Fuck em mtncreek.. well see if these yankees still laughin when shtf and they got enemies inside the wire, latte sippin skinny Jean wearing hipsters and BLM shitheads completely surrounding their homes. As for me if all else fails, I'll retreat down south georgia way.. plant my flag at million pines plantation, and make my stand amongst the ice smoking cross burners of that region who will never know tyranny as long as theres a tweaked up skinhead left to draw the trigger!
lol honestly tho yall folks up north come up with some funny stereotypes. I mean don't get me wrong I met some dudes like that in jail and while I did stick to my own kind in there I damn sure ain't letting them get any inclination they're bout to send me on some suicide mission. Obviously I kept my race traitor ways in the bedroom to myself (it for a good cause anyhow, convertin liberal chick's with some good ol southern lovin). Anywho, them types are real rare and mostly all reside in taxpayer funded hotels, people lIke mtncreek..me, we just regular dudes with big dicks and total disdain for where the "Deep State" is taking us; that is, off a god danged cliff...