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Rifle Scopes SHOT 2020


Dark Lord Of Optics
Full Member
  • Feb 22, 2006
    New Mexico
    Who is going to SHOT next month?

    Every year I try to meet with a few people at SHOT, but cell phone connectivity there can be pretty crappy, so it gets iffy.

    This time around, as I put together my SHOT schedule, I am going to try to allocate time to hang out for an hour or two at a couple of different optics manufacturers, so if you want to come say hi and put a face to a name, stop by there. Otherwise, trying to find a specific person at SHOT is kinda like searching for a needle in a haystack.

    What do you think?



    10AM Tangent Theta, 20536
    11AM Vortex, 4049
    12PM ZCO 3562
    1PM March Optics (Booth 3263)

    Wednesday (I will spend most of the day in the Pop-up Pavillion on Wednesday):
    9AM Hoplite Arms 61901. I'll be there for an hour at least or a bit more.

    9AM Meopta 10176
    10AM Leica 12519
    12PM Burris/Steiner

    I'll be visiting a lot more people, obviously, but I figured I'll throw out a few times and booths each day.

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    Can you get back to us on what ever vortex is working on? We are waiting for a 3-18 amg or something else high end.

    Pop-Up Wednesday Booth #61901. Immediately on the right side of the Main (Center) entrance of that room.

    We have some optics information to discuss in person :)


    Yes, we do.

    Hoplite Arms was actually one of the places where I was going to hang out for a bit and meet people if anyone is interested.

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    Quigley-Ford, however, does have the most hil-arious J. Peterman-sque name.

    Screw the Quigley’s, I’m jonesing for the latest Simmons and Tasco releases.

    Wow you got an invite to Hoplite

    Not me , I had no idea he even had a booth

    I will be wandering


    I mentioned in one of the podcast threads that I damn sure needed to meet up with you at the show for you to get your hands on the rifles!!
    We were only able to get the Wednesday "Pop-Up" booth (#61901) day but we are immediately on the right upon the center (Main) entrance.

    I love knife stuff,

    I usually grab a Strider ProTech at SHot

    Tyler, not sure of you are just speaking in general or to me, but i have stopped by before you all blew me off. LOL. In your defense I think you were working on a printer isssue at the time
    I don't think you were referring to me, but I was into knives before I was into guns, so I always visit a bunch of knife booths.

    Which knifemakers?


    Dawson Knives

    I'm good friends with the main knife makers there, John Roy and Dennis Cook.
    They are out of Prescott Valley, AZ

    I'm hoping to get them to be commercial sponsors on the site here next year, they just have to wait till they actually have time to read forums and respond as right now they are in the not enough time to sleep part of the yearly knife making schedule.

    I'll get their booth information from them when they have a break in the action.
    Dawson Knives

    I'm good friends with the main knife makers there, John Roy and Dennis Cook.
    They are out of Prescott Valley, AZ

    I'm hoping to get them to be commercial sponsors on the site here next year, they just have to wait till they actually have time to read forums and respond as right now they are in the not enough time to sleep part of the yearly knife making schedule.

    I'll get their booth information from them when they have a break in the action.

    Dawson knives are in booth 210 according to the SHOT Planner.

    I'll swing by. I looked at their designs on the web and several look interesting. Besides, I like 3V.

    Ilya, find someone to make that high quality, compact and super lightweight, 1" tubed 3-12x36 FFP hunting scope, with low profile capped and finger adjustable .1 mil turrets, via nice mil tree reticle as well, that we discuss every year "but never happens". ;)

    I am close. There will be a meeting on that at SHOT.

    Will a compact 2-15x42 or something along those lines do? Let's say a weight of about 20-21 ounces and overall length of less than 11 inches.

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    I am close. There will be a meeting on that at SHOT.

    Will a compact 2-15x42 or something along those lines do? Let's say a weight of about 20-21 ounces and overall length of less than 11 inches.


    Yes it would but the main draw to a scope like this is the weight and that it can be mounted low to the barrel, that's why I was thinking 36mm, ounces count. It has to come in desirable enough in the weight and size department to beat out the existing 30mm tubed offerings or it won't sell well.
    Oh and a nice wide eyebox, as well as close focus ? as long as we're dreaming.

    Because both my CZ527 and my HK300, (insert favorite SBR hunter here) look stupid and feel top heavy with 30mm scopes on them. The titanium 6 pound bolt rifle I'd like to build would too.

    Not everyone needs 100moa travel, right?! Probably 95% of hunters would be fine keeping shots inside 600Y, if I were to guess.
    Yes it would but the main draw to a scope like this is the weight and that it can be mounted low to the barrel, that's why I was thinking 36mm, ounces count. It has to come in desirable enough in the weight and size department to beat out the existing 30mm tubed offerings or it won't sell well.
    Oh and a nice wide eyebox, as well as close focus ? as long as we're dreaming.

    Because both my CZ527 and my HK300, (insert favorite SBR hunter here) look stupid and feel top heavy with 30mm scopes on them. The titanium 6 pound bolt rifle I'd like to build would too.

    Not everyone needs 100moa travel, right?! Probably 95% of hunters would be fine keeping shots inside 600Y, if I were to guess.

    I don't think I can convince anyone to go with a 1" tube. It will likely be a 30mm design.

    I agree on the smaller objective, I would prefer a 36mm myself.


    Any word of Tangent Theta releasing the mysterious hunter series optic in 3-15 with adjustable locking turrets in mils?


    You are definitely trying to troll this thread, lol.....everyone knows that "hunters" do not adjust/hold in "mils"; they transitioned to the revolutionary "pie plate" increments years and years ago.

    The ol 270 shoots quarter pie.....


    You are definitely trying to troll this thread, lol.....everyone knows that "hunters" do not adjust/hold in "mils"; they transitioned to the revolutionary "pie plate" increments years and years ago.

    The ol 270 shoots quarter pie.....


    LOL, I must have missed the announcement.

    Aren't you supposed to be working on my Sentinel/.223 build ;). Where's my update!!!
    Not sure if I'll make it this year. SHOT is cool and all, but last time I had a little control problem at the blackjack tables. Didn't turn out so bad in the end - but it could have!

    They need to hold SHOT somewhere else damn it...
    • Haha
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    I love knife stuff,

    I usually grab a Strider ProTech at SHot

    Tyler, not sure of you are just speaking in general or to me, but i have stopped by before you all blew me off. LOL. In your defense I think you were working on a printer isssue at the time

    You're more than welcome Frank, but I sure hope I didn't personally blow you off. We were quite busy, but I certainly know who you are and was looking to see you last year!

    We saved a bunch of butts printing stronger parts for folks who had other prototypes break, that was presumably what had me busy if I was around?

    Anyway, lets catch up this year.
    I'll be skipping Shot this year. Leaving the wife alone for a week with both kids right after her Christmas stress out season would put me in the dog house. I think next year, with the older then in school much of the day, will be more manageable.
    I'll be skipping Shot this year. Leaving the wife alone for a week with both kids right after her Christmas stress out season would put me in the dog house. I think next year, with the older then in school much of the day, will be more manageable.

    That's a shame, but I see where you are coming from.

    Next year, then.
