Very nice gesture Frank!
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I just bought a FN PBR XP in .308 for christmas. Right now I have a Millett TRS-1 in MOA mounted on it that I pulled off my old Savage 10 I sold to buy this rife. I like the scope and it has served me well so far, but have been really wanting to try a Mil/Mil FFP scope. So far all my experience is with this Millett (and a few other hunting scopes) . I have been shooting since I was 14 but have just recently (within the last year) got interested in longer range precision style shooting, and with all the research I have done (here and other places) the FFP scopes in Mil/Mil seem to be the way to go. I'm really wanting some better glass to match my rifle but unfortunately its not in the budget any time soon.

    Here is a picture of my setup (sorry for the crappy pic):


    Not sure exactly who your looking to give the scope away to but I'm not ex military or LEO. There seem to be some more deserving here but though I would throw my hat in the ring
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    What a kind offer to give a scope away. This is just another example of how the guys that run this site are doing it for the right reasons, to help and educate.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Here is a pic of my savage in 308. I would love to try a Mil-Mil. But don't have the funds for a new scope right now just like a lot of others right now. So the Konus is going to have to do. Thanks for the chance.

    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I'm a full time engineering student going to college out of state, with a $300 per month part time job. I bought a .308 Remington 700 SPS Varmint two years ago after a lot of saving, and was able to scrounge up enough money to put a Burris Fullfield II hunting scope on it. I bought the rifle with the hope of getting into long range tactical shooting, but the hunting reticule, and lack of tactical turrets make it hard to do that. I've been wanting to upgrade my scope, but don't think that will be possible until after I graduate.

    This is my only rifle and I would really appreciate it if you pick me
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    First class act. Being retired military i would love to see it go to a military member but hey I haven't gotten a ticket lately so a LEO would be nice too. This really is a class act Lowlight.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Hate to appear needy but sometimes you just have too. I'm a father of six with two daughters in college. Needless to say not much left over at the end of the month.

    If you would consider me, the scope would go to my one daughter who is in college down at Oklahoma State. She has been accepted in the large animal vet program at Okie State, however she is also a member of the shooting team. She has always wanted a "sniper rifle" since she was little and a quality scope would be the start of her build.

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    My background:
    I am a full time police Officer in a rural southeastern Ohio village. My department has only 5 full time officers and I am on call 24/7 for emergencies (We do not have an SRT type team in the county ). My municipal agency and the County Sheriff are the only agencies in the county. We take care of each other every day. Being a small village our budget isn't very good.
    1- I only make 11.55/hour
    2- All my equipment is personally owned. I paid for my own vest, gun, belt, equipment and patrol rifle.

    Personally I have a wife and a new house. She is in grad school and I'm bringing home the bacon to support her. The new house has dwindled my training and ammo fund to almost nothing.

    This christmas I finally got my first 308, I paid for it with my Christmas money. It's a Savage 10pc.

    I recently got approved to take two classes for my scoped rifle certification. In April I'm taking the OPOTA ( Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy) Basic Precision rifle class. I am responsible for the tuition fee and providing my own ammo(150 rounds match). In June I will be taking the Precision Rifle Operator class to get my certification. I am also responsible for tuition and 250 round match ammo.

    Basically I have till the middle of April to obtain a reliable scope, base, rings, bipod, ammuntion and my tuition fee to attend the class. This would be a huge help for me and it would be put to good use. I pray that this rifle will spend my career with me as a training tool, but if the situation calls, I will have a tool to protect my community and my fellow officers. Thanks Frank and God bless.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I am new here, and have no standing, but thank you, lowlight for doing this. It is a very classy thing to do.

    I, too, would like to see it go to a first responder.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    That sounds like a nice a nice scope. I shoot a Remington 770, shot it out the box, 2 inches to the left first shot. Not bad. Second time i fired it, Scared the crap outta me, magazine cartridge flew everywhere spring bouncing off the table. Oh you remington, why chinch on the magazine? Around the 8th shot, same thing, except the sling mount broke and off plopped my harris Bipods i used in Iraq. Fixed it by taking off a swivel mount on this muzzle loader i found in a pawn shop for $70. never shot it. dont know how. Im medically retired now from the Army and am prone to siezures due to a TBI so they sent me home. no more playing army so im trying to take it out on the deer and other predators around me (Louisiana). Shot a bobcat after sighting in the 770. 200m, center chest, beautiful, tanned the hide my self, first time doing it. went the way of the indians. kinda proud of it. 30min later missed a doe, 120m. glass off 4 inches low and left chinchy glass too. Wrote Remington and told them everything, no response, keep writing em. hell i dont know why im trying to get some new glass.. I need to work on a rifle first. kinda rambling now.. what was we talking about? Oh yeah, anyone know where to hunt in Louisiana?

