Re: SHWW Group
All this sounds like a great time!!!! Love it.
I like the idea of minimum 5 matches.
A thought would be this. Average the shooters score after each match with his previous average. That way the person coming to 7 matches will still be able to compete for the cup against the person that attended all 12 matches. This would make it fair for people living a long way from the match. People living close to the match will probably be at every one.
I am very lucky to be married with two young girls, but that also means my time is valuable away from work and such.
Just thinking that if the final days score gets added to the previous day and so on than the only people in the race would essentially be the shooter that attend every match.
I was breaking it down like this- if we need a minimum of 5 matches in a season to qualify for the cup
Shooter 1-
Attends 7 matches
100 possible points per match-Scores 50,60,60,80,90,80,90
His average score for the points race would -72.85
Total added score -510
Shooter 2
Attends 12 matches
Scores of-40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,35
Average score for the points race-62.5
Total added score- 750