    I really cant complain though. i have one and dammit i worked hard for it.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I'm running a B@#$!A, on my Savage 10 FCP-K, with a few homemade mods.(check out the epoxy grip, the backpack style sling, and the camo pattern), and I'd vote for the LEO.

    P.S. Don't cry for me, with two huge bucks @ +500yrds and several coyotes, I'm doing fine.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    sudnit5 said:
    I'm a local law enforcement and cracked my glass on my Leupold with Duplex reticle during training. Money has been tight and I haven't been able to replace it yet. The agency won't pay for new glass since we use our own weapons. I would really appreciate a scope to get it back up and running again.

    I'm sure there is much more deserving people, but it's worth a shot.

    Lowlight, this is really cool of you to do. Thanks.
    [/quoteHave you tried to contact Leupold to warranty it? I bet they would take care of you if you explained the situation. Good luck on the scope, sucks having to pay for your own gear.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tip2oo3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My background:
    I am a full time police Officer in a rural southeastern Ohio village. My department has only 5 full time officers and I am on call 24/7 for emergencies (We do not have an SRT type team in the county ). My municipal agency and the County Sheriff are the only agencies in the county. We take care of each other every day. Being a small village our budget isn't very good.
    1- I only make 11.55/hour
    2- All my equipment is personally owned. I paid for my own vest, gun, belt, equipment and patrol rifle.

    Personally I have a wife and a new house. She is in grad school and I'm bringing home the bacon to support her. The new house has dwindled my training and ammo fund to almost nothing.

    This christmas I finally got my first 308, I paid for it with my Christmas money. It's a Savage 10pc.

    I recently got approved to take two classes for my scoped rifle certification. In April I'm taking the OPOTA ( Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy) Basic Precision rifle class. I am responsible for the tuition fee and providing my own ammo(150 rounds match). In June I will be taking the Precision Rifle Operator class to get my certification. I am also responsible for tuition and 250 round match ammo.

    Basically I have till the middle of April to obtain a reliable scope, base, rings, bipod, ammuntion and my tuition fee to attend the class. This would be a huge help for me and it would be put to good use. I pray that this rifle will spend my career with me as a training tool, but if the situation calls, I will have a tool to protect my community and my fellow officers. Thanks Frank and God bless.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us</div></div> Not that there's a vote going on here, but you have mine. At least the guy with the cracked Leupy can get his fixed. You don't have anything at all. Good luck with the new phase of your career.

    <span style="color: #FF0000">ETA: Leupy won't fix Sudnit5's scope. That sucks. Good luck to both of you.</span>
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: maccrazy2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Not to get off topic but why cant this be shipped out of the states? I know night vision is not allowed but I have not heard anything about reticals? Thanks. </div></div>

    Look up "ITAR".
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tip2oo3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My background:
    I am a full time police Officer in a rural southeastern Ohio village. My department has only 5 full time officers and I am on call 24/7 for emergencies (We do not have an SRT type team in the county ). My municipal agency and the County Sheriff are the only agencies in the county. We take care of each other every day. Being a small village our budget isn't very good.
    1- I only make 11.55/hour
    2- All my equipment is personally owned. I paid for my own vest, gun, belt, equipment and patrol rifle.

    Personally I have a wife and a new house. She is in grad school and I'm bringing home the bacon to support her. The new house has dwindled my training and ammo fund to almost nothing.

    This Christmas I finally got my first 308, I paid for it with my Christmas money. It's a Savage 10pc.

    I recently got approved to take two classes for my scoped rifle certification. In April I'm taking the OPOTA ( Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy) Basic Precision rifle class. I am responsible for the tuition fee and providing my own ammo(150 rounds match). In June I will be taking the Precision Rifle Operator class to get my certification. I am also responsible for tuition and 250 round match ammo.

    Basically I have till the middle of April to obtain a reliable scope, base, rings, bipod, ammuntion and my tuition fee to attend the class. This would be a huge help for me and it would be put to good use. I pray that this rifle will spend my career with me as a training tool, but if the situation calls, I will have a tool to protect my community and my fellow officers. Thanks Frank and God bless.

    Brother, I can't help you with glass as that is something I don't have enough of for myself. I personally sold most of my expensive glass to cover the tuition for my homeland security courses. So you and I are sort of in the same canoe.

    Though I can't give you glass, I can help you with a bipod. It is used and painted (can be stripped to black), but it is better than nothing. It's nothing fancy, but has served me well... I have gone to a rail-mounted one that I can share between gas guns and bolt guns, and I don't need it as much as you.

    PM me your shipping info. Also tell me your hat size and I may have some other stuff for ya.

    BTW- i'm not trying to one-up lowlight here, just get a cop what he needs.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Lowlight- THanks!!! It looks like a tough decision... but thank you for taking the time to care and TAKE CARE OF!!!
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Have you tried to contact Leupold to warranty it? I bet they would take care of you if you explained the situation. Good luck on the scope, sucks having to pay for your own gear. </div></div>

    I sent it to them right after it happened and they said because the defects was not in materials or workmanship but due to the end users actions, the scope would not be fixed under the warranty. They would repair it but the cost would be just about the price of a new scope, so I passed.

    We ended up using it for c.s. training one day.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    Wow, Frank is all I can say!!
    Toughest thing to do now is for you to decide who is the most needy!!

    Small LE departments are still very underfunded and it's no BS most officers do have to purchase their own equipment. It was that way in our dept for many years until population growth increased the tax base for the dept to fund it's people properly!

    Kudos to you for considering someone in need!!
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sudnit5</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Have you tried to contact Leupold to warranty it? I bet they would take care of you if you explained the situation. Good luck on the scope, sucks having to pay for your own gear. </div></div>

    I sent it to them right after it happened and they said because the defects was not in materials or workmanship but due to the end users actions, the scope would not be fixed under the warranty. They would repair it but the cost would be just about the price of a new scope, so I passed.

    We ended up using it for c.s. training one day.

    That's why you got my vote-not only are you SOL from the lens breaking, but Leupy has left you high and dry (figured that would be or was the case-they'll never see another nickel of mine!).
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    A little over a year ago I saved some cash, got a little help from my wife as my xmas gift and sold my baseball card / memorabilia collection to fund this rifle. Its a Savage 10FP with EGW 20 moa base, Weaver tactical rings, harris bipod and at the time a Millet TRS-1. The Millett has since been sold, I wasn't happy with it. It just wasn't for me. My wife and I had our 3rd child since and she has been staying at home. So needless to say saving for its replacement has been slower that I hoped for! I have been focusing most of my extra cash and christmas present for this year on a trainer since it is obviously cheaper to shoot. I have a goal to shoot my first comp this year up at TVP! I have got lucky finding some equipment. A RCBS press with tons of goodies that I got off a guy at work for a hundred bucks. Sold all the 30 carbine and 45ACP extras that came with it for 75. So having 25 bucks in a press with some reloading equip was a steal! Never used a FFP optic before. Figured I would save for a SS 10x or Vortex Viper in the meantime. Thanks for the opportunity Frank, very classy gesture! Though I would very much enjoy this optic on my rifle I would not be disappointed at all if this went to someone in the Military! Happy holidays to all!
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I will throw in my vote for the LEO's in this thread. That being said, either officer can send me a PM and I will send my $100 gift certificate from SWFA towards a SS 3-9ffp or 10X HD. I'm looking for slightly higher mag variable and either of you are far more deserving than me.

    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sudnit5</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Have you tried to contact Leupold to warranty it? I bet they would take care of you if you explained the situation. Good luck on the scope, sucks having to pay for your own gear. </div></div>

    I sent it to them right after it happened and they said because the defects was not in materials or workmanship but due to the end users actions, the scope would not be fixed under the warranty. They would repair it but the cost would be just about the price of a new scope, so I passed.

    We ended up using it for c.s. training one day.
    </div></div> Dang. Both you and Tip2oo3 have a bad situation. Good luck to each of you.
    Re: SH Post Xmas giveaway, Bushnell FFP mil/mil

    I know a guy and this is his scope:



    I am hoping that if Frank gives him a very good mil/mil scope it will get him so invigorated with precision shooting he will retire his airsoft guns, Transformers bed sheets, and 10 year old video games. It would be the highlight of his internet life and good karma will fall upon the 'Hide.